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sportsillustrated puts the skins at 8-8


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I posted this earlier, but I think 8-8 is generous. Considering our schedule is pretty tough, I think 8-8 would be an achievment. I could also see us doing much better. But We'll have to see how it all works out. Hope for the best, but don't get dissapointed if they don't meet expectations their first year with Gibbs.

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Dr. Z doesn't like the Redskins, ever. But with the return of Gibbs he feels the need to at least be civil, hence 8-8. If it were anyone else we and Dallas would be flipped with us slated to finish 6-10.

I just love the fact the national media has the Eagles playing the Seahawks for the NFC title this year. It will give other teams a chance to sneak up and strike fast.

No one knows what the injury situation will look like by Week 12. That is going to be the key.

The Redskins under Gibbs have overcome the loss of players in the past to go on and win games and even championships.

I don't think the loss of Jansen alone is going to derail this team.

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I'd like to see us do better than 8-8 and I could see us winning as many as 10 or 11 if everything goes right. I could also see us winning 6 or 7 if we have some injuries (ie. Portis or Arrington).

I think that we are bound for some hiccups and that 8-8 is pretty realistic. That doesn't mean we can't hope for Superbowl and mortgage our house to go to Jacksonville if it happens.

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I really can't expect that people would be upset over this prediction. 8-8 seems about right for someone to predict who isn't a fan of the team. I'm expecting 8-8, and wouldn't be disappointed in being a .500 team in Gibbs' return. I'll obviously be happy with more wins, but I don't think it's fair to expect a team learning a new system, and a coach getting his wings back, to be a championship contender off the bat. 8-8 would not be a failure this year. And, as cocojoey said, 8-8 is better than 5-11 and 7-9. Besides, an 8-8 year bodes well for 2005, if we remember history.

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First, of all, SI is rarely correct. I found last year's SI preview issue and they only had about half of the playoff teams correct. I wouldn't put much weight into what Dr. Z says. But, 8-8 seems about right on. I can't find 10 wins on the skins schedule, but I think they will at least 7. Playing Dallas and Phily twice is rough.

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I would be able to live with 8-8 as long as Gibbs has us at least 8-6 heading into that Dallas game in late December. True, losing a late-season game to the Cowboys would be heartbreaking, but it's sure beat what we've had the last few season, which is basically out of contention by the beginning of December.

Z is really down on the Cowboys though!! 6-10?? Parcells alone can will that team to more wins than that.

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I think anyone in the media who picks a team to be 8-8, that they don't know anything about the team and are just playing it safe....

example - if we go 10-6 they were only off by 2 games....but, if we go 6-10...again they were only off by 2 games... pretty safe to say that if we lose more than 10 games we had a more serious problem than anybody has pointed out or discussed (or even hammer the snyder factor)...but if we win more than 10 games we had an extrodinary season and no one saw it coming(or chaulk it up to Gibbs)....so most have put us in the 6/10-10/6 bracket.

Most of the media are playing it safe w/ us and are hovering around the 8-8 mark because we have shown improvement in the offseason and had a losing season last year. Most of the experts have already made there predictions and others show a tendacy not to vary too far from those. but there are in actuality lots of surprises during a course of a season.

personally I will be happy w/ 8-8 or better (and I do think they will be better)

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To me it is very hard to pick the Redskins record this year because we should see an attitude and work ethic from some of our mainstays that we HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE due to Gibbs being back. Our team, admittingly weren't willing to go to battle for 4 quarters under Spurrier/Norv/Marty......with Gibbs you get the feeling that if the Skins have a 4th quarter lead, they are going to win, unless they are playing maybe a top 5 team.

Add to that how many games this same group lost in the 4th quarter last year, the Carolina and Miami games are 2 obvious games that we SHOULD have won. I'd also point to the first Cowboys game, as we caused what, 3 turnovers in the first 10 minutes and got, what a ONE TD out of it? Pathetic

I just don't see this team losing the close games like they did in the last couple of years. Gibbs will not stand for the bad attitudes and the lackluster performances late in games that our team displayed over the last few years.

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Most People say 8-8 cause like Octane 67 said its a safe bet, But with the coaching staff, The Hunger & The Talent The Skins have ( not being in the playoffs in some time) I can see them at 10-6 or better! Just look at the Cowboys last year, Not Much Talent but Bill Parcells, They weren't picked to do much at this time last year at all & Look how their season turned out! Also at this time last year, Who would have picked the Panthers to go all the way to the Super Bowl, One Never Knows!!

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