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I am amazed at the Eli bashing......

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You guys are ripping a guy apart who hasn't even played a down in the NFL yet. Why? Because he did what has been done before? Amd I'm not even sure how much of what happened was him. It seems that his father was the major one who was doing the b!tching.

And a lot of you are getting on the Giants for the trade they made. Are you kidding? When you have the opportunity to get a franchise QB with the potential and abilities of an Eli Manning, how do you not take it? I feel a lot more at ease right now knowing that the Giants do not have to worry about their QB position for the next 10 years or so.

The Giants can now build the rest of the team around the QB position. They can save money by redoing Collins' contract or releasing him.

I accept a year or two of growing and struggles while Manning learns. What will happen after will be well worth it. There is no reason not to think that Eli Manning will be similar to his brother in talent and ability. Some even think he will be better. The Giants don't even need him to be better. Just on par.

You guys keep ripping him. Keep doubting and saying the Giants got screwed, F**cked and all of the other lovely metaphors you are associating this move with. It may not be this coming season but there are going to be plenty of years to come where Eli Manning is shredding DB's in the NFC East.

Keep hating on Manning. He'll be doing his own hating on the Skins, Eagles, and Cowboys soon enough.

Now, where do I get my Eli Manning jersey????

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Is he worth an extra top ten pick? No, not over Rivers. You don't think Rivers can be a great QB?? All he has done was win and started 51 games. With a team that may not have the same talent level as Old Miss.

Tom I am not saying Eli will be bad, all I am saying I wouldn't throw another high pick when you could have had Ben or Rivers, thats all.

I think a team like the giants gave up way to much for a qb where they could have gotten something similar with Ben or Rivers.

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I don't care for what the Manning's did with there "I'm not going to play for SD". I think that's bush.

I just think the bashing comes from ignorant fans. We all know he has the skill to be as good as his brother.

What it boils down to is that Eli is going to be a hated person for a while... and now he happens to play for the Giants. It will go away afterwhile.

I still think the Giants overpaid for him though... but that's just how I feel.

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I'm not hating and I find it hypocritical to bash Eli when everyone knew that the Chargers well Marty had an open love affair with Rivers since the senior bowl.

And Lavar Came out and told the Browns the previous day not to draft him. Heck they wouldnt answer the phone when the browns called Lavar and the postons.

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Guest Matt Kyriacou
Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]

You guys are ripping a guy apart who hasn't even played a down in the NFL yet. Why? Because he did what has been done before? Amd I'm not even sure how much of what happened was him. It seems that his father was the major one who was doing the b!tching.

Weak argument Tom.

Whether it has been done before or not doesn't make it right.

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He was cheered very loudly at the press conference. But the manner in which all this happened and what the Giants did give up for him is going to put tremendous pressure on him to perform well, quickly.

That is going to be very interesting to watch. How he handles the pressure. Which is going to be enormous from day one.

Heck, he could be booed in the preseason if he throws a pick.

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Hey Tom, the Chargers thought the same thing about Ryan Leaf :rolleyes:

Anyway, I do feel that people are getting angry at Eli Manning for bad reasons. Would YOU want to be drafted in San Diego and have a losing record all you life? And to be booed when he is drafted, well, that completely class less on the part of the fans.

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I thought they were booing San Diego for not trading (earlier)

so, I don't know.

I think that Manning and his family were not in their right to demand this type of stuff. But, whatever, the Giants might need to draft a RB early next year or something......now there is no 1st rounder.

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Originally posted by Bufford 3.0

I thought they were booing San Diego for not trading (earlier)

so, I don't know.

I think that Manning and his family were not in their right to demand this type of stuff. But, whatever, the Giants might need to draft a RB early next year or something......now there is no 1st rounder.

No, they were booing Eli Manning, they even booed him whenever he was talking in any of the interviews.

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Originally posted by NavyDave

I'm not hating and I find it hypocritical to bash Eli when everyone knew that the Chargers well Marty had an open love affair with Rivers since the senior bowl.

