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Bush by a landslide, who don't agree?


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I'll come right to the point, George Bush is going to beat John Kerry in the general election handily.

And I'm willing to bet anything from an avatar to a formal statement that this happens.

Who don't agree?

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If the economy and the war on terror stay the same or get better for us, then Bush wins hands down.

$hit has to hit the fan on one or both of those fronts for Kerry to win. He is as personable as C3PO. I never thought id see a politician come off stiffer than Al Gore but I was wrong.

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Originally posted by Oldskool

If the economy and the war on terror stay the same or get better for us, then Bush wins hands down.

$hit has to hit the fan on one or both of those fronts for Kerry to win. He is as personable as C3PO. I never thought id see a politician come off stiffer than Al Gore but I was wrong.

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I'll take some of that action. What do you mean by a "landslide"?President Bush didn't even beat Al Gore. Yes, I know he won the electorial college vote. But more voting Americans wanted Al gore as President. How do you expect him to beat John Kerry.

I can't wait for their first debate.

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Originally posted by Sho-nuff

I'll take some of that action. What do you mean by a "landslide"?President Bush didn't even beat Al Gore. Yes, I know he won the electorial college vote. But more voting Americans wanted Al gore as President. How do you expect him to beat John Kerry.

I can't wait for their first debate.

Name your terms. How about the loser switches party affiliation? Or how about the loser writes a paragraph on how he was a fool to even doubt the winners victory?

The bet is for the win, not the percentage (how could one quantify?). But I believe Bush wins big.

P.S. Quit crying about 2000. You lost, deal with it.

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count me in JimmieJo

I would like some of the stuff you are smokin....go back to 'early '90 and see how George Sr. was doing until the conventions in the summer.....

do you hear a hissing sound.... hssssssss

that is unless they have already caught bin ladin and are going to showcase him to the public on November 1, 2004

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Originally posted by PatFischer37

count me in JimmieJo

I would like some of the stuff you are smokin....go back to 'early '90 and see how George Sr. was doing until the conventions in the summer.....

do you hear a hissing sound.... hssssssss

that is unless they have already caught bin ladin and are going to showcase him to the public on November 1, 2004

You got it, you're in. I appreciate your courage, especially with such a no-personality having, flip-flopping candidate. Talk about party loyalty.

We are going to have to figure out how to do this. I think the easiest thing probably is for the loser/s to have to write a formal, sincere apology to the winner for doubting the inevitable outcome.

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Not sure about the landslide.....but I would suspect that he will win. Given that Iraq gets no worse and the economy stays on course. One thing I do find amusing about the economy in this election is that the economy,which in my mind atleast is fine. Unemployment is low, the markets have recovered and most of the large corporations these days are posting profits. I hear people harping about it all the time......but what they hell do you want, a return to 1999 when we were told that the economy is so prosperious when in actuality it was beginning to self-destruct.

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Who don't agree? I don't agree. He don't agree. We don't agree. Everybodybody doesn't agree that's why we have an election.

Amazing you are backpedaling already. You claim that Bush will win in a landslide and then when someone picks up the bet, you say that a landslide is a simple win by as much as a single vote.

Bush has incredible problems as a president... everything from industrial scandels, to non competitve bidding, to educational reform failures, to deceit about budget projections, to his his own officials stabbing him in the back, to growing the defecit at an alarming rate (especially if you are fiscally conservative) to a terrible job market, to a worsening situation in Iraq, to misinformation and disinformation in proposed programs ranging from Iraq to medical care prescription plans, to lowering pollution standards which have resulted in mercury poisoning, lead contamination, etc. Pick an area and it is difficult to find one in which Bush excelled... with the exception of Afghanistan, the invasion of Iraq, and perhaps sticking to his guns with the tax cuts. I find it hard to understand why some see him as an exceptional, flawless president. I can understand disliking another candidate, but there are some pretty serious questions about most every major decision he has taken part in.

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Originally posted by Burgold

Who don't agree? I don't agree. He don't agree. We don't agree. Everybodybody doesn't agree that's why we have an election.

