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Chargers decide to keep overall 1st pick and draft eli....


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Originally posted by chiefhogskin48

Eli is a little prick. I wish him the very worst as an NFL player. He couldn't win at Ole Miss and he won't win in the NFL.

Didn't Ole Miss go 10-2 last year ;)

Who cares, it is his father behind this and he knows what the NFL is about. I would hope my father would look after my best interest if he had already experienced it before.

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I don't believe anything that is being said anymore. You can't. I won't. Just damn glad the draft is a few days away and not another week or month.........

I absolutely, positively loathe the offseason.

At least it's getting warm outside. The beach is nice right now. :)

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Originally posted by chiefhogskin48

Eli is a little prick. I wish him the very worst as an NFL player. He couldn't win at Ole Miss and he won't win in the NFL.

Why do you say he is a prick? Ole Miss couldn't win because of the other players, not Eli. I ejoyed watching him play when I could, and thought that he had a never say die attitude. He's a good player as are all of these players coming into the draft, only time will tell if he's a great player.

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Originally posted by chiefhogskin48

Eli is a little prick. I wish him the very worst as an NFL player. He couldn't win at Ole Miss and he won't win in the NFL.

haha, did you watch college ball last year? this Eli kid may be a dick for having his DAD help him, but you can't say he didn't do well last year, that's just straight stupid of you....

ah well, it all kool in the game.... Eli will rip $hit up in the NFL.

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Originally posted by Mittens

Wasn't it reported that Eli didn't want to sign with the Charges, but the Giants instead? Why is San Diego bothering? He'll just hold out.

By him doing that he isn't hurting anyone but himself. You're a rookie coming in the NFL and you think you can have your way. NO NO NO. This is where the big boys play.

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I think SD has to make that pick to prove the point that the draft is about team's improving themselves and not the college boys picking where they want to play. If Manning dictates where he plays this year, how many guys will dictate it next year? Some team has to make a stand and unfortunately the #1 pick belongs to SD this year.

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if eli not his dad is planning to sit out if the chargers pick him then i hope they do and will get alittle smile about it, then ill go back to who the skins will draft. if this is just his dad then it doesn't matter one way or the other.

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This may actually be the smartest move that the Chargers have made ....

I believe it was Groucho Marx who said that no club is worth joining if they would allow him in as a member.

Maybe San Diego figures that Manning must really be smart and talented if he doesn't want to play for them (no one really does anymore), so the proved to them what a great find this kid is :)

Also, to those saying that Eli Manning's career at Ole Miss was bad because of him ... NFL Access compared Eli vs. Peyton the other night in terms of their college records. Their numbers were virtually the same, but obviously the TN Vol's team overall was much better than Ole Miss'. Eli will be a great QB, he just needs talent around him.

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