And Lavar Came out and told the Browns the previous day not to draft him. Heck they wouldnt answer the phone when the browns called Lavar and the postons.

yep, the Giant ay have made an Elway/Denver type trade. If he comes close to Peyton type numbers :doh:

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I loved the booing ... I was booing at FedEx. I think the Mannings are punks for doing what they did. I didn't like it when Elway did this and I didn't like it when Steve Francis did this with Basketball.

The whole point of the draft is to give the worst teams a chance to handicap their future seasons by giving them a fair shot at a great player. Players are supposed to know that if they are taken high in the draft it probably isn't to a great team. That is the whole process and one of the reasons why the draft can work for teams to rebuild. The Mannings acted like they are above the rules and b!tched and moaned till they got their way. I thought it was totally class-less for Manning not to put on the San Diego hat when drafted. I agree with what Jon Jansen has said on TV ... that this kid is missing the whole point ... he should be happy that he is the overally #1 pick.

How many other players would have loved to have been the #1 pick but aren't. Heck, how many players would love to just be drafted. Here is a punk a$$ player sitting their pouting because he was picked #1 but by a team he didn't like. Very bad form.

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Well, Tom, we are Redskin fans. We are supposed to bash Eli. Hes a member of the Giants now....

Hes the ENEMY. ;)

Seriously, I don't have a problem with him not wanting to play fo SD. And anyway, it was SD's fault that all that became public. They are the ones that put it out there.

I'm just curious as to why the Giants just didn't keep Rivers and save all those picks.

I mean, many feel Rivers can be as good as Manning. Why give up all those picks when you got a good QB selection with the #4 pick. Why not just let SD suffer with the choice they made with Manning and keep Rivers? :)

Skins Guy

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Manning was ranked first on the Giants draft board. They had the opportunity to get the guy they had ranked as the best player in the draft and they took it.

The Chargers originally wanted to not only swap picks but also, their second round picks this year and next plus either Ike Hilliard or Amani Toomer and Kerry Collins. The Giants did not want to give up their second this year and preferred giving up their one next year. And from what I've read about Snee who they took with their second round pick, I'm glad they didn't. This guy is a monster.

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Tom, I don't have nothing about your team trading for him, it was just the same as if the two teams had actually traded spots, the thing I didn't like was a kid who has proved nothing in the Pros, showing a$$ along his daddy and mommy, pouting when selected 1st overall by I team he didn't liked and then smiling all mighty and supreme when he got the trade that he wanted, just reminded me of Terrel Owens.

But overal if he pans out, it will be in retrospective a good trade.

Congrats Tom.

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I don't have any problem with the Eli. Afte all, it was the SD FO who went public, not the Mannings. I think some of the flack he's getting is unwarranted.

However, 2 #1's? Thats a pretty steep price to pay, especially when you consider that the Chargers had very little leverage, since it was pretty obvious that Eli wasn't going to play for them. Chargers committed grand larceny.

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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]

You guys are ripping a guy apart who hasn't even played a down in the NFL yet. Why? Because he did what has been done before? Amd I'm not even sure how much of what happened was him. It seems that his father was the major one who was doing the b!tching.

And a lot of you are getting on the Giants for the trade they made. Are you kidding? When you have the opportunity to get a franchise QB with the potential and abilities of an Eli Manning, how do you not take it? I feel a lot more at ease right now knowing that the Giants do not have to worry about their QB position for the next 10 years or so.

The Giants can now build the rest of the team around the QB position. They can save money by redoing Collins' contract or releasing him.

I accept a year or two of growing and struggles while Manning learns. What will happen after will be well worth it. There is no reason not to think that Eli Manning will be similar to his brother in talent and ability. Some even think he will be better. The Giants don't even need him to be better. Just on par.

You guys keep ripping him. Keep doubting and saying the Giants got screwed, F**cked and all of the other lovely metaphors you are associating this move with. It may not be this coming season but there are going to be plenty of years to come where Eli Manning is shredding DB's in the NFC East.

