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Die Hard

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Everything posted by Die Hard

  1. I think some of you are really missing the boat on this thread.... and have used the thread as an excuse to post random photos.
  2. Says a BoSox fan whose team just signed Crawford for $142 million..... a number higher than what the Yankees offered Lee. ---------- Post added December-14th-2010 at 12:42 PM ---------- And what's Gonzalez going to cost? BoSox fans crack me up. Seriously. You're all just dumb.
  3. Cashman is running the show now... and he's intent on doing things the right way. Building up the farm system... signing FA's when available... and an emphasis on pitching. They turned it around. and the Knicks will turn it around too :-) Just as my Redskins have done.
  4. http://blog.prorumors.com/2010/04/rumors/carl-crawford-rumors-will-crawford-be-in-the-yankees-of-in-2011/ http://blog.prorumors.com/2010/04/rumors/carl-crawford-contract-rumors-12-14-million-per-season/ http://jorgesaysno.blogspot.com/2009/11/hypothetically-speaking-carl-crawford.html
  5. Werth is 31 years old this year... and a free agent after the season. Not a guy you want to invest heavy dollars in. Crawford is 28 this year... and he wants to come to the Yanks. and he adds power and speed. Imagine Gardner and Crawford in the same lineup?
  6. You don't think they're going to sign Carl Crawford (Rays) in the offseason?
  7. Yes, so crazy. Using the same philosophy that prevented them from trading for Johan Santana... allowed them to keep Phil Hughes, sign CC Sabathia and AJ Burnett as FA's.. and win a World Series. People are just haters. You laugh at the Yankees when they were continually trading prospects for players and losing. And then you laugh at the Yankees for not doing that.
  8. It's a win-win for the Yanks. They didn't give up their prized prospect... and they got the Rangers -- and not the Rays -- to pony up. As if the Rangers are a threat to the Yanks in the post-season. Is there any doubt that he's a Yankee next year? They didn't go through all that.... by offering Montero... without serious interest in acquiring him AND giving him a huge contract. He's as good as ours next offseason. Now, if we can only convince Pettitte to stick around. He's been phenomenal the past few years... I'm not sure how he can hang it up right now considering how dominating he's become so late in his career.
  9. I'm torn. He'd definitely improve the rotation. And they'll have to trade Vasquez. But maybe they're going back to the formula that wins games/championships. Their offensive guys are putting up very low numbers this year.. and they're still the best team in baseball. Why? Pitching. If you have great pitching... there's enough offense on the roster to get enough runs to win ball games. I wouldn't do it though... but I can understand. I just wouldn't necessarily approve.
  10. A local friend of mine "liked" a photographer on facebook. I'm looking for a professional photographer... so I decided to check out his work. Apparently, he likes to photograph body-building competitions... but this photo caught me off guard and made me LOL. So I thought I'd share.
  11. Amazing that people haven't clued in. Some members can difficult. No matters how many times it was stated to keep it clean..... no matter how explicit the directions were for the limitations of the photos.... it would go without fail that some member would test the limits and post topless women, see-through clothing (top and bottom), g-strings, etc. We all know there's porn on the internet and we know how to find it. It should have been obvious to anyone with a single brain cell what was appropriate and what wasn't. Apparently, some members are too dense. Moderating is a volunteer service.... and in a perfect situation.... there would be minimal effort required with the hopes that the community would police itself. But when you give a toy bb gun to a child... and you tell them to shoot ONLY specific targets and yet they continually shoot their peers in the face... eventually you decide to simply take the bb gun away rather than waste your time driving kids to the ER every day. Not any more complicated than that.
