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Should Ramsey get the start on????


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Originally posted by RedskinGodfather

Ramsey had no shot form the get go...it would not make sense for what the signed him....He only is slated to make 600k when he is the back-up...no reason to have an 8 million dollar qb on the bench who can lead this team

I think Ramsey's gonna' be riding the pine because he hasn't been able to hit the broad side of a barn, but I hope it makes you happy to think it's because of money...


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He hasn't exactly 'seized' the mantle of starting QB to date. I love Ramsey, but he looks every bit the understudy right now. I will say he's been a little unlucky, had a number of big throws dropped in the preseason, gotten far worse field position in general than Brunnell, etc..

But the bottom line is he's only been average, Brunnell slightly above average. Its a no-brainer at this point. Brunnell's looked slightly sharper, and has the experience edge by a country mile. Patrick is #2 this year, barring injury.

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I personally wish we'd never gotten Brunnell, but how much of a fool would I be to say that I don't feel a little re-assurance with Brunell on the roster with the struggles Ramsey has had so far.

I know he'll get it together. the guy has a cannon and has the attitude, but is just forcing it. Doing the same things Brett Favre used to do, only without all the INTs that Brett had.

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WOW! How the masses have turned. 23-1. Was it that Patrick was that good last year or was it that our SKINS were that bad! Maybe he was the only bright spot in that terrible experiment known as Steve Spurrier. Right now he hasnt even earned the #2 spot in my mind.

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Do you think Ramsey will get a honest shot to be the Starter on Sept 12, 2004?

Um, what do you think the first month of training camp has been?

Ramsey HAD is honest shot...past tense. This contest is over, and the better QB won. What do you think should happen? Forget the first month of practice and start the competition at 0-0, and have a one week shootout? Would that be how Ramsey gets his "honest shot?"

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I totally agree...Brunell will be the starter...but remember this...Gibbs offense has been totally vanilla in preseason with Portis only getting 4-7 carries per game...you take a smash mouth running game and alot more complex passing game...and for some reason Brunell gets hurt or performs badly...Ramsey will come in the game with less pressure and perform nicely...he is pressing at the moment...but everything will be fine:logo:

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I think it is just plain stupid to think that he didn't have a shot. If he came out from the start of camp and clearly played better than Brunell....how much sense would it make not to start him. Everyone keeps throwing the money angle in it, but if you know Joe Gibbs its about putting the guys on the field that give you the best chance to win, regardless of their contracts.

That being said, I've more than a little disappointed in Ramsey. I was pulling for him hard last night to do everything possible to keep the competition up for grabs......unfortunatley it looks like a closed deal now.

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I like Ramsey too, but no, he won't start the regular season. He just hasn't shown anything that says he deserves the starting job.

The 2 worst games we've had in the pre-season, offense wise, were the 2 games that Ramsey started (against the Panthers and against the Rams).

He was missing wide open receivers, taking too long to get plays off, over-throwning folks by a mile (if folks in the stands were eligible to catch passes, we'd be in great shape with Ramsey, but they aren't). :)

He looks skittish and confused at times. He seems to be forcing things and letting the pressure of the situation get to him.

He just isn't ready yet.

And I too, and getting sick of some (just some) of the Ramsey apologists who keep saying Ramsey isn't getting a fair shot and Brunell is getting the starting job b/c of his contract. What bunk!

Ramsey has had every oppurtunity to show he should be the starter, including two pre-season starts just like Brunell, and Ramsey has shown NOTHING. Every time he is in there, the offense struggles with bad passes, delay-of-game penalties, and LOTS of 3-and-outs.

While Brunell hasn't looked perfect, he looks more polished and more ready than Ramsey.

And its idiocy to think that Gibbs decisions on the field are based on money and contracts. You don't win 3 Super Bowls that way. Gibbs will put the guys on the field that give the team the best chance to win. Always has, always will. :)

Ramsey will sit for now. And some (again just some) of you Ramsey apologists need to stop being so bitter and making up excuses about why he won't start. Your first loyalty should be to the Washington Redskins, and not one player.

I don't think there is one person on this board that didn't want Ramsey to succeed. B/c if he succeeds, the Redskins succeed.

But for the Redskins to succeed they have to go with the QB who is, for now, playing better.

And right now, that's Mark Brunell. :)

Skins Guy

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Ramsey had a chance, but he didn't seize it. Now he has a chance to sit and learn the system for a full year. Combine that with Ramsey's smarts and heart, and that's exciting. I think we'll see a much better QB competition next summer. Remember that right now, Patrick Ramsey is still our QB of the future.

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