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The movie the White House doesn't want you to see!!

Johnny Punani2

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Oh, it's not political!!! It's just a movie...Right? :rolleyes:


Date: Wed, 12 May 2004

From: Peter Schurman, MoveOn.org

Subject: The Movie the White House Doesn't Want You to See

Dear MoveOn member,

On Memorial Day weekend, Hollywood is releasing a summer blockbuster movie that's making the Bush administration very nervous. In fact, they'd rather you didn't see it at all.

Why? Because it's a disaster movie about global warming.

While "The Day After Tomorrow" is more science fiction than science fact, everyone will be talking about it -- and asking "Could it really happen?" This is an unprecedented opportunity to talk to millions of Americans about the real dangers of global warming and expose President Bush's foot-dragging on the issue.

It's also a fun movie to see with friends over the holiday weekend.

So here's the plan: On Memorial Day weekend, grab a few friends and go see "The Day After Tomorrow" -- the movie the White House doesn't want you to see. At the theater, meet up with other MoveOn members to give out flyers that explain, in everyday language, what causes global warming, how Bush's environmental policies could lead us into a real-life climate crisis, and what we can do together to meet this challenge.

Join in today at:


Please also sign our petition calling on Bush and Congress to prevent a climate crisis, at:


Maybe you've already seen the trailer for "The Day After Tomorrow": tornadoes whip through Los Angeles and Manhattan is frozen over as global warming triggers an Ice Age across North America.

Nearly 20 million Americans are expected to see this movie, with as many as 7 or 8 million over Memorial Day weekend alone. Because the movie capitalizes on our real-life concerns over climate change, audiences are likely to walk out of the theater asking themselves: "Could it really happen?" We'll be there to answer that question with our flyers.

The right wing has already cranked up its PR machine to discredit the movie as "fright flick" propaganda cooked up by climate change conspiracy theorists. Never mind that they're relying on stone-age science, or that they're light-years behind the curve on the public's acceptance of global warming as a real environmental threat.

The news media are already buzzing about our plans. Yesterday, we held a press conference to officially launch the campaign, and stories have already appeared in the Associated Press, the New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times.

We can't afford to wait until the day after tomorrow to address the climate crisis. We hope you'll be part of this fun summer campaign to elevate global warming from movie-house thrill-ride to White House priority.

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Dude it's moveon.org!

Those nuts would try to make a bowl of beans into a political story.

I for one am going to watch the movie because I'm a guy and people get their sh*t wrecked in all kinds of ways. That's entertainment!

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Give me a break this is just plain stupid......to equate global warming with this movie is just plain dumb.......they don't have anything in common.......

For our next topic lets look at how Independence Day caused the government to have problems because people began to ask questions about Area 51 and the alien menace!!!

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Yeah Bush is scared because allowing me to drive my Navigator, eat red meat after using coals to grill it, and using an aerosal deodarant led to global natural disasters. :rolleyes:

With enough efforrt we can drive cars heavily and burn down enough trees to compare to the pollution from volcanoes and annual forest fires.

And use it to become a doomsday weapon.

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Remember when we used to have Springs in Washington? Last several years we've gone straight to Summer. Man, I miss sixty degree days. Too many ninety degreers already for my taste. I don't know if that's cyclical or polution or green house, but we've had a number of really miserable spring/summers in a row.

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Originally posted by Fred Jones

Long after you are gone NavyDave future generations will curse people like you who just didn't care at all about the environment.

Also, this is just a movie put out by people in Hollywood.

fred that is an idiotic statement. Just because you think global warming is hype doesn't mean you don't care about the enviroment.:doh:

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Originally posted by Fred Jones

Long after you are gone NavyDave future generations will curse people like you who just didn't care at all about the environment.

The reality is this - you can't pour acid into a fish tank and expect your fish to live healthy lives. Put in a little and they can get sick, a little more and they do get sick, more and they die. Same goes for the planet, sure a little pollution is no biggie, but it adds up.

This isn't even covering the decrease in land inhabitable by animals, the continued destruction of fish populations that could lead to a massive explosion in poverty and hunger, the worsening conditions in the third world's water supply, etc etc.

