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Joe Gibbs is building this team PROPERLY.


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I know in today's NFL culture, every team expects to win every year, but listening to the Joe Gibbs show and his reasoning behind letting Kenyette Jones go, I am convinced that Gibbs is content on with building this team for the long run and is willing to sacrifice winning NOW, for that goal. He said they like the two young tackles, and want to develop them and it was something as an organization they needed to to(letting Jones go) in order to further their development as a team. This has got me excited, because we have tried to build a winner through FA the last five years and it hasn't produced squat....THANK GOODNESS FOR JOE GIBBS.

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I AGREE!!!!!

Okay, I'm calm. But it's refreshing to see someone who has underachieved be let go in todays NFL climate. Jones has been a bust and a dissapointment for us, and apparently the coaches have felt the same way. I don't see it as necessarily sacrificing the future(If he wanted to do that he'd start Ramsey,LOL) but rather finally a coach recognizing that a player is not performing/has a bad attitude/will not get the job done. And guess what? He's gone! We are no worse off than we were with him.

Obviously he see's something in Brunell we don't, and hopefully it will manifest itself next week, even though I have my strong doubts.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Carson Palmer looks like a star, doesn't he?


Umm.....Didn't you just disprove your point? Palmer is in right now to take his lumps and hopefully grow with that team, but it is a different situation then the one Ramsey is in.

I think Patrick getting a chance to learn and especially heal. He got shell-shocked last year and to have him take big hits again could be very detrimental to his progress.

Brunell needs to step it up ASAP though, or Ramsey won't be holding that clipboard much too longer.

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Originally posted by frankbones

Umm.....Didn't you just disprove your point? Palmer is in right now to take his lumps and hopefully grow with that team, but it is a different situation then the one Ramsey is in.

I think Patrick getting a chance to learn and especially heal. He got shell-shocked last year and to have him take big hits again could be very detrimental to his progress.

Brunell needs to step it up ASAP though, or Ramsey won't be holding that clipboard much too longer.

No, I didn't. Palmer still looks like a rookie and he SAT THE ENTIRE YEAR behind a much more effective QB.

What's odd about this situation is that I feel Ramsey would be the more effective QB with all the reps and the starter's role from Day One, and Brunell is playing(and terribly.)

Look at Carr, harrington, Leftwich, etc...they all played almost from the beginning.

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Ramsey's gonna be fine once he gets his chance. Not only that, but Ramsey holding a clip board and learning the system first hand from the sideline is probably something he needs. But the OL is a top priority in the Gibbs system as we all know. Once the OL gets everything down pat correctly. Ramsey's chance behind center will be something sweet.

Brunell's somewhat of a scrambler and can bye time in the pocket when needed. And with the OL still learning the ropes and getting manhandled sometimes and missing assignments won't help Ramsey's development. for one, Ramsey can't really scramble or bye time in the pocket. What he does do though is hold on to the ball too long rather than bying time in the pocket.

Ramsey's already still shooken from the beating he took under Spurrier. Why through him in the fire under a suspect line and get him even more raddled.Once the OL and everybody gets on the same page with their blocking assignments. And the Organization keep sigining and finding the right people to block properly. Portis and Ramsey's gonna have a field day against other opponents. But like this forum states, Gibbs and the rest of their staff are trying to get things right for once. Yes, we had enough of signing all these FA's and them not performing. Let the team be built from within like old times and watch the true Redskins from within start mastering the offense. Once that happens. You then can through in a strong armed QB like Patrick and watch him dismantle defenses. It all happened with Doug, Jay and Rypein. And I don't think none of those guys were better than Ramsey. Doug was pretty good in his earlier years with tampa. But the Redskins signed him during the latter part of his years when he was on the decline.

Joe's building this team in the image of his older teams that won Superbowls. And it all starts up front with the right OL/TE's that can block properly. Believe, ramsey's gonna be in good hands under a solidified in sync OL that's been playing together and learning the system.

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Rebuilding this franchise via the draft would be a nice change from signing overrated Free Agents that crash, burn, and eventually cut. If we are to go this route, there is no better talent evaluator to have than Gibbs himself. :logo:

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Gibbs has already stated that if he thought it was as simple as a QB change issue, he would have already changed QBs, but he feels the problem is bigger then that, and there are problems Ramsey couldn't single handedly fix.

Now my personal preference has been Ramsey, since day one, and I still would like to see him in there, but then again there is a reason I am not a 3-time superbowl winning coach.

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