Amazing you are backpedaling already. You claim that Bush will win in a landslide and then when someone picks up the bet, you say that a landslide is a simple win by as much as a single vote.

Bush has incredible problems as a president... everything from industrial scandels, to non competitve bidding, to educational reform failures, to deceit about budget projections, to his his own officials stabbing him in the back, to growing the defecit at an alarming rate (especially if you are fiscally conservative) to a terrible job market, to a worsening situation in Iraq, to misinformation and disinformation in proposed programs ranging from Iraq to medical care prescription plans, to lowering pollution standards which have resulted in mercury poisoning, lead contamination, etc. Pick an area and it is difficult to find one in which Bush excelled... with the exception of Afghanistan, the invasion of Iraq, and perhaps sticking to his guns with the tax cuts. I find it hard to understand why some see him as an exceptional, flawless president. I can understand disliking another candidate, but there are some pretty serious questions about most every major decision he has taken part in.


What part of this do you not understand? You want to bet, or do you want to play 'gotcha'? Your candidate is a bumbling idiot who changes positions with the release of every new poll. I do not see Bush as flawless, but he is doing the work that must be done in the face of an enemy who must be destroyed.

Unemployement is at an all time low and we have created 500k jobs in the last quarter (news flash, they adjusted job reports from January UP). Bush inherited an economy sliding into recession (GAO economic figures under Clinton were found to be woefully incorrect) and has turned it around. Every single economic indicator that you can name is positive currently.

Please peddle your misinformation elsewhere, we deal with facts here.

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This is a toss up: With the way everything is going it is impossible to tell how its going to end up...

Bush wins if:

The economy continues to grow

The hand-off to the Iraqi's works out o.k.

Bush loses if:

The hand off to the Iraqi's doesnt work out

Kerry's running mate doesnt even matter: Wont add a pixel to the whole agenda.. thats why they arent even needed with 6 months left?

Kerry doesnt even matter... At this point in history it is not who/what/when or where for Kerry or the Democrat opponent.

It is how is the current place holder doing and should we leave it the same....

I hope Bush wins but I wouldnt bet a lunch on it....

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Originally posted by Thiebear

This is a toss up: With the way everything is going it is impossible to tell how its going to end up...

Bush wins if:

The economy continues to grow

The hand-off to the Iraqi's works out o.k.

Bush loses if:

The hand off to the Iraqi's doesnt work out

Kerry's running mate doesnt even matter: Wont add a pixel to the whole agenda.. thats why they arent even needed with 6 months left?

Kerry doesnt even matter... At this point in history it is not who/what/when or where for Kerry or the Democrat opponent.

It is how is the current place holder doing and should we leave it the same....

I hope Bush wins but I wouldnt bet a lunch on it....

No ifs, Bush wins.

Of course unforseen 11th hour things can happen. But if you look at the polls and how they are trending, and then look at the trend of recent elections, the Dems are getting murdered. The D party knows this too, by the way.

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I peddled no misinformation. He has two former major players who quit and seriously questioned Bush's motives and honesty. He purposefully drastically underestimated the prescription reform

bill knowing that he could not be asked if the congress saw how much the true costs were especially related to the gains. No child left behind was another underfunded disaster by most conservative reconnings. Strange how during the Bush Presidency that the method by which we count the unemployed has been changed so many times. Now, by changing the definition again... he manages to have low unemployment... do you believe this. He counts panhandlers on the street as employed as they are earning income. Did you know that? (Actually, I don't think the new definition goes that far). The Dow Jones was higher the day before he took office than it is today, nearly 10% higher. And if we use the stock market as a sign of economic health the best we can say is that we are somewhat below and at best flattish to where we stood before his election. The price of gas has doubled... probably not his fault. So, in sum he has failures in the economic, health, education arenas... his military endeavors are largely positive, but there has been misinformation in this context as well... in the battle of terrorism, one can make an honest debate whether Iraq was a detour or a correct step and one can seriously question whether airports, trainstations, and other areas are significantly improved. Bush's encouragement of illegal immigration will allow a further deterioration of the borders which may allow not only people looking for work to come through, but people with less wholesome interests (read drug people, criminals, and terrorists). The corporate scandels during Bush's reign are widespread though many of them can easily be attributed to actions that began under Clinton or even due to deregulation that started with Reagan. What I applaud Bush for was his handling of Afghanistan, his ability to rally the country and his steadfastness. He has not been a miserable president, but hardly the overwhelming success that would lead to a slam dunk landslide victory. I could be wrong.