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Originally posted by Johnny 'Luscious' Punani

fred that is an idiotic statement. Just because you think global warming is hype doesn't mean you don't care about the enviroment.:doh:

It may be hype but the concept that we can't just keep polluting isn't. Perhaps global warming won't be the reality, but I'd bet that continued pollution will eventually lead to bad things down the road.

The way I see it, pollution is irresponsible economics. If you gain by producing anything and pass on the expenses of cleaning up your own mess to everyone else, that's irresponsible. You are free to make money in the US but not at my expense, clean up you're own frickin mess and everyone's happy.

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Originally posted by Destino

It may be hype but the concept that we can't just keep polluting isn't. Perhaps global warming won't be the reality, but I'd bet that continued pollution will eventually lead to bad things down the road.

The way I see it, pollution is irresponsible economics. If you gain by producing anything and pass on the expenses of cleaning up your own mess to everyone else, that's irresponsible. You are free to make money in the US but not at my expense, clean up you're own frickin mess and everyone's happy.

For the most part greenhouse gasses shouldn't be considered pollution. Air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions should be split into two categories. However, people on the other side of the issue are trying to make greenhouse gases specifically CO2 a pollutant which IMO is incredibly stupid considering it would in effect make 6.2 billion people polluters for breathing.

I am all for cutting air pollution in the normal sense like carbon monoxide, sulfur, etc....

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Well, here is another review of the movie from Fox News, and while I'm sure the lefties will yell "It's FOX NEWS!!!! They are run by the GOP!!!! They are EVIIIIIILLLLL!!!!", remember too that the movie itself was MADE by 20th Century FOX



Tuesday, May 25, 2004

By Roger Friedman

'Day After' and $200 Million Short

The press was banned from the after-party for Roland Emmerich's "The Day After Tomorrow" last night — a bad sign, and a sure sign that the movie was no good.

Even this reporter, who gets his paycheck from the same company which made the film, 20th Century Fox, was unceremoniously booted from the Museum of Natural History as everyone else who'd endured the two-hour-plus ordeal filed by for the free food and ****tails.

A publicist for Fox — who bragged about my expulsion later to paparazzi — actually said to me, "It sounds like you're going to blackmail us. If you don't get into the party, you'll say the movie was bad."

Ah, well: No amount of edible swag could save "The Day After Tomorrow," a $200 million disaster film that is quite the disaster, indeed. (Although, let's face it, a shrimp and a diet Coke couldn't have hurt at that point.)

Hilariously awful in most places, with an incoherent script and questionable acting, "Day After" will come on Friday and the question will be: Can innumerable, mind-numbing special effects, nearly all of them created on a computer and placed in what can only be called a random order, overcome sheer inanity?

It's not like I'm a snob, either. I count Emmerich's "Independence Day" — or "ID4" as it became known — as one of my favorite films. But "ID4" had a strong script with, well, developed characters.

Bill Pullman and Will Smith, not to mention Mary McDonnell, Jeff Goldblum, Vivica A. Fox and Margaret Colin, made the otherwise preposterous story of aliens invading Earth seem plausible. They each had a tremendous nobility and spoke with wit and intelligence, and there was a feeling of a common threat and an equally shared goal.

None of this, not one bit of it, is evident in "The Day After Tomorrow." This fish stinks from the head down, the head in this case being Emmerich's president (Perry King) and vice president (Kenneth Welsh).

Unlike Pullman in "ID4," this president is a bumbling idiot, a puppet manipulated by his evil, self-motivated vice president. I guess this is supposed to be a clever reference, but it backfires instead, disarming the film and undermining it critically.

You see, when America is imperiled in a disaster film, it's the president to whom we turn as the moral compass. The hero — in this case, a poorly conceived one played by Dennis Quaid — can have all the adventures, but he must report ultimately to a fair and wise leader.

For example: If Batman walked in on Commissioner Gordon taking a bribe, all hope would be lost. That's what happens in "Day."

Quaid's storyline doesn't help matters. His Jack Hall is a "climatologist" who knows that global warming may catalyze a new ice age. When tornados hit Hollywood and start ripping up other cities instantaneously, he still lets his moody high-school-age son (Jake Gyllenhaal) go to New York on a school outing.

After the son leaves, and Quaid realizes that the world may be ending, he decides that in order to bond with the boy he will brave the calamitous floods, blizzards, hurricanes and tidal waves bearing down on the Northeast corridor and walk — yes, walk, if he must — from Washington, D.C. to Manhattan just to show the boy he cares, he really, really cares.

