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Funny article from our friends up north about Fox News, O'Reilly, and their audience


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From Wednesday's Globe and Mail

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I've never been called ''a douche-nozzle'' before. At least, not that I know about anyway. The insult came from one supporter of the Fox News Channel. But then I don't think The Globe and Mail has ever been called ''the far-left Toronto Globe and Mail'' before. That's what this great newspaper was called by Bill O'Reilly on the Fox News Channel on Monday night.

Reacting to my column, which cheerfully suggested that the proposal to bring the Fox News Channel to Canada should be acted upon promptly, so that we can all take a look, and get a laugh, O'Reilly gave us a Fox-style whacking. In his segment The Most Ridiculous Item of the Day, he quoted from my column (which called him "pompous"), dismissed The Globe as a lefty outfit and said, "Hey you pinheads up there, I may be pompous, but at least I'm honest."

Right. But the very idea that The Globe and Mail is "far left" only proves my point that the Fox News Channel is the most hilarious thing on American TV since Seinfeld. When we get to see it, we'll decide if, like Seinfeld, it's about nothing.

Spurred by O'Reilly's remarks, dozens of Fox News viewers wrote to me. Remember now that I only suggested that Fox News be available to us -- not only as a vital window on the United States, but as an outright tonic. Before the channel has even appeared, I can tell you I was in stitches reading the voluminous response from Fox News supporters in the U.S. By Monday evening, I was so paralytic with laughter I had to call off the writing of yesterday's column. I was incapacitated with the hilarity.

Me, I find it quite bracing to be so reviled and it's very encouraging to know that mere newspaper coverage of a TV news channel can make some people so very angry.

The people who support Fox News must be the most uncivil and foul-mouthed creatures on the planet. This is an informed opinion. They'd give English soccer hooligans a run for their money.

I lost count of the number of times I was called "an a**hole." It was at least 43 times, anyway. I was called "a *****," "a wussy," "a pr**k," "a jerk," "a hack" and "a creep." A man in Cleveland not only called me "an a**hole" but also wished me a "f***ed-up day." A lady -- and I use the term advisedly -- in Colorado wrote to say that all Canadians are "a**holes" and then ordered me not to visit her state. I was also called a Canadian numerous times, as if that were an automatic and withering insult.

In an nice touch, a man from somewhere-in-the-USA opened by cheerfully calling me "sonny bub" and, after some confusing name-calling that involved the word "intellectual," he rose to a great rhetorical flourish -- he asked if I had served in Vietnam! Nothing of the sort has ever come from viewers of Newsworld, CTV Newsnet, CNN, MSNBC or, indeed ROB-TV. My point was that we have a great deal to learn from the Fox News Channel. And I am proved right. Talking to Americans is always a tonic. Bring on Fox News and bring it fast. Let's see this thing that has so many ardent and incredibly aggressive viewers.


So next time I order a pizza should I ask for 'freedom bacon' on it?

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Canada pisses me off. They love to blame us for all the evils of the world and then reap the benefit of our military. They know that they don't have to spend any money on defense because if anybody picks a fight with them we will back them up.

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Originally posted by Fred Jones

No, this just proves what I have said all along. Fox News is not Fair and Balanced and reading the comments from their viewers just tells me what type of people watch their news. Heaven forbid that anyone anywhere criticize anyone on that station.

lefties have been critical about Fox and other conservative outlets for years now. They have said far worse things thenwhat this guy has quoted. Also, you noticed that the main point of this guy's rant was over O'Riley calling the paper he worked for leftist yet he didn't give one once of proof that it wasn't. All he did was insult people who watch Fox News.

This guys sounds like what everyone has been saying about him and then some...

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Originally posted by Fred Jones

Johnny, whether he is liberal or not, my point is that O'Riley had to say something and the listeners had to make rude and obnoxious comments.

Fox could have simply just started broadcasting in Canada and let their high quality shows speak for themselves.

Why not? I'm sure news shows in other countries do the exact same thing. I see CNN run comments from people in other countries about the US and a lot of them are insulting to say the least...

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I too love watching the Fox News Channel because it is indeed very funny....I love listening the snide comments that are made on air during their "impartial" news casts.......I have to say CNN isn't as funny as Fox but it is interesting...I really love listening to Tucker Carlson and his wife argue......

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I don't know why, but whenever I hear the word Canada I think of those little fish that swim under sharks.

I'm not bashing this guy... I think O'Riley is pompus too. I also like the people from Canada that I know. I just kinda think of Canada as a country playing in the minor leagues and still having an air of superiority. It seems to be working for them.

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I like Canada... beautiful place....it's just about time they become the new "largest state in the union". I'm kidding...

I agree that many Canadians don't believe in the policies and attitude of the Canadian govt. towards the US. It's time they stand up and change the regime... before we send our boys to do it. :)

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