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Question About Smoo

Thinking Skins

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I haven't had a chance to go through all the threads, so excuse me if I'm being redundant. But I was thinking about the negative thoughts on Smoot from last night. I mean, people are saying that Smoot can't be a number 1 corner and that he got abused last night.

I kinda disagree.

Its true that Smoot was covering Holt on some of those long passes. But given the way he covered Holt last night, the at he has covered in the past, and the comments by Williams after the game, I'm led to believe that it was all planned.

We know particularly that Williams wanted to get Taylor to respect speed in the NFL. Well, one of the jobs of a FS is to help in coverage. In particular, Taylor is supposed to help Smoot if Holt gets by him. I think that on some of those plays, Smoot's job was to see if Taylor could do this.

But not just Taylor, and not just Smoot. Williams KNOWS the skills of our corners. What he doesn't know is how players like Lott, Bowen, Taylor, and our other safetys handle these situations.

So basically, I think that last night's game plan was to have our corners get beat badly just so that we could test our safetys. Obviously we need some improvement, but what we need to add in is the fact that our corners will not get beat that badly on that much of a normal basis. If they were, and it was one guy in particular doing it, we'd at least double cover him. I didnt see that last night.

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In a real game, Coach Williams will make adjustments and not leave Smoot out to dry like that. If I see an average receiver (toomer) abusing one of our cornerbacks (bailey) then I will be concerned. Saying that, with the new rules, I would expect to see a lot of long balls throughout the NFL this year.

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i hope your right. last night i also noticed all the no-calls against the rams secondary for jamming the reciever after five yards. aeneas williams should of been called at least 3 times. smoot was not guilty of this once. this new rule already has me worried about fairness in the league. the refs need to keep it consistent. we lose a slight edge becuase our secondary actually follows the rules.

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it's a shame that the patriots had to cheat last year against the colts to make the referees place a stupid rule like this... there is bound to be some contact the whole time... I mean my High School football coach used to tell me to slap their hand and elbow them in the stomach or the family jewels because it didn't look intentional but it would still give me an advantage.... these new rules just seem a bit too much...

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Originally posted by SkinsCrunkin

it's a shame that the patriots had to cheat last year against the colts to make the referees place a stupid rule like this...

Refs don't make the rules. They enforce them. Blame Tags.


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Originally posted by GIBBS LIVES

One thing that was learned is that Smoot can't cover one of the elite WR one on one. He needs help.

See, that there is exactly what I'm disagreeing with. I think the gameplan was for Smoot to set up Taylor and the other safetys to see how fast the help comes.

I didn't see Smoot bump Holt once. I think that once Williams realized that Martz was trying to make this into an highlight reel for Holt, Williams just went with it and changed the game plan.

And another thing that should be noticed is that Springs was holding his own with Holt in the first quarter. It wasn't til the second that Holt started to make big catches. And I think thats about when Williams started testing his safetys.

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Originally posted by FlyinO

pats are waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy overrated. expect their defense to take a huge nosedive. brady won't look like such a star when he's not winning close to 14 games this season(btw, we beat them last year).

You base this on what? Yeah, keeping the team intact and adding a Corey Dillon and winning two out of three SB's classifies them as overrated.:laugh:

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Here's a transcipt from Williams I posted late last night.

For those that missed the post game show on Comcast, Williams stated that with leaving some of the starters at home they needed to play some of their 3rd & 4th players against Martz' firsts. If the Skins D had made the improvement that they thought they had made on defense, he didn't need to see his guys play against guys that the Rams would cut. Said he needed to see them (3rd & 4ths) play against Holt, Faulk & those type of players. Said that their techinque wasn't as sound tonight, but that speed does that to you. Everything's fixable & correctable. He's going to get the team back to the drawing board tomorrow. Thought Taylor played great at times. Tonight's game was a good learning tool for Taylor. Said he'd been teasing Taylor about speed all week. The staff had targeted this game for Taylor to get alot of testing in due to the speed of the Rams WR. Said this game was a good learning experiance for alot of the younger guys. He matched up younger guys against guys that they know can play in the leauge. By doing that, they know who they need to move on & who to give more reps to in practice.

This team will fine. There is no impending doom as there has been without Gibbs being here. This coaching staff has a plan. Just sit back and watch it all unfold.

Some of you just need to have your very own "Gibbsian Moment"! .


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Originally posted by Nicealot

C'mon guys...We have got to stop making excuses for Smoot. HE is a favorite of min, but bottom line...he go burnt on several occasions. Even if it was a set-up, he looked bad.

I mean, I may seem like I'm just a smoot fan, and I am a big smoot fan, but if other teams base their decisions on throwing to Smoot on last night's game, they will be highly disappointed.

If thats the case, I can easily see our teams interception total double from last year.

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Originally posted by dayumnuttinleft

This is where you are going to find out that the lost of Champ will be huge. Smooth is now where near a number one corner, And he will catch hell shutting down other teams #1's....

Its funny because he shut down the other teams #1 last 3 games didn't he? Torry Holt is a beast and abused Smoot last game nonetheless, but I'm not gonna get in panic mode yet.

