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Why is Lavar so Emotionaly Distraught?

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Start with not being able to walk on your own after surgery. This is a major buzz kill for most everyone who has had knee surgery (I've had 4).

Top that with being an elite pro athlete who was almost recovered from his last surgery and the rest is related to feeling sorry for himself - which is quite understandable.

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I imagine it's a combonation of alot of things.

New defensive coach each year he's been in the league, injuries, contract issues and losing have all played a part in this tantrum.

Can't say that I blame him, although I think the way he went about expressing it was lame.

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i picked other...he's human and speaks his mind. its not his feelings are fabricated, what he feels is what he feels. i don't see why people think players or even public figures have to be robots and always say the right thing. this is just as bad as the analysis of george w's ipod playlist. :doh:

obviously lavar feels wrong and hopefully it will be worked out. lavar will work hard and carefully to be back for his teammates. a healthy lavar is better than one with a bad wheel.

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For those of you have never had a surgery - or had to do extensive rehab - you can't imaging the physical and MENTAL toll it takes on you.

LA is a finely tuned athlete - and not being able to participate in training camp/play last season is probably driving him crazy. He has been rehabbing for a long time, with limited results. It is extremely frustrating. It is not an easy thing to do - especially when the press is reporting that his injury is "minor" and he should be back in a couple weeks.

I contend LA is frustrated, just had another set back and needed to vent.

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Originally posted by bccdc

For those of you have never had a surgery - or had to do extensive rehab - you can't imaging the physical and MENTAL toll it takes on you.

LA is a finely tuned athlete - and not being able to participate in training camp/play last season is probably driving him crazy. He has been rehabbing for a long time, with limited results. It is extremely frustrating. It is not an easy thing to do - especially when the press is reporting that his injury is "minor" and he should be back in a couple weeks.

I contend LA is frustrated, just had another set back and needed to vent.

Frustration does not explain LaVar's need to bad mouth his coaches or the Redskins organization...frustration makes you say things that are more personal, like "I should just retire...I dunno, man."...it does NOT make you say "They don't care about me, they rushed me back, I have no idea what they're doing, I don't care if they know about my feelings or not"...That is most likely the result of actual feelings coming to the surface. What made them come to the surface may be due in part to frustration....but what made LaVar decide to publicly spout them off instead of overriding those thoughts is immaturity, pure and simple.

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A combinatin of uncertainty regarding his inury and the fact that we had the best defense since he's been here with HIM ON THE BENCH.

Factor in that if the pending hearing goes his way and his contract is voided, he would potentially have to refund the bonus that he received and might? become a free agent that hasn't played much and has been crowing to the media for one thing or another for the last 2 years.

Not that any of this means much, 'cause I think it all really falls under "attention whore deficit disorder."

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He's already missed 11 games and has a very good shot at missing more. He's said for years he wants to be here, loves it here, and that we aren't far from winning. We have the capabilities now to be a contender, and he's on the sidelines. We also did pretty darn well without him, which he probably(hopefully not) takes as a sign. Fact is he's frustrated. It's hard when you can't do something that you love to do. There's promising that Lavar will ever come back either, seriously.

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