  12. No. There's a picture of the group of 7 of us in the history thread.... none of us were young or blonde
  13. On the season.... we go 9-0 without you there. 0-2 when you are in attendance. Both teams we lost to.... we beat twice each during the course of the season. Not only did we beat them twice each... but we destroyed them in all 4 of those games. You figure it out The league made some big offseason changes. Though I'm inclined to retire... I know I'll have an all-star fullback and tailback that will destroy the league next year... as well as 3 returning offensive linemen. The temptation is there... but it'll be a hard sell with the wife. But I am enjoying the BJJ training... as so is Liam. And it's about time I spend some time on myself... than continually giving it to others
  14. There isn't a mod/staff member who hasn't disappointed me or pissed me off at least once I had a lot invested in ES (money, time, etc).... it was my baby... one of the few things in life that I held some ownership in.... so yes, I had certain expectations and visions for it. And Eric and I did encourage our staff to take ownership... and we valued your feedback. Even when it came at our own expense, though begrudgingly. And I can honestly say I'm still the same person today as I was back then. I never changed -- which is a large part of what gets me in trouble It was a difficult decision to part ways with something I invested so much in.... but it was the right decision. And no regrets. I've applied that same passion and commitment to other endeavors in my life.... and it's given me just as much frustration and fulfillment as ES.com. I seem to have a 5-year attention span First with coaching football and now with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. And only the latter has actually been good for my health
  15. Fortunately, Jumbo joined the staff AFTER I left But I don't live with regrets.... and I stand by anything I've ever said and done.
  16. And to be fully thorough, the story wouldn't be complete without the backstory behind the official ExtremeSkins tailgate.... for which you need to speak with Pez/Huly. I think that's an important part of the site history.
  17. And the "Pick'em Contest" and "The Man" contest.... both popular contests which were eventually automated. So many great features.... so much blood, sweat, tears... so much useful code.... gone to rest into the internet wasteland. Sad reminder.
  18. And for the record..... thanks for finishing this project. I had so many on the go at any given time..... it's easy to see how this project could consume one's life. And my attention span limit is at about 5 years.... then I like to move onto something new My dream when I left.... was that I hoped that the staff would care as much for the site as I did.... that they would take ownership in the project... and take it above and beyond where I did. That's how I made peace with the decision. ES.com was such a huge endeavor... it simply couldn't have been done by 1 person. And when you take on a project on this magnitude... you don't think about the logistics. But to be a huge success.... takes a lot of money... and a lot of help.
  19. VBportal 3.0 http://web.archive.org/web/20030202182555/http://www.extremeskins.com/ Fan Map: http://web.archive.org/web/20030202075648/www.extremeskins.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=NS-IncludePage&file=fanmap Roster Database (look familiar?) http://web.archive.org/web/20030223132749/www.extremeskins.com/modules.php?op=modload&file=sort_result&name=roster http://web.archive.org/web/20040208152931/www.extremeskins.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=roster&file=search_u Front Office Database: http://web.archive.org/web/20040208142448/www.extremeskins.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=frontoffice&file=search_u Draft Database: http://web.archive.org/web/20031203022551/www.extremeskins.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=roster&file=draft_u Games Database: http://web.archive.org/web/20040403224052/www.extremeskins.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=games&file=gamesearch_u -- Does the design look familiar at all?!?! And anyone else notice that the "year" variable in the pull-down menu only goes up to 2004... and another website hasn't had any updates since 2004? Go figure.
  20. Mark, Tarhog didn't have anything to do with the databases. FYI, I know I have 3 of your PM's stored that I need to respond to. I will. Just bee extremely busy of late.
  21. The reason why that database's information hasn't been updated since 2004.... was coincidentally as far as I went with data entry into OUR database. Blade and I went ragged purchasing Redskins media guys dating back to the 1940's... to get rosters, numbers, positions, draft position, etc. It was a huge endeavor. Blade built the databases (player database, game database, draft pick database)... and I did all the data entry. That hack merely copied all our code... without a single modification. And it hasn't been updated... because there wasn't anything more to steal.... because I didn't update it since well before the merger (August 2005).
  22. Excuse my ignorance.... I'm relatively new to MMA and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Just last week one of my sparring partners showed me an instructional Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu video of BJ Penn. He told me BJ Penn got his black belt in BJJ in 2 years (unheard of).... and that his arsenal isn't all that elaborate.... he just knows enough of the critically important moves and executes them very well/efficiently. Does that sound like the same guy you're describing?
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