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A Message For Negative Fans


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After I almost got kicked out of my home by my significant other after monday's loss to dallas. I began to ponder that state of affairs among the redskins and my relationship with the skins as a fan. After my girl had stopped yelling at me, and after I had stopped yelling at the T.V., it occurred to me that I had become a negative fan.

What does it mean to be a negative fan? Well, it means this: a negative fan expects the worst; a negative fan sees the negative before the positive; a negative fan thinks that when he watches the games, bad things will happen; a negative fan doesn't expect to win. Then, it occurred to me that I am not the only negative fan out there. And if you believe in football karma, as I do, perhaps all of the negative vibes that some of us send out as fans, in some inexplicable way effect our team. So, in an effort to turn my life as a fan, i am starting this thread. This is a positive vibe thread--NO BAD THOUGHTS ALLOWED. I don't care if we lose, we only talk about positive plays, occurances, on this thread. In the days leading up to game day, we give off positive vibes. Let's see if we as fans can contribute to what Gibbs is attempting to accomplish--let's after a decade of losing, of going from bad to worse, let's watch games with confidence, let's believe good things will happen, let's go into a game thinking and knowing that our team is the better team, and that our skins will win. All I ask is that those of us who have been negative for years try to act positive, for the sake of our wives/girlfriends, ourselves, and our beloved skins!!!

We will win on Sunday!

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I completely agree ... I find myself wanting to close my eyes when I see our QB start trying to find other receivers, when I see Patrick Ramsey behind center and the play clock is at 4 and ticking or when the other teams QB launches a ball in the air after having tons of time back there.

I think we need to appreciate out team for all it can do instead of just thinking SuperBowl/Playoffs or bust.

I know that Mark (OM) and others have repeatedly mentioned that this will be a slow start to rejuvinating the team, but emotionally, I am still conditioned to the past 11 years.

Here's to a new attitude !!!!

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I was a negative fan during the week before the game. I am a suicidal fan right now.

Here's the thing, guys. THIRTEEN OUT OF FOURTEEN. I'm not a sore loser. I'm a sore loser of THIRTEEN OUT OF FOURTEEN.

Oh, I'm negative. I'm REEEEEEAL negative. I'm frigging INCAPABLE of loving another team. However, I'm REAL down on mine right now. Call me what you want (and I'll say F ya right back) but until they SACK UP and beat the Cowboys, I'm jaded. Period.

I've ignored the bad and pumped the good for 12 years now. This organization makes too much money from top-to-bottom to say, (13 times in 7 years) "Hey- we just didn't get it done."

You guys leave me here to pout. That's fine. I'm not done yet.


Don't fool yourselves about december 26th, either. It stings ALOT more when you do that.

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Negative Ions Create Positive Vibes

Negative ions are odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules that we inhale in abundance in certain environments. Think mountains, waterfalls, and beaches. Once they reach our bloodstream, negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost our daytime energy.


A Ray of Sunshine

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Originally posted by skins4eva

Sorry, Chachie, but please take your negativity elsewhere--maybe you didn't see the sign: good vibes only

My bad, skins. I apologize for busting in like that. I know better. I guess the truth is, I'm still choking on it. I just can't cough this one out.

It'll take a blow-out over Cleveland to get me on track again.

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China--I dig the fact that there is a scientific explanation to my hypothesis. However, do you notice the glaring irony that negative ions create positive vibes? Do you know what this translates to, wait let me do some calcuations, x to y carry the 1= a gigantic skins victory on sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Random positive thoughts to add:

Brunell can run this offense, with his arm!

We have one of the top 5 RB's in the league!

Joe Gibbs is back!

Our D had made a night and day change from last season!

Our front 4 is playing much better than ANY of us here expected!

We have the #1 Run defense in the league!


more to come........

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Chachie, this one's for you:

A Ray of Sunshine in a Cloud of Darkness

by Melanie Kawalek

When you think all is lost

And you're standing in a field of sorrow

And no matter what you do

There won't be any tomorrow

And you know where you stand

But you can't see your way

And then you can't breath

But you haven't for days

So you hide and you cry

And you wish you would die

But you don't know what's wrong

But you know its been long

And you're wringing your hands

'Cuz your nerves are a flare

You shut your eyes tight

For you feel someone's there

You want to shout out

But no sound can you hear

So you open your eyes

And a shine of light does appear

So you walk towards the light

Then you can clearly see

You're out, you've escaped, you're finally free.

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Originally posted by skins4eva

my happy place involves CP breaking 40+ yard runs consistently, blitzing linebackers decapitating QB's and Brunell accurately finding coles over the middle for a 25 yard gain, also, Sean taylor laying some fools out

skins are 3 point road favorites this week, i'd say we have a good chance of seeing all of the above against the hapless Browns.

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It's only week 3 (going into week 4).

Gibbs needs (and he wants) to be treated as a new coach- not the legend. We've had big injuries, bad penalties (some our fault others not) and major mental mistakes (7 TOs in 1 game) but I still like this team. I feel that there is Momentum. Brunell had his best game all year (including preseason). Portis worked hard (not the break away runs people are used to) but he still ran all over Dallas. Chris Cooley is proving that he deserves to be a starter in the NFL and was a great pick over Winslow. The D-line has been markedly improved over the last few years and gets alittle more pass rush than last year. Bowen is having a career year as well. Andre Lott, Ron Warner, Antonio Pierce, Lemar Marshall have stepped up to play well as fill in starters. Smoot is making people say Champ who?

So I'm still positive- we will not be another 5-11 team, we will have a winning season and we still have a good shot at making the playoffs.

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Karma, vibes, fans effecting the outcome at football games...

Come on guys. Please make a little sense. Sure, crowds can pump up the players. But if you think so voodoo type rituals in front of the TV are going to help your football team have better success, well you're more delusional than I expected.

It's one thing to be a knowledgable, die hard, on the edge of your seat fan. It's something entirely different to think that by your sheer will you can influance the outcome of a football game, seperate or collectively.

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