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How many folks here own a Darrell Green jersey?


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As I was thinking of what jersey to buy in the offseason, all I could think about was worrying about that player leaving the team, and me being stuck with yet another jersey that ends up in the back of the closet never to be worn again. I really want a Sean Taylor jersey, but I have decided that no matter how good he ends up, I am waiting until he signs a second contract long term with the Redskins.

I think the perfect jersey for my dilemma is a Darrell Green jersey. Spent his entire career as a Washington Redskin, and was the epitome of class. That is someone who's jersey I would proudly wear year round. :notworthy

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Another thing I enjoyed about Darrell Green is that because of his longevity, he was a player that bridged a gap between two generations of 'Skins fans. I was alive, but too young to really FULLY enjoy the Skins dominance in the 80's, but Darrell Green was still playing all through my highschool years, and this was one player my Dad could tell me stories about, that I still got to watch every week on TV. Greatness.

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A Jersey?

How about those with multiple DG jersies? I've got three of them. A white ADIDAS Auth, a white Rebok replica, & a 70th replica.

I did however manage to change things up this past season & get a Portis burgundy replica.

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I got the 70th anny one. I bought it a couple years ago when the jerseys were like Mathew's, Wurfell, Gardner and Smoot, Ramsey and then DG. At the time I was like Hell No to Mathews/Wurfell, Smoot was still kinda so/so at the time back then and then Ramsey was a rookie. So DG was the only logical choice.

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Got two. The standard burgandy version and the retro 70th burgandy version! D. Green #28 the epitome of the Redskins!!!

I'll be adding a #7 Theismann replithentic in the offseason. Favorite number and a Domer!



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