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Gibbs needs to learn clock management


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the loss falls on the shoulders of poor clock management you are correct. I also falls on the decision Gibbs made to challenge that touchdown. Gibbs really needs to get a grip on the challenge situation. I also didnt agree with williams decision to hold off the blitz in that last cowboys series. but the skins will be alright we didnt look like the FLA skins of a year ago. We played with fire and showed something in the comeback.

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Oh, I see. It's Gibbs' bad clock management that cost us the game. RIIIIIIIGHT. :rolleyes:

I'd say we lost the game because of ineffective offensive play due in part by dropped passes and crappy QB play throughout roughly 3 quarters. But, hey....that's just my 2 cents.

I'll give the benefit of the doubt to one Joe Gibbs, before I EVER defend our offense tonight. Sure, they looked great at the end. But it was too little, too late when they finally decide they actually want to play like professionals.

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Brunell messed up on the first one getting late out of the huddle, the second was Sellars not getting into formation (Brunnelscreaming at him)

and the review I can see why they reviewed it, if the refs said he didn't have control, his knee was out of bounds. but it was close.

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Originally posted by jbooma

just one timeout and we could have kicked a fg to put it in overtime :(

I am still proud of this team and still think we will have a good year. Remember our defense played this way without some of our key players!!

^^ agreed! still have some kinks/bugs to work out of the system..but we'll be fine..I dont feel as crushed as I thought id feel..still a bummer...but there is alot of season left and we have games against all of our division foes later in the year, more games period. Go Skins!!

Gotta beat the browns...then be 2-2 .500 not the worst. build from there.

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Originally posted by Potato Sack

Oh, I see. It's Gibbs' bad clock management that cost us the game. RIIIIIIIGHT. :rolleyes:

I'd say we lost the game because of ineffective offensive play due in part by dropped passes and crappy QB play throughout roughly 3 quarters. But, hey....that's just my 2 cents.

I'll give the benefit of the doubt to one Joe Gibbs, before I EVER defend our offense tonight. Sure, they looked great at the end. But it was too little, too late when they finally decide they actually want to play like professionals.

What nerve you have coming in here and talking sense after we just lost to a tough team (by three with a small chance to win in the closing seconds) coached by one of the better coaches in the NFL.

You can have my :2cents:

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Originally posted by bubba9497


Brunell messed up on the first one getting late out of the huddle, the second was Sellars not getting into formation (Brunnelscreaming at him)

and the review I can see why they reviewed it, if the refs said he didn't have control, his knee was out of bounds. but it was close.

Bubba that is the coaches fault to get the correct men in. Two playes in a row, you can admit he made a mistake. The crowd was the reason we challenged, he never bobbled it, it was clear. He also should have thought why challenge when you would have no timeouts left and it was obvious, now if you saw the ball hit the ground then challenge.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Bubba that is the coaches fault to get the correct men in. Two playes in a row, you can admit he made a mistake. The crowd was the reason we challenged, he never bobbled it, it was clear. He also should have thought why challenge when you would have no timeouts left and it was obvious, now if you saw the ball hit the ground then challenge.

???? correct man in.... there was no subsitution on either play?

The review was the only questionable mistake, and again I can understand why he took a chance

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I think the problem is that too many coaches are involved in the play calling decisions on the sidelines. I have noticed it all season long and especially tonight when they show the sidelines that Don Breaux and Bugel and a couple of others are talking to Gibbs at the same time plus who knows upstairs is also on the headset to Gibbs. Too many voices at once boggs down the ability to get the calls to the Quarterbacks in quick efficient manner.


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Gibbs is taking way too much time on the sidelines getting in plays, I agree with the previous poster that there are too many people involved over in his ear for the play calling, and he spends too much time talking to Mark on the sidelines. With all the shifts and motions he wants to do, he has to get Brunell into the huddle so that he can get out, with more than 10 seconds on the play clock.

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Originally posted by IAMBG

What nerve you have coming in here and talking sense after we just lost to a tough team (by three with a small chance to win in the closing seconds) coached by one of the better coaches in the NFL.

You can have my :2cents:

Yeh, you're right. What am I thinking? Gibbs is washed up. He really stunk up FedEx with that terrible clock management. I sure wish Steve Spurrier wouldn't have quit. Once again, we're screwed and have no chance to win this season with these coaches of ours.


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Originally posted by redskns56

Didn't read anything but the thread title of "Gibbs needs to learn clock management" and my immediate reply would be....

"Booma needs to learn to have a little patience"

Christ, it's his 3rd game back. Give the guy a break!

Or you need to learn to have a backbone, i was just pointing out one of the reasons we lost, didn't say he was a terrible coach :doh:

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Gibbs really needs to get a grip on the challenge situation-chiplohmillers#1

That's really not fair. Joe can only go by what is being told to him from upstairs. You really can't blame him for that. He talks to them, if they say challenege it, he throws the flag. No coach really knows whats going on. They see the replay on the jumbo but usually by then it's to late.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Bubba that is the coaches fault to get the correct men in.

You mean he should put someone in who knows where to line up? Sellers should have known where to be on that one play, that's not Gibbs' fault. Although maybe Gibbs should bench him if he keeps making costly mistakes.

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