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Man commits suicide at Ground Zero


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Victim of the left's hysteria over the election and lack of faith in our form of government. That is of course if you believe he committed suicide over the election results. There is probably a lot more to his story than we are being told.


Man commits suicide at Ground Zero



Staff Writers

November 6, 2004, 7:11 PM EST

Distraught over the re-election of President George W. Bush, a Georgia man traveled to New York City, went to Ground Zero and killed himself with a shotgun blast, police said yesterday.

The suicide victim, Andrew Veal, 25, was discovered just before 8 a.m. yesterday when a worker for the Millennium Hotel looking at Ground Zero from an upper floor saw a man lying atop the concrete structure through which the 1 and 9 subway lines run.

The worker, thinking the man was sleeping, alerted colleagues and the Port Authority police were notified.

But when they got to Veal's body, they realized he had killed himself with a shot to the head from a .12-gauge shotgun.

No suicide note was found, but according to a Port Authority police source, family members said Veal, a registered Democrat, was despondent over Bush's defeat of Sen. John Kerry. A second source said Veal, who lived in Athens, Ga., and worked for the University of Georgia, was also adamantly opposed to the war in Iraq.

More than three years after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, Ground Zero remains a top tourist attraction, the site rife with symbolism.

Visitors there yesterday reacted in different ways to news of Veal's suicide. Bobbie Jensen, 54, a Republican from Phoenix, said that while she understood how Bush's victory disturbed those who dislike him, Ground Zero is not the place to act on those emotions.

"You can be upset about the war, about Bush, but this is a sacred place," she said. "You got to accept what happened and not kill yourself." But Frank Franca, an East Village artist and registered Democrat, suggested the suicide was symbolic.

"I'm very moved by it," he said. "Obviously, this person was devastated. I can see why he would come here."

Franca's friend, Jeffim Kuznetsov, a 25-year-old student from Russia who lives in Atlanta, said the suicide is evidence of how deeply many Americans were affected by Kerry's defeat.

"It's a national tragedy," he said. "This election is devastating to all who believe in democracy."

Another visitor to Ground Zero, Arushi Raval, 34, a businesswoman who lives in Chelsea, said Veal might have been active in campaigning for Kerry, only to taste defeat.

"Maybe he felt ineffective," she said of the victim. "You feel ineffective if you tried and it all failed.

"I know so many New Yorkers who are depressed over this."

Copyright © 2004, Newsday, Inc.

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Originally posted by JimboDaMan

There are some reasonable posters in this sad thread.

And there are some complete asses.

i agree completely.

is anyone else bothered by the number of people in the article who rationalized this act as ok? or the fact that he was able to easily wield a shotgun in the middle of new york city? and that no one heard the blast of a .12 guage shotgun and went to investigate?

imagine how this guy felt driving from georgia the entire time knowing he was going to commit suicide when he got there. wow.

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Originally posted by Johnny Punani

"This election is devastating to all who believe in democracy."

This makes no sense whatsoever

That quote is attributed to a friend who is a student from Russia, and I think that may speak volumes in and of itself.

It is sad that people would take their lives over something like this. I wouldn't have been happy if Kerry had won, even less happy had Nader actually won, however I never would have thought about ending my life. My guess this young man had other problems as well and once Kerry lost he lost hope. I feel sorry for his family and friends most of all.

Hopefully others won't take the same course of action as Franca.


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Originally posted by nickfox45

i agree completely.

is anyone else bothered by the number of people in the article who rationalized this act as ok? or the fact that he was able to easily wield a shotgun in the middle of new york city? and that no one heard the blast of a .12 guage shotgun and went to investigate?

imagine how this guy felt driving from georgia the entire time knowing he was going to commit suicide when he got there. wow.

I'm surprised he knew how to use a shotgun, honestly. :laugh:

Actually, I feel for people who cared about him that he took this way out and it's QUITE POSSIBLE he didn't kill himself over the election as such. More like a trigger or "last straw" deal in his sad life.

But yeah, I'm bothered that the lefties in the article didn't really take a stance of "how could he? This is just so terrible" but a "well, I understand..maybe he should have used that shotgun on Bush supporters"...OK, i made up that last part, but they really didn't seem that upset over his suicide.

Reminds me of the articles I've been reading...seems like some people in New York are more distraught over the election than 9/11.

