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Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation?


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You know, Johnny, this is interesting. You force me to make a choice.

Should I just laugh this off as another poster unable to control his adolescent humor? A 31-year-old child with a dirty mind, who can't resist sharing it with the community every day?

Or maybe he really IS funny ... and many on the board would look at any administrative action against him as too heavy-handed.

Or maybe he's just the kind of guy who likes to see how far he can push things before forcing somebody to step in.

Hard to say, really. What isn't hard to say, though ... is that my reaction at this point, is that I've just essentially been flipped off by a guy who doesn't appear to give a damn about anything we've said on this forum for the last couple weeks, doesn't "get" the whole "tone" thing at all, and frankly could care less what anyone else thinks, or who might reasonably and understandably be sick and tired of his off-color approach to posting.

Maybe I'm wrong ... but I don't think so. So tell you what; since you HAVE forced me to try to figure out just what the heck you're really all about (and not for the first time by a long shot), and it's given me a headache I don't appreciate on a Friday morning, you're relieved of posting privileges until you can convince me why I'm wrong about you.

I'll be at om@extremeskins.com if you need me.

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Actually I think the fact that women have to go out and get one of these operations is pretty sad.....it just shows the double standard that develops in some cultures........a man can sleep with anyone he wants and he is a stud, while when a woman does it she is a whore.......that is why I call one of my good friends a whore or a man whore because that is what he is........

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The issue I see here is this disturbing need of some cultures and some men for women to be virgins on their wedding day. It's reached a point where women are willing to have doctors tinker with their insides just so some insecure jackass doesn't have to worry his women has seen bigger and better things, if you know what I mean.

It's pathetic and backward. My advice to women, don't get involved with men of cultures that think this way.

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I have a crazy ideal, if you want to be a virgin on your wedding day (which I don't agree with since you are stuck with that person the rest of your life and if the sex isn't good, lets be honest it won't last) then don't have SEX!!!! wow what a concept :D

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Originally posted by Funkyalligator

Actually I think the fact that women have to go out and get one of these operations is pretty sad.....it just shows the double standard that develops in some cultures........a man can sleep with anyone he wants and he is a stud, while when a woman does it she is a whore.......that is why I call one of my good friends a whore or a man whore because that is what he is........

Agreed. If the thread title were a bit more, er, euphemistically phrased and some of the adolescent humor a bit less prevalent, I think even Blondie might admit the very existence of this procedure is a topic worthy of debate and discussion. Not out of anatomical fascination, mind you, but rather what it reveals about certain cultures and the attitudes/double standards of male dominated cultures. It is truly tragic in many ways, particularly when one thinks of "honor" killings in many Muslim societies, for example. Am I ok here in asking for an open discussion along those lines Blondie, or am I still out of bounds?? Hard for me to be sure, because I am by my own admission, a real pig - although I guess I'm not as bad as the nutcases in some of these other cultures :paranoid:

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Originally posted by jbooma

only in the tailgate do we go from laser vagin$l rejuvenation to muslim honor killings :laugh:

Mods we can make this the tailgate theme :rolleyes:

I don't see that as a too far a leap. The reason laser re-virginizing (heh) is even an issue is because backward cultures still view women as less then equal. Something that is to belong to a man as opposed to a human being. Honor killings come from the same sort of idiocy.

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I'm not speaking for Blondie, but as another female poster on this forum.

I didn't find this to be really offensive, but then again when I read the original post, I took it as genuine curiosity, not as something with a more...perverted slant, if you will. That the original poster was curious about this ad in the Arabic newspaper because, well, it stood out as odd in context with the rest of the things in that publication.

Of course, I could have been wrong, but that's the spirit in how I read it and responded.

I'm perfectly willing to read and discuss almost anything - I've got a pretty open mind and I'm not shy. I think that open discussion and debate on ANY topic is good - even if it is about 'laser vaginal rejuvenation' and those discussing it are overwhelmingly male. It's an opportunity to broaded the mind and learn.

However, it's not fun once it gets juvenile, and that started with (sorry to pick on you, but the truth hurts sometimes) geezings81's 5th post in the thread.

There are women all around the world who suffer physical and emotional harm because of their sexuality - indeed, even their gender. Some women even DIE because of this type of treatment. Not jsut from changing their physical appearance or workings or organs/tissue/attachments/whwtever, but also from the ugly surprise for their mates when something that the females did unfortunately did not measure up to what their mates thought they should be - and then ugliness ensues. :(

Mutilation of female genitalia is widespread among some Third-World nations (see: Africa, Middle East, etc.). I suggest that you all read up on this (seriously) by reading Amnesty International's website devoted to this topic.


Talking about laser vaginal rejuvenation is another way of addressing the issue that there is STILL a double standard for women and men when it comes to sexuality in many cultures, including our own. Comments like the following are really immature and serve to extend this double standard.

One more thing to add to my list of things to do in life.

Find a women with this operation done.

Sorry to pontificate. But imagine if this was your daughter who wanted this surgery. Or you find out that your wife/girlfriend had it. Or your sister. How would you feel? What would you think? Think about it. And realize where your thoughts lead.

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Originally posted by jbooma

only in the tailgate do we go from laser vagin$l rejuvenation to muslim honor killings :laugh:

Mods we can make this the tailgate theme :rolleyes:

If I may be serious for a second ... this is what this forum can and should be about. I'd LOVE for us to be able to talk about the actual human implications of things like controversial medical procedures, and controversial social phenomena. These kinds of topics are viable, and even connected by their very real impact on the psyche. Adults can and should be able to talk about them openly.

