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A DIFFERENT Reffing F-up at End of Game

Dan T.

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f_dallas I believe that if the eagles had lost they would also have a strong argument. But the fact that they won all but throws out any bad calls because they didnt affect the outcome. This call and the ones made in dallas did. These were game-changing calls and in the case of the packer game it was a call that did not need to be made and hasnt been made all season. I think gibbs is frustrated with the lack of consistency in calls. Pass interference was supposed to be a key issue yet everygame i watch I see cb's get away with a lot and it doesnt seem better than last year.

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f-d, Gibbs sticking with Brunell is another issue, and one most of us agree with you on. That doesn't change the fact the the officiating in the Green Bay game was absolutely horrible, and killed what chance our lousy team had of actually winning a game. Sure when we are a 7-0 squad we can smugly pronounce good teams overcome bad officiating, but since we aren't a good team, that point is completely irrelevant. So unless you are simply looking for ways to tell us how great the Eagles are compared to the Redskins, which I assure you we all already know, I'm not sure what the hell you are doing in this thread.

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Whats most embarrasing is that our Offense with all of our "Weapons" hasnt cracked 20 points once this year out of SEVEN games. Now thats a joke in itself.

We havent scored 20 points once this year. Sometimes when watching our offense I feel like its something being run out of the 1940's (with 1 receiver running a route on a number of plays).

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Originally posted by f_dallas

Do you guys watch other games?

All this chirping about the refs is ridiculous, and Gibbs is making a spectacle of himself by using those excuses in public.

EVRYONE get burned on calls- sometimes the calls go against one team more than another during the course of the game- but they are not winning and losing games for the Skins. You also aren't hearing the complaining from other teams because they are able to overcome a questionable or ill-timed call.

If the Redskins execute properly, they can win. They are failing to execute.

Is it seriouslyto the point where you guys are rolling through film trying to find DBs with a handful or jersey AWAY from the play?

Maybe you should try watching the Green Bay O-line for a hold during any of their TDs (you will find at least 1 on each TD).

Geez...I know you guys are frustrated, but this is just getting ridiculous.

Every now then a team is gonna when games ugly. We're that team this year. As bad as the offense has played, we've been in games. You're right we're not executing or doing many other right on offense. But fact is if you're in the game, you're in the game. We don't need refs taking the game from us. It kills me when a person says well we shouldn't have put it in the refs hands or if we had played well. Well playing well doesn't gurantee a win or correct call either. If a game is ugly or pretty, the correct call should be made. Bottom line is the Skins made the play they had to make only to have it snatched away by a ref on the other side of the field.

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f dallas- skins fans are ****ing cuz this is the second time the refs have made multiple bad calls that had a direct affect on the outcome of the game. during the dallas game, there was a horrible call followed later by a non call that both went against the skins and was essentially a 14 points swing. nobody mentioned the PI call in the end zone that was nothing more than face guarding on 4th down that gave the pack 1st and goal early in the game. these calls are big time gaffes, not inconsequential misses.

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Bubba, great screen shot. The refs shouldn't be deciding the outcomes of games, the players should.

With the supposed emphasis on pass interference rules this year, with the receiver clearly more than 5 yards down the field, who gets held by the defender which results in a game changing interception...The refs decisions/non-decisions were just way to prominent at that juncture of the game.

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Sure when we are a 7-0 squad we can smugly pronounce good teams overcome bad officiating, but since we aren't a good team, that point is completely irrelevant.

That isn't my point, Henry, and I'm noit trying to come off like that.

My point isn't just "good teams ovcercome bad officiating". My point is these calls/non-calls are as much of a guarantee in EVERY game as the end of a quarter, a kickoff, a turnover- these calls and non-calls are a part of every single game on every single snap.

The Redskins aren't an exception- they aren't getting burned more than other teams. They have just been losing and their coach has been making an issue of it.

I'm just really surprised at Gibbs- that's all. These plays are nothing that every team isn't seeing every week, but Gibbs is choosing to use this as an excuse.

