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Anybody have any clever ideas for getting the crowd rowdier at Skins games?

Commander PK

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I've got an even better idea than that one.

We get the Danny to pay a slew of Playboy Playmates to come to the home games. They are set up on a little stage, somewhere near the the home side. Everytime the skins score a touchdown, they each remove one article of clothing! If the other team scores, they ADD an article of clothing. That's one sure way to get the home peeps louder when we're on defense!! :laugh: :cheers:

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Definately winning or at the least playing good football. Who wants to chear for a team that can't tackle and looks like they don't know what they're doing? With Gibbs back were going to see a professional football team even in games we lose.

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Some promotions companies are now producing a small megaphone to be given out in large quantities. They now have a screw-on cap so popcorn can be carried in the megaphone prior to use. That might make it louder. However, for about 80,000 fans, that particular promotion might run around 40-50 grand.

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Well Winning is the biggest factor, and the 2nd biggest factor? Lets just say the Skins better send the fans home happy at the conclusion of Week 3, or they might not cheer loud the rest of the season......LOL.

I swear, I better hear "WE WANT DALLAS" ringing through the stadium during the ESPN preshow of MNF.......I can't wait.

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

Winning and just having a good time.

I remember at RFK people enjoyed themselves and enjoyed watching the game.

If people do that, go there for football, people will cheer

Edit: Whoops forgot this was clever ideas. Bring out Micheal Moore and half the crowd will boo lustily or cheer loudly.

That'll get the juices flowing

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I hear ya, I better here we want Dallas, and Every game I go to I will trying to get fellow fans to get loud.

Me and a bunch of buddies went to a Reds baseball game a few years ago, and 3 of us went to different sections and got all the fans riled up. It was awesome, we had them doing to wave, it was a blast.

Mr. Snyder, for a small fee, me and a few of my close personal friends will be "cheerleaders". I will station one person in each section and we will make fed ex the loudest stadium in the NFL!!

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