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Brunell = loser


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It's really that simple and until we get Ramsey in there we will continue to lose games. Brunell can't complete a pass longer than 5 yards and holds the ball way too long. He's unwilling or just doesn't have the arm to get the ball into a tight space which we really need at this point. Tired of seeing the skins losing games due to him at the helm.

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i know people hate these kind of threads, but i'm about there with you. Portis will NEVER have the lanes he needs to be effective until teams respect our passing game. With ZERO deep threat, we will struggle all year. Brunell can coach Ramsey from the sidelines, but i don't think this offense is going to work with him anymore. Damn it this sucks.

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its Brunell. I've talked to people who go to the games. He misses so many receivers, and doesn't have the arm strength or accuracy to make downfield plays. This team is going to lose tonight, and be 1-4. How many games do most teams lose before they make a needed QB change? I hope Gibbs love for Brunell doesn't blind him to what we HAVE to do. If Ramsey IS the future, why not put him in there???

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by the way, if the Defense lets up now, and the Ravens start moving the ball at will, can you really blame them? They have done their part all year. Its the offense and special teams that have killed us. I just can't believe Gibbs doesn't have this team playing better. I love that man more than anyone, but he IS rusty. Something clearly is NOT working. Hopefully he finds it, and things get better. Right now, i'm not encouraged, AT ALL. :(

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I was defending Brunell for a while. But, I'm sorry, he's inept and that was not a veteran throw into double coverage on 3rd and nine. That was the last straw for me. I don't want to see him in there anymore. I've gone past the point of impatience. I'm just downright frustrated now.

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Buzzlightbeer, pathetic.

Brunell is below 32nd on the a list of QBs on third down on YPA and rating.


You telling me that a Ramsey couldn't at least MOVE THE BALL and get pressure taken off the D? Coach him to throw it away, it's not as if his career has been ill-timed picks.

Brunell is AWFUl and the fact that he wasn't pulled in this game shows me that GIbbs is being too loyal.

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I declared Brunell a loser after the Giants game..... We can not win with him....When will the coaching staff figure that out.

I hate to say it but Gibbs' GM skills are showing up and the fact that Brunell is his pick who he threw all the money at precludes Gibbs the coach from benching him.

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I have to agree. He telegraphs every throw, and he double clutches. He holds the damn ball, guys are open and he holds the ball until they're not.

He was lucky on that pass to Jacobs,, that could have gone for 6 the other way.

He's just not getting it done.


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Well we need a QB period. With our first overall pick we need to get a good qb. We also need an offensive line. It still sux, a lot of Brunell's and Ramsey's crapiness comes from not enough time. Brunell makes plays when he has a little time.

Some blame at this point HAS to fall on Gibbs. His offense sux. It is so obvious that a good defense can read us like a book. They know where the run is going, they are right on our recievers. Its too simple, Gibbs needs to start learnig on the job here.

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Originally posted by skins4eva

Brunell has got to go, he's just too pathetic...im, really, he single-handedly losses games for us. I just can't take the incompetence on this team anymore

Thats the kind of comment I hate. Im not trying to start **** here, but u obviously dont know much about football or team sports in general if u really think one person can lose the game for u. Just not true. If the line opened holes and portis was running better, wed be winning. We like to run more anyway.

This offense is not meant to pass so much, Gibbs knows how to pound the ball, but we cant get that done.

Now before you get ur panties in a bunch I KNOW ur just over reacting, very emotional right now. This team needs help in a lot of areas, Ramsey is no kind of solution.

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