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Originally posted by blakman211

See, that there is exactly what I'm disagreeing with. I think the gameplan was for Smoot to set up Taylor and the other safetys to see how fast the help comes.

I didn't see Smoot bump Holt once. I think that once Williams realized that Martz was trying to make this into an highlight reel for Holt, Williams just went with it and changed the game plan.

And another thing that should be noticed is that Springs was holding his own with Holt in the first quarter. It wasn't til the second that Holt started to make big catches. And I think thats about when Williams started testing his safetys.

Well, I've never seen Smoot bump a receiver ever. He always plays loose, sometimes giving up way too much cushion. While I agree Williams wanted to see what the safeties could do, I don't think they were intentionally getting burned that bad, they were just burned.

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Originally posted by SkinsCrunkin

it's a shame that the patriots had to cheat last year against the colts to make the referees place a stupid rule like this... there is bound to be some contact the whole time... I mean my High School football coach used to tell me to slap their hand and elbow them in the stomach or the family jewels because it didn't look intentional but it would still give me an advantage.... these new rules just seem a bit too much...

For the record there are no new rules, just a stricter enforcement of what is already there. The rule has always been that contact after 5 yards is not allowed. Refs were just using their judgement on what contact counted as determential and what was innocent. Thanks to the bad officiating in the championship games, the league wants them to redirect focus on it.

It's like the NBA and traveling, some guys have always been allowed to get away with a step (or 8 if your name's Mike Jordan) or two over what they should. Sometimes the refs let that stuff go, and then the fans make fun/***** about it.

The NFL is simply trying to cleanup the enforcement of its own rules. I like the freerer interperation of the rules myself b/c I like defense....but the fact is that this should come as a surprise to nobody that the NFL is now looking at this.

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Originally posted by Nicealot

C'mon guys...We have got to stop making excuses for Smoot. HE is a favorite of min, but bottom line...he go burnt on several occasions. Even if it was a set-up, he looked bad.

I concur. The frustration was evident in his eyes and his posture.

Smoot is a true competitor - he will get over this and move on. I just hope that he can come out of that game with something positive. Whatever it may be. I am not going to try and rationalize the REDSKINS performance last night. We got outplayed. PERIOD.

Rams are a very good team. And, I am confident that we will have a much improved team this year. It is only preseason and last nights game did not mean too much - I am not even going to begin to analyze it or try to figure out this or maybe that... Whatever.... we got outplayed.

:2cents: :D

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Originally posted by TK-IV II I

Here's a transcipt from Williams I posted late last night.

For those that missed the post game show on Comcast, Williams stated that with leaving some of the starters at home they needed to play some of their 3rd & 4th players against Martz' firsts. If the Skins D had made the improvement that they thought they had made on defense, he didn't need to see his guys play against guys that the Rams would cut. Said he needed to see them (3rd & 4ths) play against Holt, Faulk & those type of players. Said that their techinque wasn't as sound tonight, but that speed does that to you. Everything's fixable & correctable. He's going to get the team back to the drawing board tomorrow. Thought Taylor played great at times. Tonight's game was a good learning tool for Taylor. Said he'd been teasing Taylor about speed all week. The staff had targeted this game for Taylor to get alot of testing in due to the speed of the Rams WR. Said this game was a good learning experiance for alot of the younger guys. He matched up younger guys against guys that they know can play in the leauge. By doing that, they know who they need to move on & who to give more reps to in practice.

This team will fine. There is no impending doom as there has been without Gibbs being here. This coaching staff has a plan. Just sit back and watch it all unfold.

Some of you just need to have your very own "Gibbsian Moment"! .


Thanks for the transcript! I agree w/ Williams, but I just wish Taylor would not have gotten that pick....I think an overall bad game would help deflate him a little..but the pick didn't help. What's scary is we are not facing any receiver with Holt's talent until maybe the Eagles or Bengals (Nov. 14th) I don't put Toomer up there with Owens & Johnson, but we do face the Giants week two. Expect more big plays for Taylor, or teams to really go conservative and stay away. That's what I expect from Gruden anyways...a lot of misdirection and passes in the flats.

By the way..is there a way to post video on this web site..I really want to show the replay on that interception...it was scary how fast he broke. Huff wondered if the ball was underthrown, but it looked to me that Taylor was prepared for a deeper pass anyways; he was just catching it at it's highest point.

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I think people are taking WAAY too much from this game. Williams was not gameplanning to win. He was putting players in positions he would not normally put them in for evaluation purposes. The Rams really did seem like they were trying to win. They ran Holt all over the field and really ran a much more open offense than we did. Maybe Martz thought they needed the lift after being pounded by Kansas City. I thought it was funny how excited Torry Holt looked after beating our what, 5th best CB? Congrats Torry, I'm glad you guys proved yourself against our preseason defense.

I mean, this guy led the league in catches and receiving yards last year. It's not like we got beat up by some scrubs. ANY corner could struggle against Torry Holt. Factor in preseason, vanilla play calls, and not always the best support being on the field and I'm not really all that surprised at the result. I still think Smoot can be a #1 corner in this league. I will wait for the REGULAR SEASON before I decide otherwise.

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