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Steak & Lobster or Peanut Butter & Jelly?

Dead Money

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Where do you stand? With all the polls around here I thought we could find out what really matters? Seriously though, this poll is about the same or better than most of the others..right?

I think some of you take a poll in the morning to figure out which pair of underwear you should put on..

An where is the weekly poll about who the best linebaker is, god I miss that one... Maybe I'll start that one next?


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In the Navy I used to survive on PB&J sometimes. I stood the midnight to 4am "lookout" watch on a battleship and I always used to hit the messdecks before hand and grab some bread and some packets of peanut butter and jelly.

(Why did I tell that story? I DON'T know... maybe because it's Veteran's Day and you mentioned peanut butter and jelly.)

Anyway, I'll take the steak and lobster please. :)

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Now that's an eating contest I would like to be in!

KITTERY, Maine (AP) - A Vermont man took home the top prize in a lobster-eating contest by devouring 19 of the crustaceans in 35 minutes.

Barry "Tink" Giddings of Chester, Vt., won the Weathervane Seafood Restaurant's third annual lobster-eating competition.

As the newly crowned Lobster Maniac of the year, Giddings, 50, won a trip aboard a working lobster boat out of Kittery and up to 100 pounds of the day's catch.

He said the only previous speed-eating experience he had was when he won a watermelon-eating contest when he was 8.

"When it comes to eating lobsters, I knew I was a winner," Giddings said Saturday as he loosened his belt after the contest.

Thirteen contestants participated in this year's contest after qualifying at preliminary lobster-eating events. Giddings qualified at the Weathervane restaurant in Rutland, Vt.

The rules required that the tail, both claws and knuckle meat of every lobster be eaten to be included in the total count.

As the competition got under way, the participants shucked their shells, ate the meat and washed down the lobster with beer, soda and other beverages.

"That's my husband," Giddings' wife, Linda, cried out when the announcer proclaimed Giddings as the leader with only minutes to go.

Carolyn Cope, 22, of Westford, Mass., was the only woman in the event. A recent University of New Hampshire graduate, she ate 15 lobsters to come in third.

"I don't know what possessed me to do this," said Cope, who said that she had eaten lobster only once previously when she qualified for the finals.

Cope vowed to return next year.

"But I don't think I'll be eating much lobster before then," she said.

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Originally posted by CLiNT0N P0RTiS

Aww man... I'm hungry for Lobster and Steak now! But a PB&J will do too!

How can you be hungry after that sig pic.

KBNJ you've outdone yourself, and your completely correct. Who ties he shoes better, Hall or Morton?

I also hate the bradshaw question steak or chicken.

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Originally posted by Chachie

In the Navy I used to survive on PB&J sometimes. I stood the midnight to 4am "lookout" watch on a battleship and I always used to hit the messdecks before hand and grab some bread and some packets of peanut butter and jelly.

(Why did I tell that story? I DON'T know... maybe because it's Veteran's Day and you mentioned peanut butter and jelly.)

Anyway, I'll take the steak and lobster please. :)

Ditto. PBJ was my "protest meal" whenever the wardroom spread was "below par" which was quite often. I can take only take "beef porcupines" so much.

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Leonard Washington, I knew you had that problem thats why I changed my signature to a sh!t sandwich!!!

Think of it this way though, at very least you won't ever have to wory about become an urban legend like the whole "John Wayne died and had 40lbs of undigested red meat in his colon"

This thread has gottne funny even though it was origianally posted to make fun of stupid threads and polls.

You guys(and gals) have indeed made whipped cream out of sh!t!!!!

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Originally posted by KBNJ

Leonard Washington, I knew you had that problem thats why I changed my signature to a sh!t sandwich!!!

Think of it this way though, at very least you won't ever have to wory about become an urban legend like the whole "John Wayne died and had 40lbs of undigested red meat in his colon"

This thread has gottne funny even though it was origianally posted to make fun of stupid threads and polls.

You guys(and gals) have indeed made whipped cream out of sh!t!!!!

i don't know how to respond to that.

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