Define a landslide. To me, a landslide would be winning with a 10% advantage in general election. If Bush wins by more than 10% I will gladly write an essay extolling his virtues and the excellence of his presidency. If he loses or doesn't win by at least 10% you will write an essay extolling the stregnths and virtues of Kerry. Agreed?

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The Dow Jones was higher the day before he took office than it is today, nearly 10% higher. And if we use the stock market as a sign of economic health the best we can say is that we are somewhat below and at best flattish to where we stood before his election.

You can't be serious, did you live through the 1999-2000 crash, do you actually know what took place and why? Do you know why Enron collapsed and WorldCom cooked the books? Please to use this argument one would have to assume your a complete idiot and know nothing about the economy.

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Originally posted by RedskinsSuperFan

we're screwed either way....

Bush doesn't care about America, only his pocketbook. Kerry doesn't care about anything that matters.

Our options suck. We need a new candidate. Make that 2 new candidates.

Just my opinion...

Sadly, I agree with you.

I can't stand Bush, Kerry has done nothing to make me want to vote for him... I'm actually considering not voting. I'd hate to have either of these two losers on my conscience.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

I'll take that bet as well. The current electoral college map makes it impossible for either candidate to win in a landslide.

Let me qualify a few things.

1st, a landslide is 4 points or higher.

2nd, I am claiming that Bush wins big, but I'm betting that he wins. Straight bet. It is impossible to quantify the victory. It is however very possible to determine the winner.

To Burgold, you make an intelligent argument, infortunately it is incorrect. You site that the way in which the unemployed are counted has been changed by this administration. Please provide some attribution so that I may research.

You claim that "No Child Left Behind" is underfunded. Who has asserted this, Ted Kennedy?

You rightfully state that Bush is not at fault for the gas prices.

For the record, I am not claiming that Bush is the greatest, but in terms of leading our country in this time of war, it would be sheer folly to elect the anti-defense-minded Kerry. He is so left of center to almost be (if not already) socialist.

I am critical of Bush for the following reasons:

- Spending out of control (like the "No Child" legislation).

- Pandering to the theocracies and tinhorn dictators of the middle-east.

- The drug-bill (what a nightmare).

Finally Burgold, you mention immigration. This is unbelievably ironic as it is the Dems who are resistant to securing the borders properly. In a nutshell this is how it works. An illegal comes in and goes to the leftist utopia of California. There he can apply for and receive welfare benefits, despite his illegal status. He is smart enough to know the party responsible for fleecing other Americans and giving him the money. He takes advantage of one of a series of amnesty programs and when he gets his voter card, he votes D all the way, because he knows who runs the great giveaway. According to Dick Morris (an extremely astute political observer who worked for B. Clinton), the country is becoming .05% more democrat every year because of scenarios like the one described above.

Without regard to the statistic above, in 2004, Kerry is going down. This is for two reasons mainly:

1) He is a horrible candidate with baggage

2) Hillary and Bill will not let him.

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Who claims a landslide is 4%. That's absurd. And even still. I'll take that bet on a popualr vote.

Bush will win the electoral college vote handily, but he may very well lose the popular vote (or at least the popular votes counted as he did last time).

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Originally posted by JimmiJo

I'll come right to the point, George Bush is going to beat John Kerry in the general election handily.

And I'm willing to bet anything from an avatar to a formal statement that this happens.

Who don't agree?

I think Bush will win...but I don't think it will be handily. There are enough Bush haters to make this close...me being one I hope I'm wrong and Kerry wins.

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