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Why is Pastabelli always on Jeff George's nuts?


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Leave it to that idiot. He for some reason decides to bash a hall of fame coach in Joe Gibbs and then writes an article about what a travesty it is that Jeff George isn't picked up by some team.

This guy is obviously searching for some kind of topic to write about. Jeff George?? come on man.

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Originally posted by CowboyzSuckAzz

I didn't even know George was still in the League. Isn't he like 100 years old now?

He's not in the league, that's what the article was whining about.

And he is younger than Vinnie.

I think AzSkinsFan63 may be on to something with the hint to Dallas.

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Originally posted by Soliloquy

He's not in the league, that's what the article was whining about.

And he is younger than Vinnie.

I think AzSkinsFan63 may be on to something with the hint to Dallas.

That's what I get for not reading the article. I hate PastaBelly, so I refuse to read anything he writes, for fear that I may lose my temper & send more hate e-mail to ESPN for employing him. ;)

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