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i think that the russian girls comments were telling in the thoughts of the international community. i think that its popular and widely accepted belief that Bush stole the first election and engaged in a meaningless war, which Europeans do not take lightly unlike us Americans. Even in England, our strongest ally, the headline on the most conservative paper in England, the Sun, owned by Fox's Rupert Murdock read: How can 59,000,000 Americans be so dumb?

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Originally posted by beast_of_burdens

i think that the russian girls comments were telling in the thoughts of the international community. i think that its popular and widely accepted belief that Bush stole the first election and engaged in a meaningless war, which Europeans do not take lightly unlike us Americans. Even in England, our strongest ally, the headline on the most conservative paper in England, the Sun, owned by Fox's Rupert Murdock read: How can 59,000,000 Americans be so dumb?

That was the Mirror which is known as left-wing.

The most conservative paper in England is the Telegraph, at least the most conservative major and credible outlet.

You sound like a propaganda disruptor. I don't care what the "international community" thinks when they are wrong.

Did you know Belgium is about to ban a right-wing party just because it's against immigration? Hardly exemplars of freedom those Europeans.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

That was the Mirror which is known as left-wing.

The most conservative paper in England is the Telegraph, at least the most conservative major and credible outlet.

You sound like a propaganda disruptor. I don't care what the "international community" thinks when they are wrong.

Did you know Belgium is about to ban a right-wing party just because it's against immigration? Hardly exemplars of freedom those Europeans.

Ghost, that's not true. I live in Belgium during the summers, and went to high school there. The Vlaamsblok isn't a traditional right-wing party. It's a pseudo-facist party that invokes Nazi-esque scare tactics to threaten non-natural belgian citizens into leaving. Most of the tactics you have referred to as being done by extremely left-wing loonies to the RNC national headquarters are small in comparison to the Vlaamsblok. They have public efforts, despite much of their campaign literature, to oust NATO and the EU, despite the obvious incredible benefits Belgium receives from hosting those two institutions. I, myself, have even found myself a victim to much verbal and somtiems physical harassment, despite the fact that my father works at a very powerful and (for the Belgians), highly valuable institution within Brussels. Belgium should ban this party...as I said before, they are pseudo-nazi's and really have no place in any political forum.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

But yeah, I'm bothered that the lefties in the article didn't really take a stance of "how could he? This is just so terrible" but a "well, I understand..maybe he should have used that shotgun on Bush supporters"...OK, i made up that last part, but they really didn't seem that upset over his suicide.

Niether did you Ghost. You took it as an opportunity to bash all the other leftists.

Voting for the winning candidate does not give one the corner market on class.

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Voting for the winning candidate does not give one the corner market on class

Agreed!!! But I'd sure like to see the left have some class and disgrace in defeat. I am blown away by some of the stuff I'm seeing. Does the left really believe they are going to start regaining lost ground by insulting the intelligence of the American puplic. Are they really incapable of looking inward to discover why they lost, or do the really have the elitest belief that anyone who doesn't agree with them is a total moron. I don't think this is a reflection all Democrats, but if they want their party to gain legitimacy, they need to seperate themselves from the current leadership.

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Originally posted by stevenaa

Agreed!!! But I'd sure like to see the left have some class and disgrace in defeat. I am blown away by some of the stuff I'm seeing. Does the left really believe they are going to start regaining lost ground by insulting the intelligence of the American puplic. Are they really incapable of looking inward to discover why they lost, or do the really have the elitest belief that anyone who doesn't agree with them is a total moron. I don't think this is a reflection all Democrats, but if they want their party to gain legitimacy, they need to seperate themselves from the current leadership.

Do you really think that the only opinions expressed by Democrats are those posted here by Bush-supporters?

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Originally posted by stevenaa

Agreed!!! But I'd sure like to see the left have some class and disgrace in defeat. I am blown away by some of the stuff I'm seeing. Does the left really believe they are going to start regaining lost ground by insulting the intelligence of the American puplic. Are they really incapable of looking inward to discover why they lost, or do the really have the elitest belief that anyone who doesn't agree with them is a total moron. I don't think this is a reflection all Democrats, but if they want their party to gain legitimacy, they need to seperate themselves from the current leadership.

Not all "lefties" are rendering their garments and gnashing their teeth as a result of the election last week. And not all "lefties"' views are repsresented by the articles that are posted here on the board.

By the same token, I guess that we all can assume that all "righties" are represented by the actions and views of Pat Buchanan and Ann Coulter?

It would be nice if there would be less "blanket statement" comments regarding those who are not as conservative as perhaps one's own views are.

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