One of the things that I assumed Gibbs would bring with him- more than anything- was accountability. A lot of these players that have been with the Skins for some time have been mising that, but a lot of the accountability went out the window (for the most part) when Spurrier was in DC.

I just think he's complaining about things he shouldn't be complaining about and he's setting an awful example for his team.

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Originally posted by f_dallas

I'm just really surprised at Gibbs- that's all. These plays are nothing that every team isn't seeing every week, but Gibbs is choosing to use this as an excuse.

I just think he's complaining about things he shouldn't be complaining about and he's setting an awful example for his team.

I don't think he's using it as an excuse. All teams send in tapes to the league about bad calls. I think he is pointing it out publicly because he is trying to direct media attention away from concerns about Brunell.

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Originally posted by f_dallas

That isn't my point, Henry, and I'm noit trying to come off like that.

My point isn't just "good teams overcome bad officiating". My point is these calls/non-calls are as much of a guarantee in EVERY game as the end of a quarter, a kickoff, a turnover- these calls and non-calls are a part of every single game on every single snap.

The Redskins aren't an exception- they aren't getting burned more than other teams. They have just been losing and their coach has been making an issue of it.

I'm just really surprised at Gibbs- that's all. These plays are nothing that every team isn't seeing every week, but Gibbs is choosing to use this as an excuse.

One of the things that I assumed Gibbs would bring with him- more than anything- was accountability. A lot of these players that have been with the Skins for some time have been mising that, but a lot of the accountability went out the window (for the most part) when Spurrier was in DC.

I just think he's complaining about things he shouldn't be complaining about and he's setting an awful example for his team.

:laugh: What a load of crap.

why doesn't it surprise me to see you take something like this and try and spin it to make Gibbs and Skins fans look bad. (in your opinion :rolleyes:) I honestly can't see where it should matter so much to you an eagles fan. heck every Packer players and fans have openly expressed that the Redskins got hosed on the call. But we both know it is just another thinly veiled attempt to take a cheap shot at Redskins fans and stir up some stuff on the board (your usual MO)

Gibbs is doing nothing different than any other coach has done when put in a similar situation. Including old Rollie Pollie Andy Reid. Yes every team has a call like that one in awhile (and they all complain) but Gibbs has already had 4 in 7 games, and realistically could have changed the outcome in 2 games.

And speaking of accountabilty... how about the NFL holding their officials accountable for making terrible calls that have a direct effect on the outcome of close ball games. I mean if it wasn't so important to make sure officials get the calls right, why is there instant replay?

Also you seem to have missed the quotes by Gibbs about teams have to over come things like this to win ball games...

No matter what your opinion may be it doesn't excuse the officals from making huge mistakes that have a hand in deciding the outcome of the game.

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Bubba, whether you believe it or not, I have a lot of respect for Gibbs.

I'm kind of disgusted that he's used his day after press conferences to complain about officiating in more than half of the games they've played- it's bush league.

I know he said "other teams overcome...", but if he was actually being serious, he never would have mentioned the penalties in the first place.

He's whining and I think it stinks- that's all.

If you want to go through game film and pull out screen shots frame by frame, you will see a pass interference or holding on every single down (without exception). I think it's a little silly to start going that route to look for penalties that could have been called.

I don't care if the Redskins win or lose- in fact, I'd actually prefer that they lose, if I have a choice (I'm an Eagles fan for christ's sake), but I can have respect for a coach, player, or franchise without liking them and I think that what Gibbs is doing smells like passing the buck...it's dissapointing to me as a person who respects Gibbs.

That call (or any other) didn't have any outcome on the game.

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And speaking of accountabilty... how about the NFL holding their officials accountable for making terrible calls that have a direct effect on the outcome of close ball games. I mean if it wasn't so important to make sure officials get the calls right, why is there instant replay?

I agree with you 100%.

As I said before, I didn't see the play in question and probably don't know the rules well enough to say if it was definitely a penalty or not, but I think the refs should certainly be held accountable in some way.

I don't know what that way is (because I think they have some form of a system in place, but I'm not sure it's always working), but I agree.

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