The problem is that all too often, we never really get to talk on that level, because the topics quickly get simply overwhelmed by the locker-room-level stuff. Hey, I know from locker rooms, and I am about as far from a prude as anyone you're likely to ever meet ... but there's a limit, and a time and place.

Nobody can say we don't let a whole lot of the "edgier" stuff go around here ... we just try to keep it from crossing the line as best we can. We're doing our level best to find that balance between allowing "adult" humor, in all its' manifestations, and promoting an environment where that stuff doesn't swamp everything else that even hints of sexuality.

We're gonna get there ... or at least go down swinging.

If you know what I mean. :)

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Originally posted by jenmdixon

Sorry to pontificate. But imagine if this was your daughter who wanted this surgery. Or you find out that your wife/girlfriend had it. Or your sister. How would you feel? What would you think? Think about it. And realize where your thoughts lead.

If my wife lied to me about something this trivial then I don't know if I would be able to trust her again. I only say trivial because I wouldn't want to even be with someone that tried to fix something to be what they were before thats all. That person to me is thinking of image more then reality.

If sexual history was a major factor in your decision to marry or not then you shouldn't be getting married (unless of course that person had a STD and didn't tell you, but that would be your fault, or they slept with 100 people and didn't tell you)

(i am only referring to an american culture here, don't know enough about this subject with others)

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Originally posted by jbooma

If my wife lied to me about something this trivial then I don't know if I would be able to trust her again. I only say trivial because I wouldn't want to even be with someone that tried to fix something to be what they were before thats all. That person to me is thinking of image more then reality.

The fact you consider it "trivial" is why your wife wouldn't lie to you about it. In some cultures and to some dudes, this stuff is a deal breaker.

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Originally posted by Destino

The fact you consider it "trivial" is why your wife wouldn't lie to you about it. In some cultures and to some dudes, this stuff is a deal breaker.

I agree, and that is what is sad. I was just talking about my opinion. I am not going to claim I know other cultures.

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Hmmm... we had a thread about people selling their virginity. Now a procedure for "re-virginization" I think this sets up the possibility for people to sell themselves fraudulently. My what a twisted (in more ways than one) web we weave.

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Originally posted by Om

Hmm ... somewhere in all of this is a potentially interesting "news" story about a medical procedure I'm sure most of us didn't know about.

But there's also the very real possibility that it was posted less for scientific or social edification purposes, and more just for plain old "nudge-nudge-wink-wink, hey look I said vagina on the internet purposes."

Be interesting to watch which directions it goes ...

Hint, hint.


You know what, just ban my ass for good.

This place is like a dam nazi camp or something. This place is seeming more and more like the ultimate example of whats wrong with the people in this area...they take themselfs way too seriously. Bunch of people who like to point fingers and judge others.

I didn't post this for whatever reason you think, I posted this sh!t because I've never heard of this before and thought that probably a lot of other people haven't either, and it was interesting that this is out there. And to be honest, I wanted to know what a dam "designer vagina" is.

Maybe extremenazi.com should implement a new rule, that everytime you post a thread you should explain why you are doing it and what your intentions are so some internet mod doesn't start passing some BS judgement.

And honestly too, this place reminds me of what's wrong with Redskin fans these days too. No wonder the crowd at the games suck big fat elephant d!ck.

So ban my ass do whatever the heck you want, but just one thing. Please, please, please do not bring your uptight self to any games this year. We don't need you there ruining the vibe.

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Originally posted by geezings81


You know what, just ban my ass for good.

This place is like a dam nazi camp or something. This place is seeming more and more like the ultimate example of whats wrong with the people in this area...they take themselfs way too seriously. Bunch of people who like to point fingers and judge others.

I didn't post this for whatever reason you think, I posted this sh!t because I've never heard of this before and thought that probably a lot of other people haven't either, and it was interesting that this is out there. And to be honest, I wanted to know what a dam "designer vagina" is.

Maybe extremenazi.com should implement a new rule, that everytime you post a thread you should explain why you are doing it and what your intentions are so some internet mod doesn't start passing some BS judgement.

And honestly too, this place reminds me of what's wrong with Redskin fans these days too. No wonder the crowd at the games suck big fat elephant d!ck.

So ban my ass do whatever the heck you want, but just one thing. Please, please, please do not bring your uptight self to any games this year. We don't need you there ruining the vibe.

Wow. Someone needs a nap, methinks. You're a little ... cranky... today.

BTW, geezings, like I said earlier in this thread, I do want believe that your intent was that you were curious and not in a 'weird' way. The joking posts soon thereafter kinda nullified that. Give it a little time and space and reread the thread, and you may see what I mean. :(

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Any objective reading of this thread will cast geezing's last post as badly misguided, and an extreme overreaction that leaves one with a "methinks he doth protest too much" taste. He was NOT directly called out or accused over initial intent of the thread. What WAS called into question was the possibility that it was just another in a long series of "boys-will-be-boys threads" that more often than not end up being train wrecks.

Amazingly, his reaction to having that possibity raised was, rather than simply saying, "dude, just for the record, I really DID want to know about the procedure," to instead start accusing the people charged with trying to keep the ball in play around here of nazism.

Based on that decision, and the request to not be further subjected to our fascist ways, I think he's right.

This is clearly not the place for him.

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Originally posted by Om

Based on that decision, and the request to not be further subjected to our fascist ways, I think he's right.

This is clearly not the place for him.

Heil OM, Heil :D















:jk: even though you might like the power :D

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