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With Ramsey Starting(I think) should we expect the Eagles to blitz-krieg?


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I am thinking that opponents especially ones that we played last season are going to try and spook Ramsey early with some all-out blitzes and get Ramsey's confidence down. Especially with a coordinator like Jim Johnson. I am just hoping Gibbs has Clinton Portis in mind for these situations, and that he gives Ramsey enough freedom and well LECTURES HIM to audible at the line to a run play if need be.

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They may try, but with their run defense and CP in the backfield we should be able to make them pay if CP can get in the open field, this should make them back off and give Ramsey time to throw. Of course the other key to this is the defense can't give up alot early so we don't have to abandon the run but given their performance I doubt this will be a problem.

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Oh they will be coming after him. Until he shows he can beat it they will come after him.

Like I said he showed late in preaseason, against the Giants, and yesterday that he has made strides and can now beat the blitz. But he hasnt really torn it up yet, so they'll keep coming. Until we get one over the top on him.

What they'll do is probably run blitz then if its a pass just keep on coming. Which means we have to make good use of the H-Back.

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let them blitz, when they get to PR, they will turn around and see Clinton Running through the Eagles Secondary and into the Endzone. Then when they start to put eight men in the box and stop rushing, thats the time to do PA and take advantage of 1 on 1 situations.

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They'll do what they did last year... blitz Ramsey like crazy until he starts to take his eyes off of downfield receivers and starts looking at the rushers. Unfortunately, Spurrier wouldn't relent and beat them at that game.

I fear our OL interior is going to make the Philly DL interior look like the Steel Curtain. I think one of our weaknesses needed to be address in the offseason is the weak interior play of Raymer and Dockery. Both are beaten just as much as they hold the line.

Some screen passes, bubble screens, and quick slants early in the game may persuade the Eagles to back up. Until we're able to execute them... it's blitz city from opposing defensive coordinators.

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Seriously, if we can make it out of the next two games without injuries then it will be a miracle. Also, I think Ramsey needs to practice getting rid of the ball earlier. Anything he can do to improve his instincts. He has all the gifts, except that maybe he isnt a scrambler, he just needs to feel the game and not think about it. You can tell he is thinking too much.

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I hope they gear up to tee off on Ramsey, but I don't see it.

We aren't running the Fun N Gun anymore. The Iggles coaches surely know that. As someone else mentioned, bringing 5 or 6 rushers at the quarterback would make the them look silly when Portis goes right into the secondary untouched.

Also, you can send Portis out into the flat and toss it to him over there. Just as effective.

Philly will be blitzing on Sunday, but they will have to be a lot more careful about it than they were the last two seasons.

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I believe they will blitz us heavily.

Until the Skins can show they are capable of consistently picking up the blitz and that PR can handle it then other teams will continue to blitz us.

Due to the substandard performance of the O-Line there will be plenty of opportunities for them to get penetration even without blitzing. Thanks to the aid of Tivo I watched slo-mo's of many of the offensive plays last night. What I saw was Ray Brown even with the help of an h-back was allowing consistent pressure and Dockery blowing assignments.

The Eagles have got to be licking their chops.

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Yeah, they are going to blitz, but lets remember that Ramsey has options this year when they do blitz. Last year he had to try to stand in there and allow plays to develope. This year he has options if they decide to blitz. I do agree with the poster that said we will run Clinton Portis, Ramsey will be able to settle down in this game, remember as well, we didnt hardly run the ball last year either, let alone have the talent at running back that we do this year. They will have to respect Portis ability. Last but not least we can not start the game as fast as we did yesterday, I think Joe was trying to get some passing rythem, and by time he realized that it wasnt happening we was down by 17.

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Originally posted by sonsofwashington

Seriously, if we can make it out of the next two games without injuries then it will be a miracle. Also, I think Ramsey needs to practice getting rid of the ball earlier. Anything he can do to improve his instincts. He has all the gifts, except that maybe he isnt a scrambler, he just needs to feel the game and not think about it. You can tell he is thinking too much.

Couldn't agree with you more!!!

Ramsey has the physical tools, but I don't care how many sacks he took last year.....he has to learn to feel the rush and get rid of the ball more quickly.

So many times, he kept waiting and waiting for a receiver to get open and make his cut and by the time that happened, Ramsey takes a huge sack that kills our 3rd down conversion. Sure, it would be nice to have the oline play well all the time, but this ain't reality. Sometimes you got to know the rush is going to come and make the reads faster and better.

Lastly, how many times did Ramsey see the blitz and then look completely befuddled? A QB needs to see the blitz coming and make the hot read....someone is open or is matched up one on one.

I wanna see Ramsey improve on this for the rest of the year. If he does, I believe he can be the future of this team. If he can't, forget it and get someone else in here. There are a heck of a lot of QB's who given time in the pocket can make a strong accurate throw. I wanna see one that can make teams pay for a blitz!!!

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Geez, is Patrick going to get a baptism with both Philly and Pittsburgh. I just want us to be competitive. If we are competitive I can see us winning our last five. The next two weeks will let us know how far we have to go.

Maybe a lot. Or, perhaps, not as much as we might think. The rest of this season is about answering our quarterback position. We are pretty set everywhere else, with the small tinkering.

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This is a game where it's going to be crucial to use the run to set up the pass. The Fecals can be run on and they know it. If we make them concentrate and go all out in an effort to stop Portis we can then pick our spots to pass.

If we try the same gameplan as last Sunday with passing early and often we'll be down by 14 or 21 before we know it. In short, gameplan=take almost all the air out of the ball to work on their weakness in stopping the run and to keep the ball out of McFlabb and T.O.'s hands as much as possible.

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