His trek replaces Diane Keaton's walk through the snowy Russian woods in "Reds" as the most ill-conceived hike in movie history.

For some reasons that are unexplained, Quaid takes with him on this quest two buddies who you know will not make it. This is supposed to be noble just because it's noble.

Do these men have families of their own? Do they owe Quaid's character some debt? The answer to each of these questions is: We never know.

Is Jack's son either perilously young or terminally ill? No, and no. He is fully grown and able to take care of himself, or at least wait until the catastrophe passes to be reunited with dear old dad.

The rest of "Day After" is simply a rehash of past triumphs. The special effects are clearly from the Emmerich school: lots of stopped traffic, yellow cabs' horns honking furiously, crowds running in all directions from the oncoming horror of meteor-sized hail.

You've seen it before in "ID4" and "Godzilla." Whole cities are demolished and flood waters rise to the tops of buildings while the main characters fret that "things are getting really bad out there."

You'd think when the sea level rises to the chin of the Statue of Liberty people would be smart enough to evacuate themselves, if they are not already dead. But there's no logic at work here.

There's also a peculiar insensitivity, I think, to those of us who lived through September 11.

In "Day After," downtown New York, in an aerial view, is flooded with water and then snow. The whole thing resembles the billowing smoke that poured between the canyons of buildings on that horrible day from real life. Later, survivors are seen waving from rooftops of buildings, a grisly reminder of the tragic souls who made that mistake at the World Trade Center hoping for safety.

New Yorkers do not need to see our city in this condition, whether or not it's fantasy. I'd rather fly on the wings of soaring birds with Harry Potter than relive those grim images as entertainment.

The premiere last night, by the way, was preceded by a "red carpet" of fake snow which Fox sprinkled on the steps of the Museum of Natural History. The guests included Quaid, Gyllenhaal (along with his famous sister Maggie and their parents, plus the younger Gyllenhaals' respective beaux: Kirsten Dunst and Peter Sarsgaard), the lovely Sela Ward (she plays Quaid's wife, the Mary McDonnell role), Michele Lee (who came with "Good Morning America" film critic Joel Siegel), plus Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins, and Julianne Moore and Bart Freundlich.

I was told by an off-duty member of the NYPD that there were three security teams employed by Fox in addition to the police.

"And it's not like there are any really big stars here," observed the very nice cop, who wore a 9/11 pin on his lapel.

Then he changed his mind. "Don't let Dennis Quaid hear me saying that."

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Originally posted by Johnny 'Luscious' Punani

It's the amount that man puts out that is the problem...

okay that makes sense

i was curious didn't Mt Saint Helens do more damage to the atmosphere then man could ever do?

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Originally posted by jbooma

okay that makes sense

i was curious didn't Mt Saint Helens do more damage to the atmosphere then man could ever do?

maybe short term with all the ash and particles being pumped into the air but I wouldn't say long term. The big problem with all of this is the Earth has mechanisms to absorb pollutants. No one knows how much those mechanisms can handle the extra pollution from man.

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Here's a scathing review of the Day After from Fox News. Being from Fox news, I'm sure some of you libs must think this has to be the greatest movie since Gone With the Wind.

'Day After' and $200 Million Short

The press was banned from the after-party for Roland Emmerich's "The Day After Tomorrow" last night — a bad sign, and a sure sign that the movie was no good.

Even this reporter, who gets his paycheck from the same company which made the film, 20th Century Fox, was unceremoniously booted from the Museum of Natural History as everyone else who'd endured the two-hour-plus ordeal filed by for the free food and ****tails.

A publicist for Fox — who bragged about my expulsion later to paparazzi — actually said to me, "It sounds like you're going to blackmail us. If you don't get into the party, you'll say the movie was bad."

Ah, well: No amount of edible swag could save "The Day After Tomorrow," a $200 million disaster film that is quite the disaster, indeed. (Although, let's face it, a shrimp and a diet Coke couldn't have hurt at that point.)

Hilariously awful in most places, with an incoherent script and questionable acting, "Day After" will come on Friday and the question will be: Can innumerable, mind-numbing special effects, nearly all of them created on a computer and placed in what can only be called a random order, overcome sheer inanity?

