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Man commits suicide at Ground Zero


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i think its disgusting that people were making fun of this do u guys value life just because he has diferent beliefs then u his life is worthless? I also felt a sence of hopelessness and depression when bush won the elction not because i was a fan of kerry but because i know that my life and the lives of my family, friends and people around the world have gotten a lot worse eversence bush came into office this election shattered a lot of peoples hope

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

ummmmm, I think it's pretty obvious who DIDNT value life.

let me ask u this question (in no way am i comparing bush to hitler) but if hitler ran for president in america and won the popular vote would u contemplate suicide?

I know i would maybe this guy believes that Bush is really that terible. but once again i am not saying in any way that bush is like Hitler.

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Originally posted by Brooklynskinsfan

let me ask u this question (in no way am i comparing bush to hitler) but if hitler ran for president in america and won the popular vote would u contemplate suicide?

I know i would maybe this guy believes that Bush is really that terible. but once again i am not saying in any way that bush is like Hitler.

no, I wouldnt.

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Very sad story, I hate to think that the article is accurate on his reasoning, but to do this over an election is a large stretch (IMHO)

He obviously had some other issues. It sickens me to think that his real problems were rationalized away by family and friends.

Anyone who kills themselves over an election has got to be troubled overall. I just don't think any of us knows his real story so we should eliminate the conjecture and offer grief to his loved ones.

Lastly, I hope that the media doesnt start using any story about a democrat who does anything wacky as "election depression".

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In your veiled attempt to deny that you are comparing Bush to Hitler, you're leaving out the fact that we had a choice. Germany didnt. Their elections were Hitler vs Hitler.

If I knew his family and friends, I would console them and grieve for them. But since I dont. Im not going to inject emotions into the debate.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

In your veiled attempt to deny that you are comparing Bush to Hitler, you're leaving out the fact that we had a choice. Germany didnt. Their elections were Hitler vs Hitler.

thats the whole point germany had no choice if they did have a choice what would that say about german people if hitler was fairly elected president of the United States i could no longer live here for the fact that i would think Americans were imoral. Sence i am still here obviously i do not think bush is as bad as hitler, however i do think he is one of the worst presidents weve ever had. The man who comited suicide may feal like we are imoral because we elected bush im not saying hes right but that may be how he felt.

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Originally posted by Brooklynskinsfan

thats the whole point germany had no choice if they did have a choice what would that say about german people if hitler was fairly elected president of the United States i could no longer live here for the fact that i would think Americans were imoral. Sence i am still here obviously i do not think bush is as bad as hitler, however i do think he is one of the worst presidents weve ever had. The man who comited suicide may feal like we are imoral because we elected bush im not saying hes right but that may be how he felt.

How is a Bush victory immoral?

I'm sick of hearing the "worst president we've ever had" line. What evidence do you have to back that up?

Remember some of the huge. unprecidented success stories that have come under the Bush administration.

Libya? Afghan elections? Removal of Saadam? rapid economic growth(when all real factors are considered) tec.

Now, was Carter a good president in your opinion?

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Originally posted by Brooklynskinsfan

how am i reaching for the record bush is in no way 1 quarter as bad as hitler but some people feel he is a terible person millions of people have marched in the streets against him.


Brooklynskinsfan, not for nothing, but could you please put a little effort into capitalization and punctuation of your posts? It's a little difficult to read them as one long run-on sentence. Thanks :)


Comparing anyone against Hitler is a pretty ugly charge. If you were comparing Saddam Hussein or Pol Pot or Jean Kambanda or Slobodan Milosevic to Adolf Hitler, that is one thing. Those leaders were guilty of the planned murder and eradication of a whole group of people. Comparing President G. W. Bush to Hitler is quite another thing. For all that anyone may think about his motives, I do not think that the President of the United States has it in for any large group of people and wants to slaughter them...what evidence do you have for this?

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Originally posted by Brooklynskinsfan

...for the record bush is in no way 1 quarter as bad as hitler ...

Should he be thankful for such a "generous" assesment? :doh:

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Originally posted by nickfox45

i agree completely.

is anyone else bothered by the number of people in the article who rationalized this act as ok? or the fact that he was able to easily wield a shotgun in the middle of new york city? and that no one heard the blast of a .12 guage shotgun and went to investigate?

imagine how this guy felt driving from georgia the entire time knowing he was going to commit suicide when he got there. wow.

