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Golf a sport?


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Say your playing basketball with some friends at a local gym. You have the ball, drive, and put up a shot. Do you think about your shooting form, technique and speed? No you simply let your natural athletisism take over to put the ball through the hoop.

Part of the reason why pros in other sports are golf-obsessed is becuase it takes a significant amount of timing and mental ability to excecute your swing on plane and through the ball. Jordan is a great example. When he played basketball, he didn't need to think about how to make a jumper, he would just (as nike would say) 'Do it.'

Golf brings out a competitive edge in the person against him/herself and the Opponent.

As for golf not being a sport becuase Michelle Wie can hit a ball 270 yards.... a good deal of power has to do with the ability to wind the torso one way (with the hips staying in an ideal possition) to create torque. Then more power comes from the speed in which everything unwinds though the ball. Add in that she has a long torso, strong (and long) legs and and arms. speed = distance

And when you do all that..you have to sync everything up...and if you pick the wrong club, it doesn't matter anyway.

that is way golf is a sport.

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Originally posted by riggins44

Not sure which position you are on your golf team, but my step-son played a few years ago and it is a very competitive sport.

Curtis Strange's son played for a local private school and has won several local tournaments. He should be in college now, just not sure where.

Good luck to your "golf" team.

Thanks. I'm 5th man on my high school's golf team. You send six players to the matches and record the top 5 scores. The average for the team last year was 208 (slightly below a 42 average for each golfer, since we only play 9 holes). We should actually compete for the NJ state title this year, but I have no aspirations to play in college. Not quite good enough. :)

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Originally posted by skinsfanforlife

I'll also put nascar in the same category as golf.

actually nascar is a joke.

yeah yeah i know GIbbs was in the nascar industry but ...

You try going out and driving 500 miles at 180 mph and see how far you get. Your whole body wears out. Nascar drivers are athletes, no way around it.

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Originally posted by Rypien 91

You try going out and driving 500 miles at 180 mph and see how far you get. Your whole body wears out. Nascar drivers are athletes, no way around it.

I agree Ryp, if these sports were so easy, then why isn't everyone doing it on such a high level.

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Originally posted by Rypien 91

You try going out and driving 500 miles at 180 mph and see how far you get. Your whole body wears out. Nascar drivers are athletes, no way around it.



i hate that biootch michael wilbon but at least he agrees with me about nascar. yeah again due to its competeive nature u can consider it a sport but an athlete? hells naaaaaaaaaaah.

wake the hell up. you know what , if u think nascar drivers are athletes more power to you. i cant make you change your mind and vice versa so whatever.

LOL the whole point of this thread was Golf maybe be a sport due to its competitive nature but golfers are no way in hell athletes. you just cant label everybody as an athlete just because what they do is considered a sport since it seems like we do that with just about anything thats on T.V. fear factor contestants should be athletes too since they compete and hell some of those people seem more fit than golfers.

I use the word ATHLETE wisely.

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Golf and Nascar are sports. But no way are it's participants athletes. Their sports require skill, not talented athleticism. This is from someone who has driven a race car on Lowe's motor speedway, and walked a golf course.

Those who defend the two as having athletes as particiapants need to learn to know the difference in being an athlete, and being athletic.

I can go to the gym and work my but off until I'm in good enough shape to endure a 500 mile race or walk 18 holes. But I can put that same work in the gym and still have no chance in covering Randy Moss or Gary Payton.



There is a difference.

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Originally posted by KevinthePRF

I can go to the gym and work my but off until I'm in good enough shape to endure a 500 mile race or walk 18 holes. But I can put that same work in the gym and still have no chance in covering Randy Moss or Gary Payton.

I guess you didn't know that same nascar drivers lose 5 to 10 lbs a day on race day :doh:

But no they are not athletes because all of is can do it :laugh:

Let me see you race for 500 miles in a car that is burning heat and you sweat like crazy for up to 4 and 5 hours. Lets see how your body reacts to that.

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Kevin, in principal, I agree with what you are saying, however, I believe that if you go to the gym and work with a trainer over a peroid of time, working on the specific things needed to cover Randy Moss, you could do it. I'm not saying you could stop him or whatever, I'm just saying that you could do a respectable job of it.

Many people believe that people are born athletes. This is not true. If you take a child and mold them, they can become anything. While it is probably too late for a 30 year old guy to decide he's going to train to become an NFL cornerback, I believe that anyone, if they set their mind to it at the right age, can excel at what ever they wish.

Of course, height and body size is something that a person is born with or not, but take for example, baseball and throwing with velocity. Throwing a baseball is a skill that anyone can do, regardless of size. Many people say "he was born with that amazing arm".. etc. I can say with out doubt that that's not the case. My brother consistantly threw 94-96 mph from High school through 6 years in the minors. I threw 88-91 in high school and college. There is one common factor. We constantly threw the baseball hard from an early age. There's a saying, "sprinters don't train by running distance". What that means is, if you want to throw hard, you have to throw hard. That's the only way to build the tiny muscles that are responsible.