It's not like I'm a snob, either. I count Emmerich's "Independence Day" — or "ID4" as it became known — as one of my favorite films. But "ID4" had a strong script with, well, developed characters.

Bill Pullman and Will Smith, not to mention Mary McDonnell, Jeff Goldblum, Vivica A. Fox and Margaret Colin, made the otherwise preposterous story of aliens invading Earth seem plausible. They each had a tremendous nobility and spoke with wit and intelligence, and there was a feeling of a common threat and an equally shared goal.

None of this, not one bit of it, is evident in "The Day After Tomorrow." This fish stinks from the head down, the head in this case being Emmerich's president (Perry King) and vice president (Kenneth Welsh).

Unlike Pullman in "ID4," this president is a bumbling idiot, a puppet manipulated by his evil, self-motivated vice president. I guess this is supposed to be a clever reference, but it backfires instead, disarming the film and undermining it critically.

You see, when America is imperiled in a disaster film, it's the president to whom we turn as the moral compass. The hero — in this case, a poorly conceived one played by Dennis Quaid — can have all the adventures, but he must report ultimately to a fair and wise leader.

For example: If Batman walked in on Commissioner Gordon taking a bribe, all hope would be lost. That's what happens in "Day."

Quaid's storyline doesn't help matters. His Jack Hall is a "climatologist" who knows that global warming may catalyze a new ice age. When tornados hit Hollywood and start ripping up other cities instantaneously, he still lets his moody high-school-age son (Jake Gyllenhaal) go to New York on a school outing.

After the son leaves, and Quaid realizes that the world may be ending, he decides that in order to bond with the boy he will brave the calamitous floods, blizzards, hurricanes and tidal waves bearing down on the Northeast corridor and walk — yes, walk, if he must — from Washington, D.C. to Manhattan just to show the boy he cares, he really, really cares.

His trek replaces Diane Keaton's walk through the snowy Russian woods in "Reds" as the most ill-conceived hike in movie history.

For some reasons that are unexplained, Quaid takes with him on this quest two buddies who you know will not make it. This is supposed to be noble just because it's noble.

Do these men have families of their own? Do they owe Quaid's character some debt? The answer to each of these questions is: We never know.

Is Jack's son either perilously young or terminally ill? No, and no. He is fully grown and able to take care of himself, or at least wait until the catastrophe passes to be reunited with dear old dad.

The rest of "Day After" is simply a rehash of past triumphs. The special effects are clearly from the Emmerich school: lots of stopped traffic, yellow cabs' horns honking furiously, crowds running in all directions from the oncoming horror of meteor-sized hail.

You've seen it before in "ID4" and "Godzilla." Whole cities are demolished and flood waters rise to the tops of buildings while the main characters fret that "things are getting really bad out there."

You'd think when the sea level rises to the chin of the Statue of Liberty people would be smart enough to evacuate themselves, if they are not already dead. But there's no logic at work here.

There's also a peculiar insensitivity, I think, to those of us who lived through September 11.

In "Day After," downtown New York, in an aerial view, is flooded with water and then snow. The whole thing resembles the billowing smoke that poured between the canyons of buildings on that horrible day from real life. Later, survivors are seen waving from rooftops of buildings, a grisly reminder of the tragic souls who made that mistake at the World Trade Center hoping for safety.

New Yorkers do not need to see our city in this condition, whether or not it's fantasy. I'd rather fly on the wings of soaring birds with Harry Potter than relive those grim images as entertainment.

The premiere last night, by the way, was preceded by a "red carpet" of fake snow which Fox sprinkled on the steps of the Museum of Natural History. The guests included Quaid, Gyllenhaal (along with his famous sister Maggie and their parents, plus the younger Gyllenhaals' respective beaux: Kirsten Dunst and Peter Sarsgaard), the lovely Sela Ward (she plays Quaid's wife, the Mary McDonnell role), Michele Lee (who came with "Good Morning America" film critic Joel Siegel), plus Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins, and Julianne Moore and Bart Freundlich.

I was told by an off-duty member of the NYPD that there were three security teams employed by Fox in addition to the police.

"And it's not like there are any really big stars here," observed the very nice cop, who wore a 9/11 pin on his lapel.

Then he changed his mind. "Don't let Dennis Quaid hear me saying that."


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