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Democratic left wing protesters harrass Republican delegates


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Originally posted by docdru

Hahahaha...that was a good one....hahahahaha

Originally posted by Destino

That's right, don't protest because it's a sign of intolerence.

Can I get a price check on arm bands please, price check on arm bands.

Don’t be a tool and even try that stupidity on me.

You have more than a right to protest anything you bloody want to in this country.

HOWEVER, you cross the line when you start acting like animals and lose all human decency. Swearing at convention goers? Physical assault? If you cant express yourself in an intelligent manner and act civil, perhaps you should forfeit your ability to protest. I mean if you don’t have the mental capacity to express yourself without acting like a chimp, im sure you cant wrap your brain around the issues, now can you?

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Originally posted by Oldskool

Don’t be a tool and even try that stupidity on me.

You have more than a right to protest anything you bloody want to in this country.

HOWEVER, you cross the line when you start acting like animals and lose all human decency. Swearing at convention goers? Physical assault? If you cant express yourself in an intelligent manner and act civil, perhaps you should forfeit your ability to protest. I mean if you don’t have the mental capacity to express yourself without acting like a chimp, im sure you cant wrap your brain around the issues, now can you?

Originally posted by flashback

"Go **** yourself."

--Dick Cheney

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Everything I have seen on the news suggests that the protests have been peaceful overall. You will find ass holes that get violent just to get violent because they think they can get away with it during a protest not because they believe in one parties ideology. Take the anarchist for example.

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Originally posted by docdru

How do you know that was a liberal and not just someone who knew you and hated you personally.

Sorry, communist. These days there is a very fine line between the two.

I don't make, or have, enemies. :)

Originally posted by Destino

You want to "destance" yourself form the left because of crime related to you "Bush campiagn sticker."

Let me explain something to you, until you drive around in southern VA with a Kerry sticker on your car, you don't know what hatred is. My aunt was almost driven off the road, and threatened with rape by passing compassionate conservatives. You don't indentify yourself as a democrat in many areas of this country, and having your sticker pulled off is the very least of your concerns if you do.

Yes I do want to distance myself. Not to downplay your story, but I don't appreciate knife marks all over my back windshield for displaying a sticker that harmlessly shows who I support. Furthermore, if that is supposed to sway me, or make me recognize this persons' values or political affiliations' values, then he/she should go live in Cuba.

I've had Clinton bumper stickers and Nader bumper stickers on my car and never had any problems.

For clarification sake, this was done by someone who knew me and I considered our relationship a "friendly accquaintance."

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Originally posted by docdru

Of course you have one example versus the hoards of unintelegent, professional liberal protesters.

Personally I think Cheney should have apologized for his comments and should be replaced as V.P. but that doesn’t concern you. You have an example!! :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by docdru

Did you just call me a communist. Thank you.


Actually, no I didn't. I was responding to your post, you said how do I know it was a liberal and I corrected myself. ;) but your welcome I guess.....

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Originally posted by Oldskool

To most people in this world and especially those that have suffered at their hands, that’s a label that you don’t want to have attached to you, but if the shoe fits…

and now it is forever online :laugh:

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Protesters drive me crazy, yeah they should have the right to do it, but do they ever accomlish anything?

They want to be heard more than they want there ideas heard, they know want they don't want, not what they want. They are crazy loons who will use violence to protest violence.

Those moes are CRAZY."

Man, I would have hated to be around most of you guys after the Boston Tea Party. Bunch of Torries here. Protesting never does any good? I thnk the civil rights marches and protests of the '60's did some good. I think the Rosa Parks Bus Boycott did a wee bit of good. Of course to most Republicans... maybe the Boston Tea Party, the abolotionist movement, Women's Sufferage, and the Civil Rights movement were all bad?

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Originally posted by docdru

"Go **** yourself."

--Dick Cheney

That's your comeback? To point out an instance of someone else doing it.

You know it's wrong. Just admit it. Are you that blinded by party loyalty that you would defend this stuff?

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Originally posted by Oldskool

Of course you have one example versus the hoards of unintelegent, professional liberal protesters.

Personally I think Cheney should have apologized for his comments and should be replaced as V.P. but that doesn’t concern you. You have an example!! :rolleyes:

Nothing proves a point better than misspelling unintelligent:laugh: :point2sky

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Originally posted by Burgold

Man, I would have hated to be around most of you guys after the Boston Tea Party.

The Boston Tea Party was part of the Revolution in which we used force to throw the existing government out and set up our own current government.

Are you advocating another revolution of that magnitude? If not, I think civil protest will suffice don't you?

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Actually, the Boston Tea Party was well before the actual revolution and most of those involved in the action wanted to jar the Brittish Crown into changing their taxation practices. Very few of those involved were advocating out and out revolt at that time.

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Originally posted by Lothar of the Hill People

That's your comeback? To point out an instance of someone else doing it.

You know it's wrong. Just admit it. Are you that blinded by party loyalty that you would defend this stuff?

That was more a response to Thiebears "You can not point you finger in my face and shout the f bomb or Nazi or some other racial/obcene word..." and Stu's "What has become of civil discourse when concerning the political direction of our land?"

Frankly, right-wingers lamenting the demise of civil discourse cracks me up.

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Originally posted by Burgold


Of course to most Republicans... maybe the Boston Tea Party, the abolotionist movement, Women's Sufferage, and the Civil Rights movement were all bad?

It's that kind of blind, stereotypical idiocy that makes political discussion so wonderful. Ignorance is bliss :doh: .

You can't possibly believe that, can you?

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