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Why no review call by Hill


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Gibbs said in his press conference that he didn't want to do anything that might break the momentum the Redskins had. I say, what's the worst thing that could have happend? A failed challenge and you have to kick a field goal. Yesterday on CSN, Buges said that the coaching staff would learn from the mistake and would throw the red flag on any plays that were even close.

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Originally posted by SkinsFan589

Gibbs said in his press conference that he didn't want to do anything that might break the momentum the Redskins had. I say, what's the worst thing that could have happend? A failed challenge and you have to kick a field goal. Yesterday on CSN, Buges said that the coaching staff would learn from the mistake and would throw the red flag on any plays that were even close.

Coach Joe has GOT to challenge in today's league. By not challenging, he STOPPED our momentum.

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I'm pretty sure they would use all available camera angles when reviewing the play, and you can't tell me there isn't a goal line camera used when deciding if a player breaks the plane of the end zone? There would have been AT LEAST one camera that would have revealed that the spot was incorrect.

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Originally posted by SkinsFan589

Gibbs said in his press conference that he didn't want to do anything that might break the momentum the Redskins had. I say, what's the worst thing that could have happend? A failed challenge and you have to kick a field goal. Yesterday on CSN, Buges said that the coaching staff would learn from the mistake and would throw the red flag on any plays that were even close.

I wanted them to go for it...but I understood why he didn't. I mean if the Bucs stopped us, then on some freak play they end up with a 98 yd TD....we're screwed.

It's the old way of thinking for me...with Norv or Spurrier at the helm we would have found a way to screw things up :)

It'll take some getting used to...this team concept that creates opportunities for us...rather than blowing it.

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If I were a coach, I would never kick a field goal inside the two yard line. Even if you don't make it, you make it extremely tough on the opposing offense. You rarely see a team get even a single first down when pinned against the goalline, let alone a 98-yard touchdown drive. But, I won't doubt Gibbs, he knows best.

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Even if the fat ass line judge is blocking that view, FOX had about a half dozen other views that showed the ball was spotted a good 2 yards short. Gibbs has got to throw the flag on that one, but the blame goes upstairs to our supposed ex-Ref who is telling Gibbs whether or not to challenge.

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You know if somehow we had lost the game, that non challenge would have been hot topic number 1 around here. I was thinking after we kicked that field goal that I hope it doesn't come back to bite us in the @ss. Still, Gibbs didn't get word from the official upstairs, and from what I understand, Hill thinks it would have been hard to over turn that spot. Who knows. I'm just glad it didn't become a factor later on.

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Originally posted by mookie0720

Even if the fat ass line judge is blocking that view, FOX had about a half dozen other views that showed the ball was spotted a good 2 yards short. Gibbs has got to throw the flag on that one, but the blame goes upstairs to our supposed ex-Ref who is telling Gibbs whether or not to challenge.

conclusive evenidence

Hill had only the fox replay to decide in 40 sec. to signal Gibbs. HELLO. They don't get every angle to view, and if the did they could check every shot for conclusive evenidence in 40 seconds.

2 Gibbs said that the overturning the spot is the toughest challange to make. unless there is a definite angle that shows a landmark to spot the ball. You can't have conclusive evenidence.

3. Also the only angleyou can use is the side view, which limits the chances of finding conclusive evenidence replay.

plus the Refs do not have the aid of the yellow line in their replays.

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I'll say this about Coach Gibbs, officials and challenges. Growing up I was the first guy to remind someone that good teams win in spite of bad calls. I've forgotten that over the past 10 seasons but it held true Sunday. Coach Gibbs is the man and if he deems it correct to kick a field goal from inside the 3 yard line in a defensive battle then I'm right there thinking it was the right thing as well. Let's get some perspective here, it is not an automatic that the officials would have corrected their error on a challenge and Bubba's shot shows one decisive angle that is blocked. They blew the call and the Redskins won anyway. It's not like that was the only erroneous moment for the zebras on Sunday. I'm happy with the win and Coach Gibbs' decision.

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Originally posted by bubba9497

conclusive evenidence

Hill had only the fox replay to decide in 40 sec. to signal Gibbs. HELLO. They don't get every angle to view, and if the did they could check every shot for conclusive evenidence in 40 seconds.

2 Gibbs said that the overturning the spot is the toughest challange to make. unless there is a definite angle that shows a landmark to spot the ball. You can't have conclusive evenidence.

3. Also the only angleyou can use is the side view, which limits the chances of finding conclusive evenidence replay.

plus the Refs do not have the aid of the yellow line in their replays.

That holds true on calls that are close. This call was not even close! The first replay can show this. Even if the line judge ends up blocking Brunell's final spot, you can still clearly see Brunell go flying past the first down marker up to his knees. This call was not even close, and it didnt take 40 seconds to make, most people who were watching the game semi-closely could immediately say that was a first down. I didn't even see the replay and I took it for granted that it was a first down before they even showed the replay.

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It was very obvious on TV and the announcers said so, that we got a bad spot.

Hall blew this one. We had two challenges available. What the hell were we saving the challenges for? If you have them, you may as well gamble and use the first one. As it turns out, the game ended and WE STILL had two challenges we never used. :doh:

Kissing off the extra 4 points, almost later cost us the game. :(

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