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A DIFFERENT Reffing F-up at End of Game

Dan T.

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On Brunell's interception AFTER the illegal motion penalty on Thrash, Rod Gardner's jersey gets yanked off his left shoulder pad as he makes the cut for the ball.

Visible evidence of a missed call - either PI or D holding. A BIG non-call. They call that and it's an automatic first down.

If anyone has tape of the game, please look at that play and tell me I wasn't seeing things.

[Edited for the anal.]

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Originally posted by sableholic

why didnt he throw it to #83? he seems more open anyways.

He was more open, and also not facing a double team. May have been that they needed more yardage than where Thrash was at the time, I can't remember down and distance.

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Defensive holding was supposedly a point of emphasis this year. This non-call got overshadowed by the previous illegal motion penalty. If the call is made, the Skins still have four more downs to get the go ahead score.

Still, it's depressing to be in a position to be complaining about referee calls. When can this team rise above that? To beat teams so they don't have to rely on which way a referee's call goes?

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Do you guys watch other games?

All this chirping about the refs is ridiculous, and Gibbs is making a spectacle of himself by using those excuses in public.

EVRYONE get burned on calls- sometimes the calls go against one team more than another during the course of the game- but they are not winning and losing games for the Skins. You also aren't hearing the complaining from other teams because they are able to overcome a questionable or ill-timed call.

If the Redskins execute properly, they can win. They are failing to execute.

Is it seriouslyto the point where you guys are rolling through film trying to find DBs with a handful or jersey AWAY from the play?

Maybe you should try watching the Green Bay O-line for a hold during any of their TDs (you will find at least 1 on each TD).

Geez...I know you guys are frustrated, but this is just getting ridiculous.

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Hey f dallas....f you.j/k

We are b!tching because it's not the fact that we are being penalized but the manner in which we are being penalized. We have had too many calls or no calls in crucial parts of the game.

We went from yeeeeessssss to nnnooooo in a matter of seconds because of a BS flag on Thrash. But, we don't expect you to understand. You f'er you.

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I know it's rough, but I'm telling you that these calls/non-calls are happening in every game.

I don't know if you guys were burned on the Thrash penalty (haven't even seen it), but these plays are happening to every team, every week.

It sucks, but I promise you that Skins fans aren't alone- the offense just hasn't done enough to make up for any questionable calls.

What I don't understand is how Gibbs can complain so much about the refs and defend Brunell in the same sentence.

He's been around this game long enough to know better, and he's a better coach than that.

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Originally posted by f_dallas

Do you guys watch other games?

All this chirping about the refs is ridiculous, and Gibbs is making a spectacle of himself by using those excuses in public.

EVRYONE get burned on calls- sometimes the calls go against one team more than another during the course of the game- but they are not winning and losing games for the Skins. You also aren't hearing the complaining from other teams because they are able to overcome a questionable or ill-timed call.

If the Redskins execute properly, they can win. They are failing to execute.

Is it seriouslyto the point where you guys are rolling through film trying to find DBs with a handful or jersey AWAY from the play?

Maybe you should try watching the Green Bay O-line for a hold during any of their TDs (you will find at least 1 on each TD).

Geez...I know you guys are frustrated, but this is just getting ridiculous.

Bad calls happen, yes. But these were two back-to-back - both against the Skins, during a potential game winning drive. So yeah, they're going to get more scrutiny.

AND this infraction WAS NOT AWAY from the play - Gardner was the intended target and the ball was on its way to him a split second after he was held. The yank on his jersey slowed him down enough to disrupt the play.

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Originally posted by f_dallas

I know it's rough, but I'm telling you that these calls/non-calls are happening in every game.

I don't know if you guys were burned on the Thrash penalty (haven't even seen it), but these plays are happening to every team, every week.

It sucks, but I promise you that Skins fans aren't alone- the offense just hasn't done enough to make up for any questionable calls.

What I don't understand is how Gibbs can complain so much about the refs and defend Brunell in the same sentence.

He's been around this game long enough to know better, and he's a better coach than that.

I still believe Gibbs is sticking with Brunell for one simple fact. That the past couple years there has a carousel at the QB position.

The QB gets yanked, then put back in, then yanked again. Gibbs is trying to get the team to believe in each other, and let them know that he will go to bat for EACH and EVERYONE one of them.

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f-dallas, see the guy holding onto Gardner's jersey in the picture? He's the guy who made the game-ending interception on that play.

If you are going to get all self-righteous and start lecturing, at least have the decency to have half a clue as to what you are talking about first. Thanks.

Honestly, the non-call I can live with. Refs miss stuff. It's the flag on a pre-snap motion that we ran at least three times before IN THAT GAME that they didn't call until the one play that mattered. Inconsistant officiating is always a bad thing, and when it literally costs us a game, I'm going to be mad about it. You're just going to have to learn to deal with that, or find an Eagle board upon which to dispense your infinite wisdom.

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f-d, there's no denyin that we are a 2-5 team. I don't think the refs have anything to do with that in the grand scheme of things. However, that doesn't mean that that was not some terrible officiating at the end of the game. Terrible teams don't need anyone's help to suck. We do that just fine on our own.

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We are a 2-98 team - True. But there have been countless calls that have/havent been made against us. Thats a fact. I was at the game and Rod did get raped and undressed prior to that INT that was thrown. Yeah Brunell may suck but atleast call the obvious things that one can see from section 127.

Make the correct calls and then we can take our chances on playing the game outright. It sucks when games are changed because the officiating. I havent seen one of these bogus calls go our way yet this year.

Maybe they'll come week 17 vs. the Vikings I guess, Im sure they will.

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I know that no matter what I say right now, it will likely be taken the wrong way, but I'm just floored at what Gibbs has done (and set in motion).

We ALL know that during the course of a game, there will be a few calls that just stink- one way of the other. There will also be a series of calls that could have been miscalled, but they go either way on every down.

When teams win, those calls are minimized.

For instance, there were two BLANTANTLY blown roughing the QB calls on the Eagles in the last 2 weeks. These weren't calls that were even in the realm of reasonable. One of them was on 4th down in the fourth quarter against the Browns. if the refs don't call it, the game is over and Eagles win. Instead, they made the call and it put the Browns deep into Eagles territory where they converted a TD and sent the game into overtime.

The Eagles won, the call was never mentioned again.

I can't imagine a call having much more of an impact on a game- it was over if they don't make it- but winning cured it because the Eagles were able to out-execute in overtime.

I'm just really surprised at Gibbs puling this bush-league stuff and dragging the players and fans down in it, too.

He knows the drill and he is using officiating to vindicate Brunell, himself, and the offense (IMO). Just stinks, to me.

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I agree about your Gibbs comments. But we have been getting abused by these horrid calls by the refs.

Im not saying that the game was won/lost by the officials but they definitly had an impact on the game - period.

Back to Gibbs...sticking w/Brunell has cost us our season and now that Brunell made the game interesting at the end, Im sure Gibbs feels that that is good enough to keep him as the starter for a few more games.

Im not gonna blame the loss on any one player....but Brunell didnt play well (even if that TD by CP hadnt been nullified). Our D was without Taylor and LaVar and Andre Lott went down too. If you noticed on defense...Ryan Clark (#25) was near or supposed to be covering the receiver on both of those long pass completions (Ferguson & Driver). Maybe, just maybe Taylor might have made a difference...but again its Taylors fault that he wasnt in there not Gibbs.

I dont recall our receivers playing that bad at all. I dont recall many (if any drops). Maybe its the playcalling, maybe its the personnell. I DO recall many bad passes that were thrown and Im getting sick of it.

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