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Broncos fined, lose 3rd round pick for cap evasion


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Associated Press

NEW YORK -- The Denver Broncos have been fined $950,000 and will lose their third-round pick in next year's NFL draft for circumventing the salary cap between 1996-98.

The penalties were levied Thursday following an agreement involving the league, its union and the team.

The violations included agreements between the team and several players to defer salary payments with interest and an agreement not to waive a player before a certain date. Both raised issues with accounting for the salary cap.

In addition to the penalties against the team, the NFL said an agent for a former player agreed to donate $100,000 to charity. Neither the agent nor the player was identified.

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It may be just me, but it seems that denver is consistantly on the edge of violateing NFL rules, or simply violates them completely.

Shanahan is one of the coaches that didn't like to report injurys.

I think the broncos were fined for purposly bringing the wrong uniforms to a chargers game.

Their offencive line lives on the edge of the rules by diveing at players legs to make them more tentative. (not illegal just fairly cheap)

Now I hear their organisation secretly cheats the salary cap. Even if none of what they did makes any sense.

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