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Another New Poster . . .

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It's a political statement about censorship . . .

That is what this FREE country is about . . . not being censored, being able to say what you want. I didn't even break 1 of their rules and got banned . . .

How else do you do a boycott???

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No, you really don't have a right to make a political statement with your signature as this is a football board and you should try to focus the conversation on that. If you have to make a political statement and someone's offended, we'll have you remove it. Such as I'm going to have you remove your current signature.

We are happy to have you here AZ. But, you need to understand that all boards within the Redskins community are respected and appreciated here. We treat admins at other boards with respect and do not promote fights between one board and another.

Extremeskins.com is the largest Redskins community out there. We want to focus on the team and topics that inspire conversation here. We are not your platform to take shots at other team boards. For that reason I'll give you a short period of time to change your signature.

Please do so as quickly as possible. If you fail to do it, I'll do it for you, and that would be a start here you do not need. Just enjoy the atmosphere here and welcome to our family. No need to hash our your battles with another site.


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Originally posted by AZ#1SkinsFan

Do I not have a right to make a political statement with my signature?????

Welcome, we always enjoy new posters who are intelligent and want to contribute to discussion about the Skins and the NFL in general.

There is no freedom of speech on a message board, it is the property of the owners, and falls under their discretion what is tolerable and what is not.

As far as I know we are friendly with hailRedskins.com, and have many members who are members there as well. Whatever your beef is with them is your business, and if you want to start your own web site or message board and advertise to boycott more power to you.

But being new and possibly stepping on people's toes here who have been members for sometime, may not make you a popular guy.

I am not a mod, or owner, but just offering some friendly advise. They will make the call on your sig. Though I must say I like the way it works, even if I don't particularly like the message.

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Originally posted by Art

No, you really don't have a right to make a political statement with your signature as this is a football board and you should try to focus the conversation on that. If you have to make a political statement and someone's offended, we'll have you remove it. Such as I'm going to have you remove your current signature.

We are happy to have you here AZ. But, you need to understand that all boards within the Redskins community are respected and appreciated here. We treat admins at other boards with respect and do not promote fights between one board and another.

Extremeskins.com is the largest Redskins community out there. We want to focus on the team and topics that inspire conversation here. We are not your platform to take shots at other team boards. For that reason I'll give you a short period of time to change your signature.

Please do so as quickly as possible. If you fail to do it, I'll do it for you, and that would be a start here you do not need. Just enjoy the atmosphere here and welcome to our family. No need to hash our your battles with another site.


Even if they are dissing the constitution of the United States???? I'll remove my signature soon . . . but I will never pass up an opportunity to try to correct this injustice. I thought I lived in a free country and that the Internet was NOT to be censored. Oh well . . . I guess communist actions are not a consern if you are a Redskin fan.

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Fight your battles however you wish, just know, this is not a platform for you to fight them. Honestly, not a single person here, other than you, cares one bit. That's not a slam. Just a statement to let you know that your war with hailredskins.com should be fought off here. I've given you latitude to post the offending post that got you banned there. And I'll leave your say up here.

You'll alter your sig faster than you post here again though or I'll get an itchy trigger finger and begin dissing the Constitution of the United States on you myself. Thanks for your attention to this matter.

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hey. It's all been said now. Looks like you're getting a crash course in how things work around here. Feel free to stick around and "relax" some. Get a feel for the place, then have at it. But I'd recommend doing as told without an argument. Welcome aboard.

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Originally posted by bubba9497

Welcome, we always enjoy new posters who are intelligent and want to contribute to discussion about the Skins and the NFL in general.

There is no freedom of speech on a message board, it is the property of the owners, and falls under their discretion what is tolerable and what is not.

As far as I know we are friendly with hailRedskins.com, and have many members who are members there as well. Whatever your beef is with them is your business, and if you want to start your own web site or message board and advertise to boycott more power to you.

But being new and possibly stepping on people's toes here who have been members for sometime, may not make you a popular guy.

I am not a mod, or owner, but just offering some friendly advise. They will make the call on your sig. Though I must say I like the way it works, even if I don't particularly like the message.

