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Eagles fans at Miami last year


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There's a lot of talk about the Eagles fans invading Fed Ex Sunday and a lot of talk about how they are going to act. Well I wanted to share an experience I had last year during a Monday night game between the Eagles and the Dolphins at Miami.

All my buddies are Eagles fans and a bunch decided to go to the game. Even though I am a die-hard Skins fan, I went because I had never been to Miami or their stadium and thought it would be cool to go.

Of course, we weren't the only people going. There were an estimated 25,000 Eagles fans that went. Many went through organized groups and they had their own tailgates set up, etc.

Well, let me tell you. It was an interesting weekend. First, most of them arrived on Friday night. So everywhere you went out, their fans had their Eagles jerseys on. Now IMO, it's cool to have your jersey on when you're at the game, etc. but when you were it all 3 nights to some upscale chic bar in South Beach...it looks pathetic (can you say white trash?).

In addition, everywhere you went, you could hear that stupid Eagles chant and that damn song (fly Eagles fly) all the time, I mean all the time. After the trip, if I didn't hear that song ever, it would be too soon.

Finally at the game, I will say the Birds fans took over that stadium. While Dolphins fans love their team, they were simply overwhelmed by the Eagles fans. Of course, winning helped, but even during the game, you could hear them over the Dolphins fans.

Now to the fighting...Miami was not prepared for the rowdy Eagles fans, the ones that like to start fights. Security was almost invisible as fights broke out everywhere. I saw one where two guys were rolling over seats and going at it for 15 minutes before finally one security guy peeked his head out of a corridor and ran back in.

Leaving the stadium, all you would hear is a chant of "Who's house, Our house?" by the Eagles fans. Obviously, they felt more comfortable having their fans numbers that they did.

Now I'm not saying this was all Eagles fans, but there were sure a lot of them that acted just pathetically in my opinion. I have never ever seen a visiting team take over a city or a stadium like that, so rudely.

One final note: During the game, how stupid is this? The stadium played during the 2nd quarter, Eye of the Tiger from Rocky. Of course, this riled up the Eagles fans. But then, during the 4th quarter when the Dolphins were trying to make a run, they played the theme song from Rocky for about 30 seconds before they cut it off realizing their mistake. It was pretty funny. Of course, the Eagles fans all loved it.

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Originally posted by skinsfan93

There's a lot of talk about the Eagles fans invading Fed Ex Sunday and a lot of talk about how they are going to act. Well I wanted to share an experience I had last year during a Monday night game between the Eagles and the Dolphins at Miami.

All my buddies are Eagles fans and a bunch decided to go to the game. Even though I am a die-hard Skins fan, I went because I had never been to Miami or their stadium and thought it would be cool to go.

Of course, we weren't the only people going. There were an estimated 25,000 Eagles fans that went. Many went through organized groups and they had their own tailgates set up, etc.

Well, let me tell you. It was an interesting weekend. First, most of them arrived on Friday night. So everywhere you went out, their fans had their Eagles jerseys on. Now IMO, it's cool to have your jersey on when you're at the game, etc. but when you were it all 3 nights to some upscale chic bar in South Beach...it looks pathetic (can you say white trash?).

In addition, everywhere you went, you could hear that stupid Eagles chant and that damn song (fly Eagles fly) all the time, I mean all the time. After the trip, if I didn't hear that song ever, it would be too soon.

Finally at the game, I will say the Birds fans took over that stadium. While Dolphins fans love their team, they were simply overwhelmed by the Eagles fans. Of course, winning helped, but even during the game, you could hear them over the Dolphins fans.

Now to the fighting...Miami was not prepared for the rowdy Eagles fans, the ones that like to start fights. Security was almost invisible as fights broke out everywhere. I saw one where two guys were rolling over seats and going at it for 15 minutes before finally one security guy peeked his head out of a corridor and ran back in.

Leaving the stadium, all you would hear is a chant of "Who's house, Our house?" by the Eagles fans. Obviously, they felt more comfortable having their fans numbers that they did.

Now I'm not saying this was all Eagles fans, but there were sure a lot of them that acted just pathetically in my opinion. I have never ever seen a visiting team take over a city or a stadium like that, so rudely.

