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I would trust joe gibbs with my life, nonetheless My football team!!!!!

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I'm not upset w/ Coach....or the team. I question some moves - hope they work out and pray for the best.....I'm ready to start winning.....I was young and not as interested in football the last time Gibbs was around - I'm ready to see the brilliance first hand.

He was shaking the rust off last year....been a long hiatus.....being at all the games last year and watching some of the delay penalties, challenges/non-challenges and play calls was excruciating.....Hoping for good things this year...

That said - the thread title is a little whacked out.......

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Well, I trust the man and all, ( being that he does have just a tad more knowledge and experience in all things football than I do), but ummmmm.... I think I'll trust my life to me....


Unless he knows first aid or something.....then maybe...... ;)

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Originally posted by 3rd Generation Die Hard


Nothing personal against you, 3rd Gen, but I hate this stupid middle-finger thing. It's so ridiculously childish for a board that tries very hard to keep its posts free of outright bickering.

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Originally posted by 3rd Generation Die Hard

In Gibbs I trust

Can we get a count on who else here isnt upset with our team or coach. personally i think every move so far has been brilliant. Why? because I know JG has put more thought into every decision than any of us have put into any of these posts.

I trust Gibbs fully to get us back on track.

do you?

never said I was content/happy. I am not upset though

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Originally posted by mookie0720

Um...no I'm not happy with the team.

We were 6-10 last year, why should I be happy with the team?

Nobody should be happy with the team, and I'm pretty damn sure the coaches aren't happy with them either...

I may not be all peaches and cream like 3rd Gen, but I think a little optimism is ok...

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Originally posted by 3rd Generation Die Hard

i thikn that statement is deserving of the finger

That? That was light. That was nothing. Trust me. If you are going to stick arouns, you better get some thicker skin if that's all it takes to get a finger, because it can get a whole lot worse than that. And they're even nice about it. :)

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Originally posted by 3rd Generation Die Hard

i thikn that statement is deserving of the finger

Well I spent as much time thinking about my statement as you did about your thread.

My point is how general can you be?

Gibbs as a coach past & present, person in football terms and morally, and team president has been dissected on this board over and over again....

and it ends two ways...people who think Gibbs can never do wrong....or people that think he may have made a few errors and want to discuss that possibilty a little.

But a generic "I like Joe Gibbs. He is great. Who's with me?" thread is both redunant and a little juvenille.

Specifics man, what do you like about the guy? What about his moves do you like?

Is it really necessary to start a thread to say you like something in general? With nothing else behind it?

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Originally posted by 3rd Generation Die Hard

Granted the thread title was drama filled it was my first. I am frustrated that the talk on this board isnt how great we are gonna be next year. We are only gonna be as good as we believe. The vibe i get from a large majority of posters is we will be lucky to win as many games as super bowl trophies we have.

Before you jump to conclusions about the general feeling on the board, check out this recent poll.

We are as good as our players choose to be, and that's the end of it. Does coaching help? Undoubtedly. Does crowd noise help? Of course. But there are only 53 guys who directly impact the score, and they all wear pads.

Personally, I don't want a board where all of the talk is about how great we're going to be next year. The last time we won a superbowl I was 7 years old. Every year I hear how great we're going to be, and it never quite materializes. I love the Redskins and I will until I die, but a dose of realism before the season is healthy.

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I like Joe Gibbs and all, but I don't think I'd trust someone I don't know with my life anymore than I trust a cab driver to get me home safely after a night out.

Does anyone else think it's weird to see someone else with "Die Hard" as part of their name? 3rd Gen--one of the owners of the site has a similar handle--this isn't a dig at you at all.

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Originally posted by 3rd Generation Die Hard

Then start your own smarty pants and stay out of mine!


Actually, there's a ton of threads already on this. The point you're missing is you're cluttering up the board.

Originally posted by 3rd Generation Die Hard

i thikn that statement is deserving of the finger

I'm thinking you might want to post less for a few days & read the board more. Might help you get the "tone" we have here. It might also help you learn how to use the search feature. ;)

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