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Snyder slipping money to Davis under the table


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I recall the league investigating Miami for allegations of this.

Seems Marino had allowed Shula to invest some of his money, and had gotten very good returns. Don't recall hearing anything else about it, so I suppose there wasn't any basis for it.

I recall predicting that Barry Switzer was going to be the first coach accused of paying professional players under the table.

I've always wondered what the league would do if, say, SD were to get a couple million for endorsing some car dealership, which Dan had just agreed to buy a few million worth of "company cars" from.

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I'm surprised that no one has yet mentioned this, but Carmen Policy was implicated for this from his days in SF. Shockingly, and wrongly IMHO, he got by without punishment and was even allowed to become GM for the expansion Browns. The 49'ers to my recollection were merely fined, or else lost a low-round draft choice. Frankly, all implicated should have been banned from the league for this, and the 49'ers should have lost a draft.

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Right you are redman. The 9rs were known for several years - pawdon me, were 'rumored' for several years - to be doing this and the leage did squat. Then when it was finally proven the sanction for the 9rs was basically non-existent. Plus Policy goes on to GM the Browns, Walsh is still with SF, Siefert was allowed to HC in Carolina, and Eddie D is only pushed aside because he got caught offering bribes - ahem, ALLEGEDLY offering bribes - in the Big Easy.

I absolutely agree, this should have been football's Black Sox Scandal. Instead it was a wink and a slap on the rump. Imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth if Snyder got caught doing something like that?

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Originally posted by redman

I'm surprised that no one has yet mentioned this, but Carmen Policy was implicated for this from his days in SF. Shockingly, and wrongly IMHO, he got by without punishment and was even allowed to become GM for the expansion Browns. The 49'ers to my recollection were merely fined, or else lost a low-round draft choice. Frankly, all implicated should have been banned from the league for this, and the 49'ers should have lost a draft.

I agree. The 9ers got caught for giving their TE (Brent Jones?) a bunch of cash under the table. I think they gave other players cash too, not sure though. It was the year they signed Prime Time and and a bunch of other FAs and eventually won the Super Bowl. Im a little(a lot really) pissed because Dallas would probably have won 4 Super Bowls in a row if the 9ers played within the cap that year. Personally, I think the SB trophy should be given to San Diego. The NFL went way too light on the 9ers. They should have lost at least a whole draft. I think they lost a 3rd round pick. I wonder if Snyder or Jones cheated the cap and won a SB if it would be a little more harsh. :rolleyes:

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Is Snyder allowed to let his friends find "jobs" for the families of his players??? Say, if Stephen Davis had a younger brother who was looking for a job, is there an NFL rule that would prohibit Snyder from arranging employment for the guy???

Could Snyder give his players free "perks"??? Like, free use of his jet, free limousine rides, free use of his home in the Bahamas, that kind of thing??? Maybe you could circumvent the cap this way, rather than engaging in miscreant or criminal subterfuge.


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Originally posted by Nerm

Im a little(a lot really) pissed because Dallas would probably have won 4 Super Bowls in a row if the 9ers played within the cap that year.

So you're saying that there's a silver lining here? ;)

As far as the perks issue goes, it must be set out somewhere that there are limits to what an organization can give to a player on the side. I doubt that every last possibility is spelled out, but the threatened potential penalties are probably so severe that (most) teams take pains avoid the appearance of this stuff. I don't know for a fact however, whether hiring one's relative could be viewed in this like. The arrangement probably is that the league places the burden on each organization to obtain an advisory decision in advance from the commissioner's office if/when they're in doubt about something.

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Originally posted by Skins57

You know Ralph that is a good question I had never thought of that before. This isn't college and if someone needs s job they need a job, now use of his personal things might be off limits but I don't know the rules

But what KINDS of personal things are off limits??? We give the players a free work-out room, right? We don't charge them a gym membership fee to lift weights at the team's center, right???

Could we also give them a "free" massuese (I misspelled the word, but I'm talking about a lady who gives massages)?? How about free gym memberships around town?? How about free chiro's and other specialists?? And could we extend this perk to their family??

How about free transportation around town?? That would be PERFECT, because we wouldn't have to worry about them pulling a Boston and drunk driving. How about giving them free TVs and VCRs, so they can study game tapes (Yeah, right!!!)? How about free dinners at restaurants, because it's part of the team-instituted "diet"??? After all, we don't charge them when they eat meals during training camp. What about free hotels for their family???

And what if-----this is a good one------Dan Snyder started a "Family of the Redskins" out-reach program, where the wives and siblings of Washington players are paid to perform charitable deeds around the DC area???

Hey, if I were a FA, I'd want to sign with the team that gave me all these additional godies, everything else being equal. And if my no-good brother was making $35,000 a year as a member of Snyder's "Family of the Redskins" as a good-will counselors, I'd be more reluctant to leave this team and go play for another.

It seems like we could contort this salary cap like a Brazilian circus whore if we really wanted to.

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Actually, I belive the NFL did press the suit against C.Policy & D.Clark for cheating on the cap, and I believe each settled with the NFL for something like $300K.

Also, didn't the 49ers have to forfeit a draft pick this year as a penalty for the organization? Frankly, I think the penalty should follow the GM, rather then stick with the team.

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Does anyone in this room think that every team is free of minor misconduct? If so you gotta be kidding me. We are talking about a mega- billion dollar corporation here. We are talking about owners who are THE financial elite. They flock in a crowd so far above us if there crap hit us it would look like a meteor shower. Only the totally stupid franchises could get caught. It is so easy for them to hide minor infractions. I am sure every team has it's own special and unique company perks.

We should start a thread unique team perks.

Dallas- Free contacts to bailsmith's, Free dealer 24 hour hot-line, lifetime supply of rolling papers, Coupons to bongs- are- us, etc.

Eagles-Free soft pretzels,Free peek thru the wall to see the cheerleaders,Free view of William's Penn's a$$, that's about it eagles are cheap as hell. That's why they'll never win big.

Giants-Lifetime medical due to radioactive jersey soil in the meadowlands. It is rumored that there field manager shoots tracer bullets at night when he pees,Free yes network to see the yanks, Discounts to full airline resporators it just stinks bad in North east Jersey.


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As I'm giving this more thought, I seem to recall the Jaguars providing their stupid WR, RJ Soward, with a limo to make sure that he got to practices and games on time (I don't believe that that solved the problem). However, as I give it more thought I'm wondering whether they simply deducted that amount from his paycheck, meaning it wasn' t a perk.

Anyway, I'm sure there's more of this that goes on than we are aware of. We know that Snyder has helped support Darrell's local charities, although that's a pretty benign example of this.

The league likely relies upon anecdotal evidence before it investigates, such as a former teammate ratting some guy out for blabbing about his under-the-table riches or something. They might also look into suspiciously below-market contracts signed by big-name FA's. The league has neither the resources nor the right to try to follow the financial paper trail for every player. But at this point I'm really just speculating.

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And I suspect that the real test of what is or isn't allowed is: can a majority of the other owners agree to vote against it.

They don't want to start a salary race. But they don't want the league telling them who they can hire limos for (or donate money to, or get jobs for).

(This also means that whether something is allowed depends, at least partly, of whether the other owners like you).

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