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Brunell Practices, Increases Chances Of Starting


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Saw this over on the Insiders site --

PRACTICE NOTES: Brunell possible for Monday?

Just got this from Keim:

Joe Gibbs didn't think Mark Brunell would practice today. And he was all but ready to declare Patrick Ramsey as his starter for Monday's game against Dallas.

But Brunell's hamstring injury improved enough for him to practice Friday afternoon, giving him a chance to play Monday night. Now it appears Gibbs doesn't have to make a decision until game time.

Ramsey still took the majority of the snaps, taking four snaps for every two that Brunell took.

''It's not 100 percent and it's sore,'' Brunell said. ''But it's better than yesterday. . . Ultimately it's the coach's decision.''

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Gibbs may decide to wait until game time to make an announcement. I think the game plan will be vastly different with either quarterback. I would like to see Ramsey get a shot. I think we will need to make some "big-plays" in the passing game to be successful in the running game, and I think Ramsey gives us a better chance to accomplish that. And to be honest, I really haven't been that impressed with Brunell thus far.

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Yeah.. I definitely don't want to see a gimpy Brunell get knocked out early in the game and yet again force Ramsey into the game to make a heroic comeback that would be tough from not taking all the reps in practice.

The offense has been mostly ugly with Brunell. If he comes in he better be 100%.

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brunell is kidding himself if he thinks playing Dallas' fast front seven on a bad wheel is going to be the best thing for him or the team. his mobility is one of the bigger selling points in starting him, it sure isn't because of his size or those laser like passes we see coming out :)

if Brunell had been playing well before the injury and was putting up good numbers and the offense was fluid I could see taking the risk with a guy at 75%.

but Brunell, again, has had enough trouble so far when totally healthy.

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Good point about the number of active players. I think mark should be deactivated and we can free up a spot for Darnerian for any red zone opportunities.

I don't care how he practices, the fact is, anyone who watches him sees his big play ability on the FIELD DURING GAMES. But I think we can win without him. I just like what he and Patrick had going there last year.

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Bram Weinstein is pretty confident that Brunell will be starting on Monday...not what I was hoping for. I just don't think a gimpy, weak-armed Brunell will be effective. The 'Boys will have 8 and 9 men in the box and dare us to beat them deep. I'm not convinced Brunell can do that.

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I hate to say it but this is beginning to remind me more and more of 1985 when Joey T. at age 36 clearly was no longer a top shelf qb and yet we went through 6 agonizing games watching him trying to make plays that he made with ease 3 years earlier.

Gibbs stuck with him all the way until he got hurt against the Giants. Very stubborn about making personnel changes at qb.

Unforunately, the offense only seemed to get untracked when Schroeder came in after the injury and lead the team to a 5-1 close to the season.

I think we have some of the same sense of inertia here in 2004.

Brunell does not inspire confidence but the staff seems wedded to him as the only hope to win games.

But with Arrington, Daniels and a growing list of defenders sitting out, we are going to have to do something to kick start this offense.

Brunell's bag of tricks is empty right now. The opening drives of the first two weeks that looked impressive were almost all set up by Portis runs and some short dinks to the wide receivers near the line. The TD to Cooley was in close as well.

Nothing to the outside. Nothing that showed the opposition the ability to exploit the corners down the field.

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the dinks and dunks aren't going to work against dallas because the defense is fast and will close on the short stuff for minimal gains (see the Browns pathetic WCO last week against Dallas for reference).

Coakley and Williams will be parked near the line of scrimmage to take Portis and Cooley out of the game as receivers.

That means it will be up to Brunell to plant his foot and throw an accurate 20-30 yard ball to loosen things up and I don't see it happening.

The worst thing to me is you go into a game and already rule out staple plays such as the deep out that Coles runs well because Brunell can't get him the football 20 yards across the field :mad:

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Call me crazy, but I think I'll trust Gibbs on this one. If he thinks Brunell's the guy, Brunell's the guy.

As for Ramsey, well if he doesn't start, it may be a blessing in disguise. Take the pressure off, let him watch some more. His lack of football instincts scare me, but I still have faith he's our qb of the future, if not the present.

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well, everyone is entitled to a mistake :)

Gibbs himself has made the mistake of hanging onto a veteran qb too long a couple times, Theismann in 1985 and Doug Williams in 1988 were examples.

Guys who had gotten it done in the past just no longer had the goods.

Both times Gibbs by necessity had to go to the bench to bring up younger players that nobody thought was near ready to play and yet in both cases the players, Schroeder and Rypien, did much better than expected.

A year after calling upon Schroeder, the Redskins were in the NFC title game in 1986 with a 12-4 record and a qb that had passed for 4,109 yards.

A year after calling upon Rypien for the first time in a dismal 7-9 season in 1988, the Redskins rebounded to 10-6 in 1989 with Mark at the helm.

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Just a hypothetical here... in an attempt to prove a point. What if Ramsey is given the nod and goes in and implodes.... and I mean similar to the Saint game fiasco or last week's interception tally? Do you realize the damage done to him if that happens to occur? Plus... we've got Brunell who has to come in once Gibbs gives Ramsey the hook and he's trying to move the ball club with a pulled hamstring and the Cowboys with their ears pinned back trying to add insult to injury ... a lopsided victory against the hated rival?

No... if Brunell is healthy enough to practice and doesn't regress... he should start Monday night. His veteran experience and better understanding of opposing defenses will pay better dividends than Ramsey's "wing and a prayer" inconsistent play.

Ramsey is best suited for standing on the sidelines this year holding a clipboard and absorbing as much of the offense as he can from Gibbs.. Burns... and Breaux.

I'm firmly in the Brunell camp.... as long as Brunell practices this tomorrow and sees the same level of continued improvement in his injury as he's seen in consecutive days this week.

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Originally posted by Cskin

Just a hypothetical here... in an attempt to prove a point. What if Ramsey is given the nod and goes in and implodes.... and I mean similar to the Saint game fiasco or last week's interception tally? Do you realize the damage done to him if that happens to occur? Plus... we've got Brunell who has to come in once Gibbs gives Ramsey the hook and he's trying to move the ball club with a pulled hamstring and the Cowboys with their ears pinned back trying to add insult to injury ... a lopsided victory against the hated rival?

No... if Brunell is healthy enough to practice and doesn't regress... he should start Monday night. His veteran experience and better understanding of opposing defenses will pay better dividends than Ramsey's "wing and a prayer" inconsistent play.

Ramsey is best suited for standing on the sidelines this year holding a clipboard and absorbing as much of the offense as he can from Gibbs.. Burns... and Breaux.

I'm firmly in the Brunell camp.... as long as Brunell practices this tomorrow and sees the same level of continued improvement in his injury as he's seen in consecutive days this week.

:applause: :applause:

Ramsey reminds me of a confused college 2nd string QB. Makes a few lucky throws here and there, but does more harm then good when he's running the offense. He has a huge arm, but just doesn't know how to win ball games. He may need a few games where he can go in there in the 4th quarter after the Skins have a 2TD lead. Then he won't have the pressure to force the ball, and it may help build his confidence in his own game. Anyways, just a thought.


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