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Die Hard

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Everything posted by Die Hard

  1. So, the owner of the Saints comes out publicly... and basically states what so many in this thread have suggested. But when you cover it with the cloak “protecting the integrity of the game”.... you aren’t a conspiracy theorist but a person of principle. Headlining on ESPN right now: http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/25863631/concern-nfl-4-officials-nfc-championship-game-live-southern-california And THIS for a media darling team like the New Orleans Saints. What platform does a team like the Redskins - universally hated for Dan Snyder and the disparaging team name - have when they’re the victim? ZZZZZZzzzzzzz. Refs are one of the main reasons why I can’t watch professional sports any more. It’s no longer about the integrity of competition/sport.... it’s about the bottom line (cash). It’s WWE as far as I can tell.
  2. What am I missing in that pic? Everything looks legit ?
  3. You are both beautiful people! Thanks brothers!!
  4. I was always positive (certain) about week 1 under Shanahan. That guy schemed for that game the minute the schedule was released. It seems almost at the expense of the rest of the season ? But Gruden doesn’t share that same urgency for week 1.
  5. Right??!? Admittedly, he's right up there though. But I think if he would have been acknowledged by his father based on his loyalty and deeds, he may in fact have turned out completely different. He then went into survival mode. But someone taught him how to filet people.... that behaviour isn't innate :-)
  6. Ok. Now here's the thing. I get why people may think/believe this... but let's open this up to inquiry :-) Can we know for certain that Ramsey was pure evil? Was every action/decision of his evil? Or just the ones we know of :-) He was a **** child... and no matter how good of a son you were (ahem, Jon Snow), it wasn't a very privileged life. And if I remember correctly, he sought the approval of his dad repeatedly (winning battles on his behalf). The dude just wanted some love and validation from his old man... just like every one of us :-) And I'm pretty sure.... we all LOVED the dude when he captured and tortured Theon Greyjoy -- after he ransacked the North castle (the Stark kingdom). I'd say he was the hero for a bit -- and was rather comical doing it :-) So, *purely* evil? I'd disagree.
  7. Shoot the one that looks more evil... your intuition is never wrong! :-)
  8. Will you post in this thread? Or are you PM'ing them? :-)
  9.    Think about it. We were one of the teams that were identified as being interested very early. Most Redskins fans laughed it off as old media narratives. Then, it was quickly down to the Redskins and 49ers. He visits Washington the next day... where we are given the impression that it was just a matter of formality he signs.... and only in the 11th hour do we even hear that the Saints made a last ditch effort as a mystery team -- and that Drew Brees was willing to take a pay cut. So we've witnessed first-hand.... that it is possible to remain incognito despite the high profile of the player. I like the signing... don't get me wrong. But the way this story broke reminded me of the ways the old Redskins FO liked to do business. And I was kinda happy to be done with that.
  10. In all the hype and hoopla of the Joshua Norman signing.... something has been lost. Since GMSM took over.... it's been a very tight-lipped front office. No leaks. We heard about signings on the day of.... without the slightest idea of players visiting. Visits were reported after the fact. But this Normal ordeal... a lot of information came out early. Unprecedented. People knew when he'd arrive, how he was arriving, what coaches were on Redskins One, what players were participating in recruiting, Norman's visiting party, etc. There hasn't been any leaks... until now. And we all praised the feature as a manifestation of a competent front office. So what changed?
  11. Did an ``actual`` licensed physician offer a flu vaccine in lieu of the request for an ebola vaccine?
  12. As a Knicks fan... I want the Knicks to walk away from Melo. That max contract is just stupid. He isn`t worth it. Saving face is rarely ever worth it. If only my Sabres had not matched the Oilers Thomas Vanek contract... 5 1st-round picks. They would have had a dynasty by now.
  13. Agreed. I thought to give him the benefit of the doubt.... but after a lot of reviews... it became obvious that he was riding inside, then went outside to engage... and then you see him stop pedaling to brace for contact -- which I`d imagine would have a different impact for a cyclist that was still pedaling. And not only did he destroy that old man`s shoulder.... but you can see the ricochet of the impact domino about 2-3 people backwards. What if there was a little kid behind the guy.... do they deserve that.
  14. I`m a casual NBA fan.... and even I know Chris Broussard is wrong. Always wrong. I can`t believe he is employed. He just says things that people want to hear.... attaches the word `sources` to it... and the message spreads and that somehow gives it some validity.
  15. Too funny not to post.http://www.somastruct.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/SoccerDive.gif
  16. That doesn't only happen in Walmart. I see that kinda stuff in grocery stores all the time: - Item $2.00 each or 2 for $4.00. I got an email ad from Staples today... for hand sanitizer. On sale for $3.59 each, regular price $3.56 each.
  17. I felt bad... until I saw the game was in Montreal and it was pretty likely a Canadiens fan :-)
  18. Personally, I would have gave her in elbow in the face... and when she was flailing her legs kicking, I would have grabbed a leg and broke her knee. 100% agree. Talk is talk.... but if she throws the first punch... she should enjoy an experience she should never forget.
  19. I`m gonna go drink some red tea.... sounds exotic!
  20. Why do people interpret an extra year on a contract and the money that comes with that year.... as something he's foregoing? That's only true if he doesn't play in 5 years. Does anyone think that in 4 years, when he's a free agent again, that he's not going to get another fat contract that will pay him $20M/year? Essentially, he's leaving $10, maybe $15m on the table.
  21. Damn, I`m sure that must`ve really messed that dude up. I thought he braced for it... but after a few more views he had his back to it and didn`t see it coming. Straight in the mid back. Yikes.
  22. Donut shocker. I haven`t laughed out loud like that in weeks. Thank you.
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