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Props to the Skinz


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True, I hate to lose this game, but it was a tough game. I actually saw Joe get outcoached. I'm not sure I ever saw that. Joe and Bill bring the best out of one another and on this night Bill was on top, even if it were ever so slightly. The Beasts of the East are back. I think the Skins are still in the process of unlearning the culture of losing, and learning how to win.

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Thanks ABQ. It was a close game once we got some offensive consistency. Zero turnovers, lots of good plays and where would these discussions be without controversy?

Parcells always coaches a rock-solid game. Testeverde is really showing up this season. Congrats again. And again. And again.


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Originally posted by ABQCOWBOY

Sucks to lose but your team did play a hell of a game last night. I am happy to get the win but your team deserves credit. You are light years ahead of where you were last season. Good tough game, the way NFC football should be played. See ya in a couple of months.

ill 2nd that ABQ, this Skins team is taking shape for the future, i cant remember a Redskins D like the one yesterday in a long time, its really been no secret why we have beaten them 12 out of 13 times recently, basically we been able to run the ball at will, and our D has come up big.

i found it very puzzling to see Gibbs so unprepared last night, i think the play that sticks out to me is when BP challenged that play in the 3rd quarter, the call whether he had enough for a first down. the refs took almost 5 minutes to review, and the play stood as called, the Skins had all this time to talk and go over their options yet they end of up not able to get the play off and wound up calling a timeout. thats totally inexcusable, i can understand challenging the Glenn TD even though i wouldnt have it was clear as day Glenn was in.

lastly from a Boys perspective we threw to much last night, we never gave our running game time to get on track, i cant remember the last time we opened a game in a no huddle with 4 wides and no RB in the backfield. strange game and terrible officiating very unlike a BP and Gibbs game.

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