I'm not looking for popularity. As far as freedom of speech . . . I followed their rules to a key, I did NOT break any of their rules. They did though . . . the rule that say you are allowed 3 warnings after which you will be banned. I recieved NO warnings.

If you want to read the post that got me banned, I posted it here in the tailgate forumn. Here is the link:


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Originally posted by AZ#1SkinsFan

Even if they are dissing the constitution of the United States???? I'll remove my signature soon . . . but I will never pass up an opportunity to try to correct this injustice. I thought I lived in a free country and that the Internet was NOT to be censored. Oh well . . . I guess communist actions are not a consern if you are a Redskin fan.

Listen Drama Queen, its not an injustice. HR and this board are both private property. The owners have a right to say: "You be gone..You stay gone". The internet isnt censored. But owners of webpage can do what ever they want with it. You need to get a grip before you get banned from here too. If you hate HR so much, then start a seperate website so you can "intellectually" masterbate all you want.

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Ok... I am now strongly recommemnding you drop it now. Enough is enough it's all in the past now. New site, new start. Leave it be or patience will run thin around here and you'll find yourself right back where you started. I've seen it happen before.

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Originally posted by Art


Fight your battles however you wish, just know, this is not a platform for you to fight them. Honestly, not a single person here, other than you, cares one bit. That's not a slam. Just a statement to let you know that your war with hailredskins.com should be fought off here. I've given you latitude to post the offending post that got you banned there. And I'll leave your say up here.

You'll alter your sig faster than you post here again though or I'll get an itchy trigger finger and begin dissing the Constitution of the United States on you myself. Thanks for your attention to this matter.

Careful there Art. You just gave him a warning of sorts. History shows that he will claim that he was never warned at all to knock off whatever it is that he is doing wrong on this board, and he will then travel to another board and create a sig saying that he was oppressed at Extremeskins.

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Originally posted by rskinsfan10

Careful there Art. You just gave him a warning of sorts. History shows that he will claim that he was never warned at all to knock off whatever it is that he is doing wrong on this board, and he will then travel to another board and create a sig saying that he was oppressed at Extremeskins.

You never warned me once and you know it . . . there is a huge difference here . . . I am still talking.

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Originally posted by AZ#1SkinsFan

It's a political statement about censorship . . .

That is what this FREE country is about . . . not being censored, being able to say what you want. I didn't even break 1 of their rules and got banned . . .

How else do you do a boycott???

You have to be careful what you say. It is kind of like you are in school and you say something bad, you can get an referral or even a detention. So basically the Moderators and the owner are allowed to do whatever they choose like it or not. Live with it.

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Originally posted by AZ#1SkinsFan

You never warned me once and you know it . . . there is a huge difference here . . . I am still talking.

You are correct sir, I didn't warn you.

However, another owner warned you several times, and I know of one of our mods that warned you at least three times. That's the great thing about owning your own board. You can make things disappear from regular viewers, but they are archived where those with top security clearance can look back on and enjoy with a beer and some popcorn. If this were going to court, Exhibits A,B and C that we would present would have your case thrown out of court.

Out of respect for the owners and mods of this board, I will not get into a pissing match with you over the merits of our actions, which I will say occured months ago in regards to you. It's pretty obvious to me that from the responses that you are receiving from the Extreme regulars, you are wasting your time in your anti hR campaign. To each its own however...

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Originally posted by rskinsfan10

You are correct sir, I didn't warn you.

However, another owner warned you several times, and I know of one of our mods that warned you at least three times. That's the great thing about owning your own board. You can make things disappear from regular viewers, but they are archived where those with top security clearance can look back on and enjoy with a beer and some popcorn. If this were going to court, Exhibits A,B and C that we would present would have your case thrown out of court.

Out of respect for the owners and mods of this board, I will not get into a pissing match with you over the merits of our actions, which I will say occured months ago in regards to you. It's pretty obvious to me that from the responses that you are receiving from the Extreme regulars, you are wasting your time in your anti hR campaign. To each its own however...


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