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Die Hard

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Everything posted by Die Hard

  1. My dealer delivers - I live in the country …. 3 ounces for $100. Life is good.
  2. And if Morey gets fired… imagine that unenviable scenario that his successor walks into. Are you forced to trade Harden? Or give him what he wants and kiss and make up? My fellow Knick fans in the periphery.
  3. Listening to Buffalo sports talk radio on this the other day. After reviewing the tape, slo-mo and stills, the consensus was Joe Buck was at fault. 😂
  4. You totally get full marks. 🙂 And if you look in the QB thread, I said in during the off-season he’s going to be a top 10 NFL QB. Without any football pedigree or draft evaluation. Just a few highlights. You can tell pretty quickly the kid has all the tools.
  5. Of course this pops up in my newsfeed yesterday. https://www.axios.com/2023/08/20/gen-z-millennials-tv-movies-subtitles
  6. RIP Rick Jeanneret: 1942–2023 Legendary/iconic Buffalo Sabres broadcaster and play-by-play announcer. One of the best ever in the biz. Some of the best and most memorable calls in NHL history. If you’re unfamiliar, catch some highlights on YouTube. In his prime, he’d have you on the edge of your seat the entire game… and raised your blood pressure every few minutes. His health deteriorated the past few years including losing his voice… and he wasn’t the same. But he was a big/beloved part of the Sabres family/community for a really long time. Taking over for another Sabres legend Ted Darling. A bit of every Sabres fan died today. It’s truly a sad day.
  7. One thing about this message board software I never like from the beginning… and especially so after all the millions of threads/post…. is the search feature. It doesn’t function as well as it could/should… so I wouldn’t waste my time with it. 😂 But I will say… I was just as surprised as you are about all the pushback I got. Seems like a no brainer…
  8. I remember a few years ago I mentioned here that Trump was definitely 300+… and all but 1 agreed with me. So I’ve got some stake (crow) in this. 😁😂
  9. Coining it now. Howellelujah!! Cant wait for the royalty checks to come in!! 😂😂
  10. Growers don’t want it to be viewable either, even if it’s legal. That’s how plants get stolen. So I’ve been told.
  11. Brian Cashman has been a terrible GM for so long. His contract keeps expiring and Hal keeps renewing. It’s infuriating. He’s so arrogant… despite his constant:multitude of failures.
  12. I just don’t like Rivera as our HC. For all the reasons you’ve stated, and so many others. 🙂 Good human… an average coach. He did a great job with the off-field stuff while working under Snyder. His teams never quit, I’ll give him that. But on the field, Rivera put his team in so many holes/disadvantages…. that they couldn’t overcome most of them. It was like they were always playing with one-hand behind their back and waiting until they had nothing to lose (each game/season), before they show any fight. And they’d close the gap and keep things close… but never good enough or before running out of time.
  13. Nope. Not without a red hat, pins, and clothing attire that has Trump’s face or the American flag displayed prominently.
  14. Agreed. Wright seemed to infer that EB has been the biggest facilitator of cultural change in the building in this process. Reading between the lines, moreso than Ron.
  15. What another epic debacle on Ron. He delayed and delayed a hire… and then just promoted the in-house assistant. All these years in the NFL… and it seems like he’s never really developed much of a network.
  16. Dude, have you ever been in game day thread? People live and die by each play! 😂😂 But I always have a browser open with that thread loaded. I’d rather watch others go through it and experience it second-hand (indirect). It helps me keep my own sanity.
  17. As a physical therapist and body-mind coach specializing in chronic pain, I could have written your post. Well done.
  18. Yeah, I’m pretty sure the bible has many instances where Jesus turned to his many disciples and said, ““Wake the f— up you little s—. What the f— are you all doing? Get the f— out of here. You are defiling the space you [pieces of s—].” What would Jesus do?
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