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i'm interested to see if they incorportate the mythology of the original text. the gods played a huge role in homer's masterpiece and to leave it out would be an injustice, but to put them in could be cheesie. i hope they do have the gods but do it tastefully. i pray it lives up to the hype and is huge success, so they make the sequel.

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An article I read said the gods are out. I don't know if all the supernatural stuff (like Achilles being invulnerable and the woman who sees the future) is still in or not. That stuff would almost have to stay to have the same story....

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i just want to see the movie, i love historical stuff, and the battle scenes in it look totally awesome. My only complaint is that they casted that loser Orlando Bloom, after Lord of the Rings, he just seems to be riding off a pretty boy image, pisses me off really.

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I read an article saying that the producers wanted the movie to be farely realistic. So sorry no gods. I think they are going for the gladiator/braveheart approach into historics and massive battles. I just wanna see the showdown between achilles and hector.

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Originally posted by Hobo

i just want to see the movie, i love historical stuff, and the battle scenes in it look totally awesome. My only complaint is that they casted that loser Orlando Bloom, after Lord of the Rings, he just seems to be riding off a pretty boy image, pisses me off really.

I wouldn't call it historical. No one is sure if any of this actually happened.

People think they may have found the remains of the city of Troy, but even in that, there are like 9 other cities remains layered on top of each other.

If the magical stuff is left out, that kind of sucks IMO. The whole story is mythology, Achilles is supposed to be invincible etc... without that, I'm not sure how cool that is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was great. Best movie to come out in quite a while. I don't dislike Brad Pitt but I thought before the movie it would be pretty tough to see him as the macho Achillies. I mean Achillies was the greatest warior of antiquities and Brad Pitt? I thought Brad would have been much better as Paris the sissy boy. Anyway I was wrong. Pitt did a very good job. Not sure anybody else could have pulled it off the same way he did...

Anyway I thought it was almost as good as Gladiator. I though Pitt did a better job than Russell Crowe. And I thought Russell Crowe did a very good job. I would still give the nod to Gladiator though overall. It was just a richer story. Also since I kind of knew exactly what would happen... Hector Achillies Paris Piam Odysys, and the Horsie.. Anyway.... It's a must see. Must see on the big screen. It wouldn't be the same move if you wait and watch the DVD.

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