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The Evil Genius

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About The Evil Genius

  • Birthday 01/17/1975

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  • Birthdate
  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
    the early 1980's
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    John Riggins
  • Not a Washington Football Team Fan? Tell us YOUR team:
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  • Interests
    Golf, movies, tv, music
  • Occupation
    Time Lord

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  1. Personally I think there is a lot to be missed when kids skip over freshmen year of dorm life. Especially for what appears to be extremely sheltered home school kids. I get the finances of it though.
  2. Having lived most of my entire life in either very hot and humid Virginia Beach or the very very hot Sacramento area I have had exactly one car with leather seats. My first one, a 73 Benz 220. Got it off a used car lot and loved that thing until it became more of a nuisance than what it was worth. I've posted it before. 😆 Outside of the townhouse on Kempsville Greens Golf Course I grew up in.
  3. I did that with my '99 Mazda Protege already. 😁
  4. We currently have 4 Hondas (FIL lost his DL after a stroke last Fall)..for a house of 2 people. Don't need a new one. 😆 This Insight has 145k mikes on it but service wise it's doing fine. *knock on wood*..other than clear coat oxidizing on the roof.
  5. Godzilla minus one will be on Netflix starting tomorrow (June 1).
  6. Hey all. My 14yo Honda commuter has developed this on the roof in the last 18 months. I've tried waxing with no luck...any suggestions? 2nd pic shows you can scrape it off (I only scraped a small bit in the bottom left of that pic with my fingernail)..but am I scraping off the clear coat or something?
  7. I think I found that lost video of @PleaseBlitz at WVU. Hell yeah brother.
  8. Interesting that they're back with the original lead singer's (Bradley Nowell) son (Jakob) at the mic.
  9. Not surprising. Everyone who votes Trump is worried this will make them vote Trump again.
  10. Maga will likely cease when it stops being profitable for Trump. It's all a con. And he'll try to leave everyone to take the repercussions from it.
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