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ESPN: Lamont Jordan is a whiny little punk


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I thought this kid was alright when he played locally at the University of Maryland... but what a whiny little punk. He needs to get a new agent.


NEW YORK -- LaMont Jordan and his agent met with the New York Jets on Tuesday to discuss the reserve running back's future with the team.

Jordan, the subject of trade rumors during the offseason, wants a long-term extension and the promise he will become the starter when Curtis Martin leaves. Agent Alvin Keels said a little progress was made during the meeting, but Jordan didn't back off his wishes.

"We want a strong commitment from the New York Jets or we want to be dealt," Keels said Tuesday night. "I haven't received any assurances that either is going to happen."

Keels said he will talk again with the Jets later in the week. If the Jets want to offer a long-term deal, Keels wants Jordan to be paid as a No. 1 running back.

Jordan, a second-round pick in 2001, has one year left on his contract. He said Sunday he wants a bigger role in the offense this season, but is not expecting to supplant Martin. Jordan just wants to know he is the future at the position for the organization.

"LaMont wants to be paid market value as a No. 1 back," Keels said. "If he's going to be in the Jets' plans, he wants to be rewarded."

Keels said if the Jets don't want to negotiate a new deal, then he would demand a trade.

"Right now, its up in the air," Keels said. "At the end of the day, the Jets hold the magic key."

Jordan rushed for 190 yards on 46 carries last season and scored four touchdowns. He has been used mostly on short-yardage situations and near the goal line.

Explain exactly how you expect to be paid like a starter...

when you're NOT a starter?

He's not even a free agent! These athletes demanding trades and new contracts lately are getting worse and worse. They take it all for granted. The Jets would do well to just cut this kid loose.

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This guy wants #1 money but isn't the starter? What kind of sh*t is that? Those 4 tds he had last season could all have been scored by our backup rb's (with all due respect, you know how our running game was last season.) How do you make demands like that when you ride the pine? Shut the hell up and play!

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If there indeed is a market out there for Jordan, and teams do in fact perceive him as having value as a possible starter, then I could understand where Jordan and his agent are coming from in a way.

While asking to be paid like a #1 RB is laughable, making demands like this would sound even more silly if nobody around the league covets him.

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Here's the problem Jordan faces... it seems he clearly is in the Jets plans to be the number 1 runner when Martin retires. The Jets have this whole thing timed up perfectly so that Martin can retire right when Jordan's rookie contract expires. This way the Jets can renegotiate based on Jordan not having the numbers in his past to support a big contract. The Jets are trying to get a number one rusher at a huge bargain because they know that Jordan has the goods. Jordan is simply trying to say, if you are going to make me your number one rusher when Martin leaves, pay me like a number one. If you aren't going to make me your number one, give me a chance to catch on somewhere else. To compare this to TO or call this "whiny" is ludicrous. He has been a very good team role player sitting behind Martin when he is obviously more effective at this point in their careers. He comes in only for short yardage situations and still has averaged 4.7 yards per carry. He does everything the coaches ask of him including being a big special teams role player.

Just to clarify for some of you who apparently are under the wrong impression... he is not asking for a starter's money if he is not going to be a starter. He is asking for starter's money if the Jets plan on having him be the starter throughout most of his new contract. If they don't plan on him being the eventual starter even though he absolutely has proved his worth and has been patient, then he is simply asking to be given a chance to earn that role on another team sooner rather than later.

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Want to get paid like the starter? Beat out the starter you moron!!!!!

TO started this whole crap. He sent the precedent. B*tch, Moan, whine, threat, demand... get your way.

The tipping point toward the downfall of the NFL came the day the NFL cabbaged up and let Owens get his way.

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This is a lot like what Portis went through in Denver.

He wanted to be paid like a #1 back, but Denver wanted to keep him at his minimum contract until it ran out (I guess Bolin wanted to be the envy of the sanua room at NFL owner's meetings that he had such a highly productive back at such a low price :) ).

So the Portis for Bailey trade with Washington happened.

The difference, of course, is that Portis had already showed that he could be an elite #1 RB in this league.

Maybe Jordan and his agent should look more forward to an incentive-laced contract. One that will mean big money for Jordan should he show he CAN be the #1 RB for the Jets when he does get the chance to start.

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Jordan is in a tough spot. He's a backup to one of the most durable RBs in the history of the NFL and one who is HOF bound. Martin may not currently be one of the NFL's elite RBs, but he's still a consistent workhorse who you'd feel awfully uncomfortable benching for a RB who is still somewhat of a question mark. Even worse for Jordan, Martin is the type of back who gets better during the game as he gets more carries.

Those times when Jordan does get touches, he's been put in goal line or short yardage situations. Nonetheless, he's shown exceptional speed and breakaway ability for a player of his size, in addition to the power you'd expect. They only time he's gotten 15+ game carries was in a playoff game where he had 100+ yds and 2 TDs. Quite simply, the opportunity hasn't been there, and as a result, it's easy to see Jordan's frustration.

But his value to the Jets is higher than it is to other teams. The Jets risk losing him as a FA next year, but if he stays, not only will he contribute this year, but the Jets have the inside track on signing him long-term after better assessing Martin's condition and Jordan's talents. There's value in that. More value than the Jets would receive if they unload him for a 3rd round pick who may or may not start in 2006.

Jordan's played good soldier to date, but after pre-draft trade talks failed to materialize he's having trouble biting his tongue. However, unfortunately for him, his leverage is nil. Sitting out does no good for an unproven player looking to boost their FA market value in a contract year. And a backup RB can't cause enough of a disruption to force a GM's hand. So Jordan will cry for a bit, the Jets will field offers which will likely be insufficient, and then everyone will go about their business as if none of this ever happened.

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it's a business and it goes both ways.......our loyalties are to our team so we always frown on these types of moves, but a players loyalties are to his wallet...i don't blame him, get what you can get...if the jets don't wanna play ball, he'll find out what he's worth......ian gold is an example of when these kind of moves can blow up in a players face though.....

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What if MArtin goes down due to injury, and Jordan isn't there? Martin has been incredibly durable over his career, but he is getting to that age where getting over the normal "dings" of every day football will take more time

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Jordan is just frustrated at sitting behind Curtis Martin who is absolutely thru as a RB.

Curtis Martin is so done that I can't believe the Jets are not trying to replace him.

If I were Jordan, sitting behind a one-legged RB for 4 years now..I'd feel the same way.

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Originally posted by chosen

"LaMont wants to be paid market value as a No. 1 back," Keels said. "If he's going to be in the Jets' plans, he wants to be rewarded."

Jordan rushed for 190 yards on 46 carries last season and scored four touchdowns.

ok those 2 quotes just dont go together!

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