It just occurred to me! He's a martyr for the Dem cause! We should make trading cards of him!
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Originally posted by Henry

Niether did you Ghost. You took it as an opportunity to bash all the other leftists.

Voting for the winning candidate does not give one the corner market on class.

Didn't vote for Bush...Thanks for playing.

Also, you didn't quote where I tried to understand what was in this person's mind and that I feel for those that cared about him.

But I also responded to what someone else said--am I not allowed to do that?

If this person had committed suicide over a lost love, do you think I'd have brought up leftists then?

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Also, you didn't quote where I tried to understand what was in this person's mind and that I feel for those that cared about him.

Yeah, eleven hours later you suddenly remembered to care. Well, after joking about how remarkable it was that he knew how to use a shotgun. Silly me for not mentioning that.

If this person had committed suicide over a lost love, do you think I'd have brought up leftists then?

Nah. You'd probably have blamed Brunell. :)

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Originally posted by Henry

Yeah, eleven hours later you suddenly remembered to care. Well, after joking about how remarkable it was that he knew how to use a shotgun. Silly me for not mentioning that.

Nah. You'd probably have blamed Brunell. :)

Eleven hours later? what? I didn't edit that response, Henry. I said it as part of my FIRST POST on the thread.

You know...people die everyday. Having seen it up close, I try to be sensitive, but just as we have our "Darwin Award" posts here(and on other boards) I am not going

I made a joke about him not being able to use a shotgun, so what. I was serious and humorous in the same post. I was not aware that this was classless.

You'll have to forgive me for not seeing the intent of the article and his friends who seem so willing to paint our historical situation as so dire.

I'd have made a similar comment about a man killing himself for Kerry winning.

No more Darwin posts allowed on this board then, if we're going to start whining about the comments i made.

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it's great to be in america and have debate amongst people that don't agree with everything. it's nice that we have the civility to argue with words and not with guns.

with that said i want to say the following:

I HAVE A SERIOUS PROBLEM WITH ANYONE WHO MENTIONS GEORGE W. BUSH AND HITLER'S NAME IN THE SAME SENTENCE. my god, people, we're talking about a united states president and one of the most awful, most ruthless people to ever walk the earth. c'mon!!!

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I'm in late. Did I just see someone use Bush and Hitler in the same sentence?

Oh....I thought not.

Cause if they really meant it I would say something like.....

Millions of people died under Hitler's reign. AND

Hitler did not win a popular election. AND

My relatives died to remove him from power. AND

D-Day was the saddest, but most necessary day in world history. AND

Hitler was a pure racist. AND

Hitler was very close to controlling all of Europe. AND

Hitler ruined some of the most beautiful cities and cultural icons the world has ever seen. AND

And did I say my relatives died at the Battle of the Bulge???

So, I really don't think I saw someone comparing a man with Hitler's credential to the leader of the free world. Right.


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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Eleven hours later? what? I didn't edit that response, Henry. I said it as part of my FIRST POST on the thread.

You know...people die everyday. Having seen it up close, I try to be sensitive.


No more Darwin posts allowed on this board then, if we're going to start whining about the comments i made.

I was hardly talking about the shotgun comment, Ghost. I'll even let that go right now for the sake of simplicity. Your first post in this thread was at 5:56am on Nov. 7. Here it is in it's entirety:

Guys like this are rare. Most leftists who are lashing out physically are out trying to destroy Republican HQs or slashing tires.

At least he wasn't a member of our nascent brownshirt brigades.

Where, exactly, are you trying to understand what's in his mind in an oh-so-thoughtful way? All I see is a cheap shot at an entire half of the political spectrum. Pretty amusing considering a few posts (and eleven hours) later you are smugly bothered by the lack of lefty 'how-could-he' quotes.

But hey, I'm just making an observation. Feel free to rationalize it all away at your convenience.

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Originally posted by Brooklynskinsfan

thats the whole point germany had no choice if they did have a choice what would that say about german people if hitler was fairly elected president of the United States i could no longer live here for the fact that i would think Americans were imoral. Sence i am still here obviously i do not think bush is as bad as hitler, however i do think he is one of the worst presidents weve ever had. The man who comited suicide may feal like we are imoral because we elected bush im not saying hes right but that may be how he felt.

If you don't start using some punctuation, I may commit suicide.

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Originally posted by Tarhog

If you don't start using some punctuation, I may commit suicide.

That's only because you're a leftist. ;)

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