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Brunell's would-be INT against Tampa.....


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What happened exactly, did he just totally underthrow the ball or what? The ball looked to be floating, and the angle of it was more UP, then OUT. The receiver(I don't even remember who it was) seemed to have 2-3 steps on both cover men, and a stronger throw would have resulted in a TD pass......I hope that was just some rust......:(

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Originally posted by daveakl

He got decked as he threw it

Originally posted by Burgold

If I remember correctly he was hit as he was releasing the ball. Disrupted his motion and gave a lot more arc than he wanted.

I believe you are both correct here... It looked to me as he was following through he got hit pretty good...

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The man downfield was Cooley, if you're talking about the pass that got knocked around a bit and then fell to the turf near the endzone pylon. I too believe Brunell got hit as he threw and didn't get to step into it like he should have.

The "almost" pic in the 2nd half was a 5 yard in to Coles in which the defenders just mauled him to the point that the Refs were counting the yard markers to make sure it was within 5 yards.

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actually he didn't get benched for Leftwich. He got hurt, and leftwich came in... He then missed a few weeks... the jags were not going to the playoffs, so whats the point of playing Mark when leftwich was the future, and burnell would be gone anyway the next year?

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Originally posted by airSkins91

actually he didn't get benched for Leftwich. He got hurt, and leftwich came in... He then missed a few weeks... the jags were not going to the playoffs, so whats the point of playing Mark when leftwich was the future, and burnell would be gone anyway the next year?

If you believe that, I've got some swamp-land in Florida I'd like to sell you.

Brunell had a minor "hurt not injury" which he would have happily played through. Jaxonville wanted to use it to give Leftwich a pressure free start. It took off from there. If Brunell had been playing better, you can bet he would started started through his "injury" last year.

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I will give Brunell the benefit of the doubt in this game. Tampa has a very talented defense, w/o question.

However, I think there were some seriously blown calls by the officials in the secondary. For instance, there was a streak play, where LC had beaten his man. As he ran by him, the defender CLEARLY hooked him, well beyond the chuck zone. Horrible no call, IMO.

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Everybody is still getting used to the new offense and to each other. The offense and Brunell will only get better. We're also not going to be playing defenses as good as TB every week - like next week against the gints. Against TB our offense was limited to a degree because of their great dline and our need to keep alot of guys in to protect - we gave up no sacks. There were three bobbled snaps - which should be eliminated quickly enough and there were a number of illegal contacts that weren't called. Isn't it interesting last year people were complaining after losses now people aren't happy with a good win.

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Brunell had a minor "hurt not injury" which he would have happily played through. Jaxonville wanted to use it to give Leftwich a pressure free start. It took off from there. If Brunell had been playing better, you can bet he would started started through his "injury" last year.

I'm afraid you're wrong. Brunell suffered an elbow laceration that required stiches... on his throwing arm. While he was out... Jax got waxed... and by the time he was healthy... Jax decided to let the rookie play.

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Say what you want about a few bad passes.

I'll look at the key GREAT passes he made.

Cooleys catch was a perfect ball.

Coles to extend the late drive on 3rd and 8.

Gardner dropped a 30 yd completion early.

He made many more great passes than he made bad ones.

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I'd have to say also that I was actually more impressed by his good throws than worried about the not-so-good ones.

The throw to Gardner on the rollout was perfect, and there ain't no way Ramsey's making that play. And a couple of the shorter ones he put in the perfect position so only our guys could get to the ball.

Overall, not a great day for the passing offense, but I'm willing to bet that's because Gibbs specifically planned (and coached Brunell this way) to not go for big pass gains against this fast defense, so that we wouldn't give up a huge play that could change momentum.

I mean, just listen to what Gibbs said about going for the field goal instead of the touchdown in the first. We already had momentum on our side, so going for the kill and missing would only hurt that. This goes for throwing down the field too, because an interception and return could have lost the game for us at any point.

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Originally posted by Chris 44

I agree Thinker, I also look to see Portis running wide against the Giants, something that we didnt attempt to do against Tampa because of their team speed.

Not that Brian Westbrook is a scrub, but if he can light up the Gints, you know Portis and a good gameplan form Gibbs and Bugel will anihilate Gayhan and the Gints.

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Originally posted by NoCalMike

What happened exactly, did he just totally underthrow the ball or what? The ball looked to be floating, and the angle of it was more UP, then OUT. The receiver(I don't even remember who it was) seemed to have 2-3 steps on both cover men, and a stronger throw would have resulted in a TD pass......I hope that was just some rust......:(

how about that would be touchdown galloway dropped,that was a close one

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

Say what you want about a few bad passes.

I'll look at the key GREAT passes he made.

Cooleys catch was a perfect ball.

Coles to extend the late drive on 3rd and 8.

Gardner dropped a 30 yd completion early.

He made many more great passes than he made bad ones.

If I may add,

4) Nice touch on the pass to Gardner, when Gardner made the nice adjustment

5) Strong throw to Gardner on a roll-out

6) Strong throw to Portis on a roll-out

It's way too early to make any sort of judgment. Brunell was both good and not good, but it's too early.

Originally posted by Brooklynskinsfan

his arm looked very weak coles beat the dbs a couple of times and had to run back to the ball other times brunel just threw to someone closer. when brunel throws the deepball it seems like he hast to fling his hole body. I think ramsey can throw farver on his knees.

Brunell had one overthrow to Coles deep; one jump-ball to Coles that may have been underthrown (it may not have); and one deep underthrow to Cooley. Plus, Brunell "throwing to someone closer" is not always the wrong decision. Better the safe play than the risky play, I remember that from once-upon-a-time.

Plus, to anyone who poo-poo'ed Brunell's 6 yard pass to Betts on 3rd and 11: would you rather have 6 yards, or no yards?

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First off on 3rd and 11? I'd rather have the first or no yards. Anything less than a 1st and your kicking it away anyways. I'm figuring that wasnt the primary reciever on that play anyways. Second or third probably.

As for Brunell's throwing. I don't know about his arm getting weak but I did notice that on a few plays he was throwing in the opposite direction of his rollout, fading away if you will, and that really seemed to affect the velocity of his throws. My guess is that he wasnt planting before his throws. We'll see next week I guess.

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First off on 3rd and 11? I'd rather have the first or no yards. Anything less than a 1st and your kicking it away anyways.

Joe Gibbs plays an oldfashioned field position game. Always has. Always will.

So it didnt bother me or suprise me when Brunnell checked down as fast as he did. There was pr3essure coming and the choice wasnt a 6 yd gain or no gain. It was a 6yd gain or a sack and loss of 5.

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