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Got Norvitous anyone?


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Well, I was watching the Colts - Pats game last night and suddenly I got tremendously nervous. I felt antsy, unsure, and a sudden doom like sensation. It was the pre-season jitters for sure. A normal occurrence for me, except most time unaccompanied by the sense of dread and doom.

I knew then it was more serious -- I was not only nervous, but Norvous.

I can't shake the letdowns, blown games, lackadaisical attitude, and bonehead mistakes of the past 12 years. They haunt me.

To make matters worse, I believe this game one to be the most critical game in this teams future under Gibbs. Win it (or even lose respectively) and we will move on to greater times. Lose like we have in the past and... I can't even think of it.

Anyway, just wondering if anyone else is experiencing similar symptoms of Norvitous?

Hoping there is a cure. Hoping its Gibbs.

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I keep having these nightmares of 3rd and long, and a stupid short five-yard dump-off to Brian Mitchell in the flat. I wake up sweating and screaming. Sheets soaked, wife upset, waking up the neighbors. My doctor tells me it's Norvitous, but I just can't believe it. I mean, it's been so long, I couldn't possibly still be suffering.

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The staff is most certainly in place. I have never been so sure about anything in my life.

However, I still worry about the attitude of some players.

Some players (like Arrington) haven't yet demonstarted that they know what being a pro is all about. Most of the players really come off as Gibbs guys, but there's a few shady dudes who I'm still on the fence about. We might have to move some guys before we truly have the cast to go all the way. And it might surprise some folks who they are.

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Actually to the contrary, watching the Colts/Pats gave me some instant relief because I really expected both of those teams to look a lot better then they did, especially NE's defense. If those two teams are supposed to be the CREAM OF THE CROP of the NFL, then I think a lot of mid-upper range teams are a lot closer then some people think.

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Originally posted by TheDane

I keep having these nightmares of 3rd and long, and a stupid short five-yard dump-off to Brian Mitchell in the flat. I wake up sweating and screaming. Sheets soaked, wife upset, waking up the neighbors. My doctor tells me it's Norvitous, but I just can't believe it. I mean, it's been so long, I couldn't possibly still be suffering.

Well, the worst case known to man so far is Norvitous, which has progressed to Spurrierifolous...it is a horrible disease that causes uncontrollable cussing & ranting, flapping of the lips & dropping things, such as clipboards. This disease has been known to look & sound much like Terrets Syndrome, with some differences. Spurrierifolous ONLY occurs on Sundays during football games & has ONLY 1 known cure - Gibbs-edrin, and a real healthy dose. I am recovering from Spurrierifolous & am taking ALL the Gibbs-edrin I can afford to take. Hopefully, by the time this season ends, my Spurrierifolous will completely cured. May it work for the rest of you as well.


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Originally posted by NoCalMike

Actually to the contrary, watching the Colts/Pats gave me some instant relief because I really expected both of those teams to look a lot better then they did, especially NE's defense. If those two teams are supposed to be the CREAM OF THE CROP of the NFL, then I think a lot of mid-upper range teams are a lot closer then some people think.

It's nearly the same NE defense that was destroyed by the Bills in last year's opener. It was week 1. Teams that are making playoff runs at the end of the season will undoubtedly look like crap this week.

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Originally posted by NoCalMike

Actually to the contrary, watching the Colts/Pats gave me some instant relief because I really expected both of those teams to look a lot better then they did, especially NE's defense. If those two teams are supposed to be the CREAM OF THE CROP of the NFL, then I think a lot of mid-upper range teams are a lot closer then some people think.

I agree. I don't think that NE is gonna be able to defend their title, only because I don't think any team can be that lucky 3 out of 4 times. I'm not sayin' they aren't talented, but they seem more lucky then talented on most levels. How do I know this? The last team to beat them - The Redskins, 17 games ago, under Spurrier...:puke:

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I feel perfectly at ease. Unusual, since I'm generally a nervous wreck at this time of year. :puke:

Here's the thing: Even if we lose to Tampa, I know Joe Gibbs, Joe Bugel, Greg Williams et al will win the majority of the remaining games.

For me, Norvitis disappeared when Spurrier took a powder and the greatest coach of our generation took center stage.

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Originally posted by ljer

I'm Norvous as he11:paranoid: :paranoid: :paranoid:

Eleven years of crap football is not that easy to shake, but a good dose of Gibbs and Co. is just what the doctor ordered.............I hope :paranoid:

It better be...otherwise, this franchise is in serious trouble! :paranoid:

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I'm stoked beyond measure for the first game of The Return, but I'm also quite aware that it IS, in fact, the first game of The Return.

It's a matter of expectations, I think. If people are expecting the 2004 Skins in their opener to look like the 1991 Skins in the Super Bowl, they're probably going to be disappointed. But if they're aware of the context of this game---that it is just the first step in a journey---and watch it knowing that the team they're going to see Sunday 9/12/04 isn't the team they can expect to see come December 2004, or even December 2005 ... I think their beer is going to taste pretty darn sweet the day after tomorrow. :)

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Originally posted by Dirk Diggler

The staff is most certainly in place. I have never been so sure about anything in my life.

However, I still worry about the attitude of some players.

Some players (like Arrington) haven't yet demonstarted that they know what being a pro is all about. Most of the players really come off as Gibbs guys, but there's a few shady dudes who I'm still on the fence about. We might have to move some guys before we truly have the cast to go all the way. And it might surprise some folks who they are.

I think Lavar is just being Lavar.

If he repeats his Vick body slam a few times this year, we'll accept his emotional outbursts.

Won't we?


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