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The Official 2005 NFL/Redskins Draft Thread


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if gb doesn't take rodgers, do we take him?

personally, i don't want a qb. and if he's there, we'll have a chance to prove fatsarelli completely wrong by snagging a wr (roddy) or anything other than qb. to pass on rodgers and campbell, that is what i'm praying. prove the hutt wrong, please!!!!

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Whats funny is that last year M Williams was ranked 17th at best in the draft before the ruling so how did him sitting on his a$$ for a year catapult him into franchise wideout status when everyone compares him to keychain johnson another USC alum?

We already have a big receiver who is just as fast if not faster who even with the new rules is covered.

Heck we have linebackers who can cover M Williams

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Mel Kiper just said that he had Aaron Rodgers 3rd.

He picked him Number one in this weeks ESPN Magazine.

What a joke.

co·her·ent (kō-hîr'ənt, -hĕr'-)


Sticking together; cohering.

Marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts: a coherent essay.

Go back to school if you didn't understand.

GED is always a possibility.

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Originally posted by autograph

Mel Kiper just said that he had Aaron Rodgers 3rd.

He picked him Number one in this weeks ESPN Magazine.

What a joke.

co·her·ent (kō-hîr'ənt, -hĕr'-)


Sticking together; cohering.

Marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts: a coherent essay.

Go back to school if you didn't understand.

GED is always a possibility.

No, he said he had him second.

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