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AFP: British teen puts virginity up for sale


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...a sad comment on our times, eh? How is this not prostitution? ANd how sad is it that this kid thinks that this is a fun idea?



British teen puts virginity up for sale

Wed Jun 16, 8:10 AM ET

LONDON (AFP) - A British student has put his virginity up for sale on the Internet for 6,000 pounds (9,000 euros, 11,000 dollars), a newspaper reported.

David Vardy, a 19-year-old media studies undergraduate at Bournemouth University on the south coast of England, had 7,000 hits on eBay before the Internet auction site removed the advert, British newspaper The Daily Express said.

"I am always coming up with these crazy ideas," the student told the tabloid. "I just did the whole thing for fun.

"My parents have no clue about what I am up to. I think that if they found out they would probably be a bit shocked but realize it was just another one of those silly things to do."

Vardy said he had not had time for a girlfriend due to various multimedia projects but hoped for a really nice woman to stump up the fee -- with 1,000 pounds going to the charity Oxfam.

"If she did offer 6,000 pounds then sure, I might as well do it," he added.

And the teenager -- who listed his interests as computers, entertainment, the media and money -- has attracted women the world over who reckon he is worth every penny.

Offers have come in from as far afield as Australia, Canada and the United States for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Vardy's advert comes after Bristol University student Rosie Reid offered her virginity to the highest bidder on the Internet.

The 18-year-old lesbian eventually had sex in a hotel in a run-down area of north London with a 44-year-old man who paid 8,400 pounds for the privilege.

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What I wanna know is, how do you really know you're getting virginity? What if these poor, poor women bid on this guy's virginity only to find out it was all a lie and a scam? What kind of quality assurance does the winning bidder have?


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Originally posted by indygo

What I wanna know is, how do you really know you're getting virginity? What if these poor, poor women bid on this guy's virginity only to find out it was all a lie and a scam? What kind of quality assurance does the winning bidder have?


Good point

I mean, how do you tell if a guy is STILL a virgin or not other than his word

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Originally posted by indygo

What I wanna know is, how do you really know you're getting virginity? What if these poor, poor women bid on this guy's virginity only to find out it was all a lie and a scam? What kind of quality assurance does the winning bidder have?


Umm.... you should be able to know by their EBay rating.

If he's a power seller... obviously he's lying.

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Originally posted by Die Hard

Umm.... you should be able to know by their EBay rating.

If he's a power seller... obviously he's lying.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Okay, you almost got milk out the nose on that one. Points for you, DH.

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