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Mr. Sinister

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About Mr. Sinister

  • Birthday 07/09/1988

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Profile Information

  • Birthdate
  • Interests
    Fitness, Boxing, all forms of Literature, History, Horror Movies, Video Games, anything 80's or 90's
  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Darrel Green, THE Fastest Man Ever
  • Not a Washington Football Team Fan? Tell us YOUR team:
    There Is No Other Team But The B&G
  • Location
    Boca Raton, FL
  • Zip Code
  • Interests
    writing poetry, writing personal novels,exercising,boxing,cooking,Scarlett Johannson,listening to Coldplay
  • Occupation
    Federal Protective Service

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  1. I'm hoping not, and he expands on those skills, making the game slightly harder than the first. Saw a ton of crossbow play and firearm usage in that video, and he was pretty much a novice with the bow. I hope we finally get that jousting mini game
  2. Slaughter the innocent? WHAT. This came out of nowhere. Holy ****
  3. I saw those guys on Pluto TV 😂. I refuse to believe actual humans are capable of **** like that lol. Literally did a Dark Souls 2 speed run with the character buck naked.
  4. I don't see a thread here for... Certain global events that might be going on. Since I know yall make threads for everything, I'm gonna go ahead and assume that one got nasty, and ended up locked 😬
  5. Mufumonk is like the Carl Sagan of Souls gamers lol. Good to see you again, buddy.
  6. Just end the season already. Immensely frustrating series of events.
  7. Sounds like my dad. Man literally Chopped a harmelss garden snake in half like he was Geralt of Rivia. Which is funny, bc gators weren't uncommon. He really had beef with snakes. I mean don't get me wrong, it was a big mother****er, but still... 😂
  8. Not a fan of remaster, but I'd love if they redid 1 and 2, as well. Would love to explore the Boneyard.
  9. Truly. I booted it up briefly on PSPlus, and I nearly went blind. Those graphics pretty harsh back when it came out. Now? Whoof.
  10. Some of my problem is that the console market feels saturated with games that play too similarly. Then I don't feel compelled to play or finish them quickly. I doubt I'd even be in a rush to play something like the next Grand Theft Auto. I want something new and innovative, and risky.
  11. Guy is never gonna be able to hold it together for 70-82+ postseason.
  12. The older ones were great, and totally unlike the rpg centric ones, which have been pretty meh for me.
  13. Oof. Sounds like he prob needed to head for the nearest clinic. I just let out a bit at a time to keep from pissing a frozen rope, usually in the morning. That morning piss is like a fire hose
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