Keep hating on Manning. He'll be doing his own hating on the Skins, Eagles, and Cowboys soon enough.

Now, where do I get my Eli Manning jersey????

:gaintsuck Are you on crack? 10 YEARS? He's gotta get out of his FIRST season before we can even DISCUSS 10 years down the road. Let's not forget that, as you yourself mentioned, he hasn't even played a down yet! I don't hate on the G-Strings because they made a ridiculous deal to acquire Manning. Personally, I can't wait to see what happens. I'm sure he's a good QB & may even prove to be better than his brother & father, but then, he doesn't exactly have Marvin Harrison to throw to or Edgeran James to hand off to. He also doesn't have the front line that he will need to protect him from LB's like Arrington & Washington.

:gaintsuck My bet is that Manning will be injured for the majority of his career because he won't be able to get out of the pocket & if he tries to take off, especially in his first season, he will be crushed by LBs, DBs, CBs, & the Waterboy before he can even make his mark on the field. You can't look 10 years down the road, especially for QBs-Manning or not-because they get hurt too often. You better hope that they don't use him for the cover of Madden 2005 or he won't even play his rookie season. I think putting as much stock in Eli Manning to pull the G-Strings out of their funk is not only crazy, it's downright stupid! On top of that, you expect the team to be completely revamped-around a rookie, someone who hasn't played a down in the NFL! As far as I'm concerned, you are putting WAY too much on this kids shoulders. In 10 years, he could be playing for the Redskins, instead of against them. You know that as well as I do. Few QBs stay with their drafting team for more than 4 years, I expect nothing less from this kid, especially when he spends the majority of his first season on his back. Daddy will probably step in & tell the G-Strings to trade him to San Diego or something. So, don't get so uppity about a guy you haven't even seen perform at the NFL level. You never know, he could turn out just like Heath Shuler! I sure as hell hope so!

:moon: <-------------For Eli Manning & his G-Strings

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The whole "I'm not going to play in San Diego" was the reason he got booed. I think its in bad taste to dictate where you want to go as a draft prospect.

I think the Giants got burned in the trade also. Giving up a 3rd plus a 1st and 5th next year and the QB the they wanted all along to San Diego is like giving a 2nd and champ for Portis, maybe even worse. Eli was not even the consensus best QB around the league.

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Im not doubting Manning in any way. I think he'll be a good one and Im sure he was at the top of the G-Men's board.

Its just...... you already HAD a good QB prospect that you drafted in Rivers. :)

As Kiper just said recently on the draft show:

Rivers had a 70% completion average

He led his team to 4 college bowl games

He was 4-0 in said bowl games

He was the MVP of the Senior Bowl

He did a lot of good things this year in N.C. State WITOUT his startng LT to protect him.

Like I said, I think Manning is a good QB prospect. I just feel the G-Men already had one at #4.

So why give up all those picks? )

Skins Guy

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Originally posted by Liberty

Hey Tom, the Chargers thought the same thing about Ryan Leaf :rolleyes:

Anyway, I do feel that people are getting angry at Eli Manning for bad reasons. Would YOU want to be drafted in San Diego and have a losing record all you life? And to be booed when he is drafted, well, that completely class less on the part of the fans.

For the record I was down on Manning before he went to the Giants like the day he pulled this crap. OK I guess the whole idea of the draft should then be scrapped, and players should go to the teams of their choice. What a joke. Manning deserved all the boos he got. Why does this dude get a free get out of jail free card and nobody else does. He is a gutless QB and has put all this pressure on himself when he could have gone to the Chargers, gotten paid, had no pressure at all with a weak franchise, and the best RB in the game in Ladanian. Now he has all the pressure in the world on him and I think he will melt into oblivion. Remember how high everyone was on Heath Shuler (me included). Well I am done drinking the Kool Aide, He is a real character guy...yeah. I cant wait till he gets Sean Taylor and Lavar tatooes the second week of the season. San Diego made out like bandits.

There is an old adage 'what goes around comes around":puke:

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