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(merged) Where do you get your sports news from?


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I feel limited to JUST ESPN. I want to make a list of favorite links for sports news and was hoping maybe some other people could benefit from this. If you know of a good sports info web site copy a link into this thread and we can try and make one comprehensive list. Now that I think about it....it would be cool if Extremeskins could keep a database of sports related links (maybe they already do). Well, in the meantime we can just use this thread. I'll kick it off:




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Originally posted by sonsofwashington

I feel limited to JUST ESPN. I want to make a list of favorite links for sports news and was hoping maybe some other people could benefit from this. If you know of a good sports info web site copy a link into this thread and we can try and make one comprehensive list. Now that I think about it....it would be cool if Extremeskins could keep a database of sports related links (maybe they already do). Well, in the meantime we can just use this thread. I'll kick it off:




WOW! I didn't even know there were other sports news places other than Extremeskins! ;)

Oh & btw, :bucsuck: :bucsuck: :bucsuck:

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