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McDonald's Hit With Lawsuit Over Fat in French Fries


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Ahhhh. Trial lawyers out doing the peoples' work.

McDonald's Hit With Lawsuit Over Fat in French Fries

The Associated Press

Friday, July 9, 2004; 2:37 PM


SAN FRANCISCO -- McDonald's Corp. was hit with a lawsuit Thursday accusing the fast-food giant of failing to reduce fat in the cooking oil used in its french fries and other foods.

Oak Brook, Ill.-based McDonald's pledged in September 2002 to switch to a lower-fat oil by February, 2003.

The suit, filed in federal court on behalf of a California woman, says McDonald's has not disclosed "to the public in an effective manner that it had not switched to a new, healthier cooking oil."

The restaurant chain had announced it planned to cut the trans fat levels in its fried foods. But McDonald's has delayed the plan, citing concerns of product quality and customer satisfaction.

McDonald's spokeswoman Lisa Howard said the company could not comment on the complaint's specific allegations because it had not seen the lawsuit.

Howard said McDonald's has reduced trans fatty acid levels in its McNuggets and other chicken dishes.

"In February 2003, we made a broad public statement that the change in our cooking oil was taking longer than anticipated and would be delayed," she said. "We continue to work hard to achieve our ambitious goals for reduction of TFAs in our cooking oil."

Heart-clogging trans fat is made when manufacturers add hydrogen to vegetable oil -- a process called hydrogenation.

© 2004 The Associated Press

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Originally posted by Art

There's FAT in fried food? HOLY SH!T. They're in trouble now :).

I think a judgment/fine of about $500,000,000 sounds about right. That will teach those evil corporations to quit stomping on the little guy.

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Originally posted by TC4

And if Kerry gets elected. you will see more of this crap thanks to his tort lawyer VP Edwards :puke:

Try educating yourself on the cases Edwards took and fought for before making obnoxious generic statements handed to you by the GOP.

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I believe there is a tort reform in congress now that will stop all of the Lawyer shopping (ie. finding the county that will agree with them and give them the highest monetary return)... Notice McDonalds is being sued in LA of all places.. Go figure...

Didnt they also just come out and say that French Fries were a vegetable???? :) the lawyers in trouble now...

[ohh yeah, please enter Rush's name here] :doh:

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ok soo what, they have a lot of fat in them, so do a lot of fast food things, who woulda figgered? People need to just stop complaining. I still like McDonald's fries over any other, and if they put all that fat in them for that taste, I dont care at all.

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Originally posted by Ford

Try educating yourself on the cases Edwards took and fought for before making obnoxious generic statements handed to you by the GOP.

Yeah he sued baby doctors using questionable science. He is a two bit ambulance chaser that stole a 150 million dollar fortune "helping the little guy".

Think he could have gotten by keeping 5 million?

I love how you guys rush to the defense of rich liberals but every rich republican "exploited the little guy".

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Next they will say the French fries in 5 guys are done in Peanut oil and perfectly ok for you: BUT:

So many People are allergic to peanuts that it must stop anyway..

It's neverending...

You gotta love a guy that can say "The dead baby is talking through me..." he really is the John Edwards that talks to dead people.. I was just joking before...

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This is ludicrous! No one forced them to eat the french fries! My grandmother used to fry foods in lard. She lived to be 89.

I guess I could sue the beer companies if I have liver problems. These stupid claims are tying up the court system.

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If McDonalds issued a public statement stating a change in the ingredients of its products, and gave a date for that change to occur, and then subsequently failed to live up to its statement, then it has deceived the public.

The question here is whether or not McDonalds made a sincere effort to notify the public about its failure to live up to an earlier statement concerning the change in ingredients of its products.

If people have been purchasing McDonalds fries with the belief that it contains less trans fatty acids because of a statement by McDonalds committing to such, then it very well is liable if they did not live up to that commitment and failed to adequately notify the public of its failure.

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Originally posted by TheKurp

If McDonalds issued a public statement stating a change in the ingredients of its products, and gave a date for that change to occur, and then subsequently failed to live up to its statement, then it has deceived the public.

The question here is whether or not McDonalds made a sincere effort to notify the public about its failure to live up to an earlier statement concerning the change in ingredients of its products.

If people have been purchasing McDonalds fries with the belief that it contains less trans fatty acids because of a statement by McDonalds committing to such, then it very well is liable if they did not live up to that commitment and failed to adequately notify the public of its failure.

If people have been purchasing McDonalds *ANYTHING* and not know it's all fast food crap they should sue the school system, their parents and friends.. They should also sue all makers of clothes that do not expand...

It called common sense and responsibility for your own actions..


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A little education goes a long way in determining the relative value of an opinion. Get my drift?

Fats are not created equal. Some fats can actually improve one's cardiovascular health.

It matters tremendously not only how much fat one consumes, but which fats.

Taste aside, french fries prepared with animal fat are not the same as french fries prepared with olive oil. Both are fats. The latter method of preparation is far healthier than the prior method.

Learn the difference and the subsequent value of your opinions on similar matters rises exponentially.

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I got into an argument five years ago via email with a guy that arose out of my revusion at the tobacco class-action lawsuits. I couched my objection with the famous lament by the German clergy under Hitler ("First they came for the gypsies, and I did nothing. Then they came for the Jews, and I did nothing . . ." etc.) and I predicted that there would be lawsuits over food and its alleged cause of health problems.

Here we are.

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The Kurp:

Notice I didnt mention the methods of how it was done.

Notice I didnt mention the content of any specific food.

It's McDonalds... its crap by definition.... hence common sense.

You go ahead and get the Filet-o-fish and think your doing yourself a favor...

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Let's see if I can put this into perspective using an analogy.

If a manufacturer of jewelry releases a statement which informs its customers that starting August 1st, all of its gold rings will contain 18K gold rather than 14K gold, and come August 2nd it continues to sell rings made of 14K gold without informing its customers, is the company liable?

This is the crux of the lawsuit against McDonalds. If customers, based on information released by McDonalds, thought they were purchasing french fries prepared in fat that is less harmful to health, then they have a reasonable expectation that McDonalds was true to their word unless the company made public their failure to live up to their earlier statements about the contents of their product.

Why is this such a hard concept for some of you to grasp?

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Originally posted by TheKurp

Why is this such a hard concept for some of you to grasp?

I am sure they do disclose it, and it is at every store. They have every calorie, fat, etc. posted. Responsibility rests with the consumer and if they are not sure about something than they should question it prior to any action.

The 14k/18k scenario would be fraud and should be liable but only if it was labeled incorrectly.

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Originally posted by Thiebear

The Kurp:

Notice I didnt mention the methods of how it was done.

Notice I didnt mention the content of any specific food.

Yes, I did notice. Which is why your opinion on the topic holds little value.

It's McDonalds... its crap by definition.... hence common sense.

If McDonalds fries its french fries in fats that contain less trans fatty acids, then it's not "crap" by definition. For the type of fat dictates the definition.

Hence your common sense in reality, is simply ignorance.

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Originally posted by TLusby

I am sure they do disclose it, and it is at every store. They have every calorie, fat, etc. posted. Responsibility rests with the consumer and if they are not sure about something than they should question it prior to any action.

If this is true, and I wouldn't know since I haven't stepped foot in a McDonalds in over 20 years, then I agree whole-heartedly with you.

However what would continue to irk me is the fact that McDonalds, attempting to capitalize on the attempt by many Americans to eat healthier, undertook a media blitz to advertise its french fries as a healthier alternative to its competitors' french fries. If they subsequently, and quietly, failed to deliver on their advertisements then they are at the very least guilty of poor corporate citizenship

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