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Die Hard

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Everything posted by Die Hard

  1. I called out Ron Rivera as a coach in year 2, game 4 (the game against the Bills). I was the first to jump off his bandwagon… and everything be thought I was nuts coming to off the playoff game the season before. Ill give Quinn a chance. I don’t hate the hire… I just view this decision more than likely as a bridge. I know the Harris group were preaching they wanted ‘leadership’. They’re entitled to that. But I don’t think that’s what this franchise needs right now. Its literally just coming off a HC whose coaching strength was leadership… not X’s and O’s. He was totally hands off on the coordinators. He was a manager. And his teams were outcoached/out schemed every week… always falling into deficits and having to claw back through sheer will/determination and luck. Even for all his rah rah ‘Start strong’ nonsense… it didn’t work. Instead, I think this team needs an innovative/progressive young guy… who is a wiz and can coach players up.I want to win through preparation/strategy. Maybe Quinn can win… I suppose we’ll see. Im just very skeptical. Im sure he’s a great guy. Apparently we have a roster of those. Right now I prefer talented guys… and winners/producers. That goes for coaches and players.
  2. I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what was said after the Rivera hire. He was a straight-up, tell you where you stand, military background…. leadership style. He was a culture setter… which is why Dan had to cede full control and created a coach-centric model… because that was the only way to attract the quality of coach Rivera was sold to be. He hired JDR… who was a highly regarded former DC… who said he was going to come in here and simplify schemes so the players could use their physical strengths and play fast. And everybody was happy. Until the games started.
  3. In Canada, we call it MAID (Moderator Assistance In Dying). 😂🤣
  4. The roster doesn’t suck. Again, 5 months ago… Rivera was heralded here by all for creating a solid roster full of young talent. One of the youngest teams in the league. So good, that we just needed a franchise QB as the missing piece. Then Rivera tanks the season and now the roster completely sucks. Coaching did this team in last year. It’s not a contending team as is… but it is not barren by any stretch.
  5. This a new narrative that’s developed only the the last 48 hours as a coping tool. 3 weeks ago the Commanders situation was unanimously the prime coaching spot and of all the openings flush with cap space, draft collateral, and regime change willing to spend. And that’s why the team was linked to the hottest coaching candidates. Now the roster sucks and the facilities are substandard. Which no one has said anywhere other than a few posters in this board. 😂🤣 And SIP, I’m pretty sure I read a post of yours just a couple of days ago saying you thought the defense wasn’t lacking in talent… but failed because of coaching and thus can turn around pretty fast. Am I remembering incorrectly?
  6. My Buffalo Sabres did this just a few years ago with Ralph Krueger… who was signed from an English soccer club as some head honcho. It ended TERRIBLY as one would expect. Regardless of the result… this process has been a clown show. How the hell do you get to where Peter’s is… and not have a shortlist of guys you’re ready to hitch your wagon to. Where are all those relationships that are built in the biz? I said it about Bienemy too.
  7. It’s so nice thatI don’t even need to post my thoughts any more… because you continue to habitat my consciousness. I posted the exact same sentiments last week… almost word for word… but just much less of them 😂
  8. It actually already started in 2016… he was already talking about it leading up to the election against Hilary. But once he won… he didn’t have to push the agenda any further.
  9. That’s like setting up high expectations about a new team name and the settling on the Commanders. New regime so you get some longer rope. You pick Quinn, I’m sure everyone will eventually get in line. But it comes with DNR order. Because if you’re wrong… and Quinn fails here after 4-5 years… the fandom will be officially dead. The fans will be a lot more forgiving swinging for the fences. Quinn is not the Fassell hire though. That would be Morris.
  10. Ok, Canales was my number 2 get for HC. Pairing him with Bryce Young (mini RW?)… seems like a potentially good fit. Moving forward, I’ll be comparing their trajectory to ours. Ben Johnson or MacDonald or bust.
  11. I’ve always liked Fangio and have wanted him hermany times in the past when opportunities arose. Alas it was never meant to be. But dude has really been around the league… it’s almost seems purposeful he never came to Washington.
  12. 💯 The way some people use it makes me believe it’s a nervous tick.
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