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French President in the US!


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French President *IN* the United States *IN* Georgia.

And he will NOT attend the Funeral...

That is a HUGE slap in the face....

I believe if the United States President was in France and the French President from before died he would attend no matter what.....

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I saw O'Reilly going nuts over this a few min ago.

The guy is a jerk.

I'm talking about the French Prez....not O'Reilly....even though it applies to him also.

If he was there, would you think he's sincere about paying respects?


I'd rather see that seat filled by a person who matters and understands the situation.

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Why on earth would a guy not want to attend an event full of people that replaced his country's name with "freedom" and talk all the time about how much they hate France. I'm shocked, completely and totally shocked.

Then again who would want this guy at Reagan's funeral anyway? It's a disruption because you know he'd get yelled at by hecklers and the like. I say let him finish his business in the US so he can get back on a plane and get the hell out.

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maybe the french president thought they already held the funeral. reagan has been on tv for how many hours straight now? i was going into work last night and thought it was the funeral on, but it was some sort of worship line or something?

or maybe chirac is just pissed because Bush focused a good bit of his D-Day rememberance speech on Reagan. i thought that they were talking about D-Day?

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Chief: i actually watched that episode again the other night. the Bigsby sketch is only trumped by the Wayne Brady and the racial draft. besides that, sports and porn are all i watch. a real man!

as for bitterness-- it's all the partisan crap that's going on.. all the ignoring real problems and focusing on TV ratings... all that bull**** just gets me riled up inside. and everyone else seems so ho-hum about it. taking it in stride and never blinking an eye. it's sickening!!! we've got 1-1/2 wars going on around the globe, a country that is supposed to start taking care of itself in less than a month, once we take off the "training wheels", so many problems, and we've got people ****ing that the french president isn't going to a funeral!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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I'm french and i'm a redskins fan and i don't understand what's the probleme with Mr J.Chirac???

I think you are conditioned by the american media ... stay in withdrawal and reflect on also you...

PS: Sorry for the english but i don't speak a very good english...


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It's Chirac being Chirac... trying to prove once again that the French are now the Anti-America balance in Europe. His "handlers" and policy makers are truly giving him poor advise.

A true statemen, head of state, would make it a point to attend the service tomorrow to show unity in the world and respect for former head's of state. Chirac is a 2nd class bum.

And.. this isn't any suprise... the French have been thumbing their nose at America since France's liberation from German Tyranny. It's called ungrateful... and it's something I hope America remembers in the future in terms of it's foreign policy. Add the Saudis to the list as well... we've single handedly kept them from being overun by their surrounding countries and, what a suprise, the majority of their population supports Bin Laden.

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"the majority of their population supports Bin Laden. "

It's false... you have just few information extract without contexte.

I'm sorry but i understand english a little not all and i didn't speak a very well english so it's difficult for me to explain my opinion and the true verity...

I just can explain you all in french but i didn't think you understand...


So if i trying in english it's will be difficult to explain... but i just say one think :gaintsuck

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Yeah, I'm not sure that the majority of Saudis support Bin Ladin, but a lot of people in the Middle East do. Folks over there love it when someone sticks it to the US. But I definitely agree with everything else Cskin said. The French are ungrateful, and they should be ashamed of themselves. But, Sitting Bull, welcome to the site - you're a Skins fan, so you're okay with me.

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You should see how popular Napolean is over there. They worship the last person that made them relevant, or predominant, in world affairs. His fall was the beginning of the end for the French nation. Humiliating defeats (and allied-won victories in WWI and WWII) are all they knew following the Franco-Prussian war.

They are a nation struggling for relevance in a world that simply doesn't need them anymore.

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

I saw a French kid on the Eiffel tower in 2002 wearing a Redskins hat. He didn't speak much English but could say "Hail to the Redskins"

And BTW efff Chirac. He should be better then that

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