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45 Pound Bench Press


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This is a challenge to everyone responding to the 225lb bench press string. I have been working out regularly for 5 years. My bench press varies from 250- 290 depending on how disciplined I am being with my workouts. One day a freind of mine challenged me with this. try to bench press just the bar (45 lbs) 100 times. I try it from time to time. The most I have ever been able to do is 79 times. Not a regular workout thing, but its fun to try once in a while.

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Now, I do remember something like that, from my youth.

In Jr. High, and the first two years of High School, I ran Cross Country. For the High School part of that, I ran every weekday. (Coach was a runner, and had voluntary workouts during the offseasons and summer).

We moved to NoVa before starting my Jr year. To a place in Fairfax Co on a twisty gravel road, with no sidewalks, where you couldn't possibly run without taking your life in your hands.

My brother (also a runner) and I came up with an idea for how to exercise indoors.

We went downstairs to the weight bench (which neither of us had used), got two 10-pound weights, put the weights on our shoulders, and did 100 deep-knee bends. (Walking up two flights of stairs, afterwards, was interesting, too.)

After running daily for four years, I was 6-3 and weighed 155. After doing this exercise several times, I still weighed 155, but I swear my thigh measurement doubled.

I also wondered why, in gym class, the jocks all seemed impressed that I was able to leg press 900 lbs on the nautilus machine. (I knew I was just a wimpy runner, and assumed they were making fun of me.)

Now I read scouting reports that make me think that I was leg pressing weights that would put me in Rock Cartwright's class.

So, based strictly on personal experience, YMMV, and all that, Larry's Secret Training Formula to Get You Into NFL Shape is: Five years of running and cardio, followed by weight training at 100-reps weight.

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Originally posted by KINGBRICE_28

Anyone who is going to try the 45lbs reps don't do them fast........Your elbows will hurt like a MFfffff in the morning.....

I found out the hard way......

I never had that problem. Make sure you warm up and stretch out really well before any sort of weight lifting.

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Originally posted by project myu

LOL! Now I'm curious about doing this..

But since I go to the school gym, it'll look goofy, and seeing as how it doesn't really do anything anyways, I guess I'll never find out. :(

My friends and I did it every once in a while. Unless things have changed vastly in the 2 years I've been gone from high school, you'd be surprised at how willing people are to try things like this. Maybe we had a little respect in the weight room since we were on the football team, but nobody ever said anything about it looking goofy. (Although it definitely does once you get to rep 40 or so.)

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I've personally not done it since high school. I hit 203, the best in the school was 211. I have a kid on my team, a junior who benches 315 got 247. I had him tested immidiately ;)

It's fun to do once in awhile, but it doesn't do much more than show that your muscles are in good endurance shape.

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