One final note: During the game, how stupid is this? The stadium played during the 2nd quarter, Eye of the Tiger from Rocky. Of course, this riled up the Eagles fans. But then, during the 4th quarter when the Dolphins were trying to make a run, they played the theme song from Rocky for about 30 seconds before they cut it off realizing their mistake. It was pretty funny. Of course, the Eagles fans all loved it.

Sounds like it was wild...last year at the Redskins game in Atlanta there were similiar goings-ons at that game.

I was able to get 5 tix so myself & 4 others went down there and things were getting rowdy toward the end after we came back...I dont think its only Eagles fans because there were a few Falcons/Skins fans fights that I could see.

There are fights at almost all games...Ive been to close to 100 Redskin games and Ive seen fights at almost all of them...

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Originally posted by TenaciousB15

Ssssshhhh! No you didn't. A true redskin would never do that. You just blew my mind.

...the funniest part of that statement was the fact about Eagles jerseys being worn in the clubs of Miami....Now that I can relate too because living/partying in DC/Georgetown on Sat. night I know I will see a good BDawk jersey standing in line trying to get into Ozio's or someplace like that. LOL.

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Originally posted by skinsfan93

There's a lot of talk about the Eagles fans invading Fed Ex Sunday and a lot of talk about how they are going to act. Well I wanted to share an experience I had last year during a Monday night game between the Eagles and the Dolphins at Miami.

All my buddies are Eagles fans and a bunch decided to go to the game. Even though I am a die-hard Skins fan, I went because I had never been to Miami or their stadium and thought it would be cool to go.

Of course, we weren't the only people going. There were an estimated 25,000 Eagles fans that went. Many went through organized groups and they had their own tailgates set up, etc.

Well, let me tell you. It was an interesting weekend. First, most of them arrived on Friday night. So everywhere you went out, their fans had their Eagles jerseys on. Now IMO, it's cool to have your jersey on when you're at the game, etc. but when you were it all 3 nights to some upscale chic bar in South Beach...it looks pathetic (can you say white trash?).

In addition, everywhere you went, you could hear that stupid Eagles chant and that damn song (fly Eagles fly) all the time, I mean all the time. After the trip, if I didn't hear that song ever, it would be too soon.

Finally at the game, I will say the Birds fans took over that stadium. While Dolphins fans love their team, they were simply overwhelmed by the Eagles fans. Of course, winning helped, but even during the game, you could hear them over the Dolphins fans.

Now to the fighting...Miami was not prepared for the rowdy Eagles fans, the ones that like to start fights. Security was almost invisible as fights broke out everywhere. I saw one where two guys were rolling over seats and going at it for 15 minutes before finally one security guy peeked his head out of a corridor and ran back in.

Leaving the stadium, all you would hear is a chant of "Who's house, Our house?" by the Eagles fans. Obviously, they felt more comfortable having their fans numbers that they did.

Now I'm not saying this was all Eagles fans, but there were sure a lot of them that acted just pathetically in my opinion. I have never ever seen a visiting team take over a city or a stadium like that, so rudely.

Really? You must have sat in a pretty rowdy section. My friend has Dolphins season tickets I go to every game that doesn't conflict with the Skins schedule. We hit the Eagle game and I can't remember one fight. In fact, of the 20+ Dolphins games I've been to this was one of only maybe three games where I haven't seen a fight. I was in section 129.

They didn't "take over" the stadium. All opposing teams draw well in Miami simply due to the weather. (great excuse for a vacation at a nice destination) At the Skins game last year there were Redskins fans all over the place.

After the game there were Eagle fans chanting all over the place...but it was nowhere near as loud or obnoxious as Jets fans yelling "J-E-T-S" after a victory.

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I live in Miami and have been to about 5 Dolphins games and every game is like that in Miami. I went to the Fins/steelers game here this year and there were more Steelers fans than Fins fans. I would not look at any game at the pro and compare it to any other NFL stadium, everygame is like that (you should see Jets games down here).

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I went to the Super Bowl two years ago and there were tons of disgruntled Eagle fans there who had looked past the NFC Championship and bought their SB tickets. They all looked so sad in their McNabb jerseys, which they insisted on wearing for whatever reason. It was hysterical.

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