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August 7th coverage of Redskins Training Camp







Richmond --  Overcast rainy day here in Richmond, sprinkling right now.  75 degrees at 8am.  Today's schedule is a walkthru at 10:45 am, Jay Gruden Presser at 2:45 and practice at 3pm.  This is subject to change with the possibility of thunderstorms this afternoon.  (and me forgetting to bring my poncho)  If the weather does as forcast with heavy rain and lightning the Redskins will conduct practice at an off-site location and it will be closed to media.


It is just sprinkling right now so I suspect that the walk thru will be here at the Bon Secours facility.


This will be a short day for me I will be leaving before practice begins.


One thing I noticed yesterday and forgot to mention was how low to the ground Junior Galette gets in his 4 point stance, his nose is almost hitting the ground.  I'm not sure if this is why he gets such a fast jump at the snap but it was an odd stance to look at.




Yesterday Trent Williams suffered a bruise on his stomach and did not go the full practice, today at walkthru's he was there for a short period, then was replaced by Ty Nsekhe so the left side of the line was Lauvao at guard and Nsekhe at tackle.  Not sure if his bruise was still bothering him or Nsekhe was getting some reps.  Walk thru's must be really boring for linemen, they more or less just stand there after the snap.  The receivers are walking thru their routes, and no passes get thrown.  They do hand off to the running backs but its all in slow motion.  It is really difficult to determine what type of  of play it is because both the O and D line are standing up and you can't see what is going on behind the lines.


A new record for Breeland, he was kicked out of walkthru's for fighting, actually not a real fight but he jammed Pryor really hard and it lead to some loud words and Gruden removed him from practice.  I think this was the first time that has ever happened in a walkthru.



Jamison Crowder's presser


Asked how he was feeling Crowder says he is doing better, its day to day, it is frustrating not to go out and compete.


He doesn't feel like he is behind, since they did a lot on OTA's. 


What he learned from recovering from his hamstring injury last year was just getting back healthy, just to try to be back and be ready for week 1.


He did not feel any lingering effects from his injury after he returned.


He is doing nothing different this year training for a move outside.  Just daily workouts, weight room, field work, to prepare to be a better receiver


He says as of now he is still the return guy and he hopes he can continue to do returns.


The receivers have had a good camp so far.  Doctson has made a lot of catches, Pryor made a lot of catches, Ryan Grant and pretty much everyone across the board has made plays.


He was asked about the intensity level in one on ones between receivers and defensive backs, he stated that is just how it is in camp and it is what you want, the competition. 

You want to make each other better.


He does not see his role changing in the red zone this year, he is going to be in the slot if I'm healthy and can go,  with the addition of Pryor, and Docston and Quick they have height and with Jordan Reed it will help us out tremendously in the red zone


He mentioned that Pryor with his size and speed for his size and his route running, he has really great routes, like a small guy.  I look forward to playing alongside him.



This is the end of my coverage for today, I need to get back to Northern VA to watch my grandson's football practice.  I'll report on that tomorrow ;)




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Training camp emergency rain procedure: If you need it and, like me, are a cheapskate and don't want to pay for rain-gear, find a stash of the big black trash bags near one of the garbage cans. In the past, they've kept a few rolled up, and close by, for when they empty the trash. Fashion yourself a stylish emergency poncho out of one. You'll stun, dazzle, and amaze the paparazzi as you hit the green carpet in your custom, cutting-edge, hand-made polyethylene poncho, and be the envy of all the soaking wet people around you. 

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10 hours ago, SoulSkin said:

Training camp emergency rain procedure: If you need it and, like me, are a cheapskate and don't want to pay for rain-gear, find a stash of the big black trash bags near one of the garbage cans. In the past, they've kept a few rolled up, and close by, for when they empty the trash. Fashion yourself a stylish emergency poncho out of one. You'll stun, dazzle, and amaze the paparazzi as you hit the green carpet in your custom, cutting-edge, hand-made polyethylene poncho, and be the envy of all the soaking wet people around you. 


Fortunately, the rain held off until around 10:00 pm tonight.


It was pouring here in Richmond about an hour ago. It is more of a moderate rain now with more heavy rain on the way.


Don't know if that will affect tomorrow's walk-through or not.

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