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No doubt in my mind I could run those races. I ran 50 laps and it felt like 5 because I was having so much fun. And that was just by myself and one other person, it probably seems even shorter if your racing against 42 other cars.

And don't try and fool me with those poor driver's sweating it out. Their suits are air conditioned as they drive, didn't you know that?


I agree with you up to the point of college level. I think anyone who puts hard work into it day in and day out from day one can reach the college level of any of the three major sports, and some others. But I still believe to be a pro athlete you have to have some degree of god given talent. Just my opinion.

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Originally posted by KevinthePRF


No doubt in my mind I could run those races. I ran 50 laps and it felt like 5 because I was having so much fun. And that was just by myself and one other person, it probably seems even shorter if your racing against 42 other cars.


so you think racing 42 cars is easier :rotflmao:

how fast where you going? 65 :silly:

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Originally posted by jbooma


so you think racing 42 cars is easier :rotflmao:

how fast where you going? 65 :silly:

No, about 150-160 was my average speeds, but when you get on that cereal bowl of a track it doesn't really feel your going that fast, it does feel like 65. Well maybe 80.

And no way am I saying racing other cars is easier, that takes lots of SKILL I don't have due to lack of experience. But it would seem like a lot more fun. And time flys when your having fun.

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Originally posted by codeorama

Different sports require different abilities.

Many consider Michael Jordan one of the worlds greatest athletes, yet he sucked at baseball, but he can run faster, jump higher etc...

Different skills for different sports.

You guys that don't think golf is a sport are confusing athleticism and skill. Sure, a track star is a better athlete than a golfer. But can they hit a golf ball 350 yards? Can ARod, the best baseball player hit WR's in stride with a pass rush in his face? Could Wayne Gretzky have dunked over a 7ft center? Can Tiger hit a 90 plus fast ball?

It's all relative guys... Athleticism in one sport does not always translate to another sport.

Good post. Golf IS a sport which requires everything sports is about. Physical skills, mental stamina, excellent hand eye coordination above all else and a myriad of other things. You don't need the stamina of a basketball player, or atheletic skill set of say a swimmer, but does baseball require these either?

I think the fact that people can watch Craig Stadler, John Daly and Phil Micklson, look at their physique and claim it isn't a sport. I've been an advocate for Phil wearing a bra fow a couple of years now:) that still doesn't mean it isn't a sport. I don't think Jerry Reuss and Cecil Fielder will be winning marathons any time soon, but it doesn't mean baseball isn't a sport.

I've played quite a few sports competitivly in my life and I can honestly say golf is the most difficult. The mental aspect required is exhausting at times. It's like playing DB and getting burned when you end up slicing a drive into the woods. You have to have the ability to put your mistakes behind you and continue on to make the next shot. It's a lot harder to do than you think.

It also requires incredible hand eye coordination. The difference between a good shot and a bad one is very minute, so in order to excell, you need to concentrate on EVERY shot.

I think it's no coincidence the top atheletes in all sports play golf, as many have mentioned before. If you're competitive in nature, and you have never played golf, I'd suggest picking it up for a summer. You'll be hooked for life.

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different people for different skills?

dude MJ sucked at baseball because MJ never played bseball. it was a childhood dream and he used his fame to get a chance to play in the minors.

Instead of basketball, what if it was baseball that MJ fell in love with? who knows how good or great MJ couldve been in baseball.

Its about what u like and what you wanna pursue. physically gifted individuals i assume will play basketball or football. does this mean that they suck at driving a nascar , golf or any other sports out there? no. if MJ, kobe, lavar arrington wanted to play golf instead of football or basketball, they would do it at a young age. and as long as they pursue it whho knows how great these guys could be?

you just cant say MJ sucks at golf or Mj sucks at baseball becuase Mj didnt play golf or played baseball since he was 6. Mj was playing basketball since he was 6.

Ill bet my money on MJ becoming a better golfer than golfers becoming a good basketball player anyday.

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Originally posted by skinsfanforlife

different people for different skills?

dude MJ sucked at baseball because MJ never played bseball. it was a childhood dream and he used his fame to get a chance to play in the minors.

Instead of basketball, what if it was baseball that MJ fell in love with? who knows how good or great MJ couldve been in baseball.

Its about what u like and what you wanna pursue. physically gifted individuals i assume will play basketball or football. does this mean that they suck at driving a nascar , golf or any other sports out there? no. if MJ, kobe, lavar arrington wanted to play golf instead of football or basketball, they would do it at a young age. and as long as they pursue it whho knows how great these guys could be?

you just cant say MJ sucks at golf or Mj sucks at baseball becuase Mj didnt play golf or played baseball since he was 6. Mj was playing basketball since he was 6.

Ill bet my money on MJ becoming a better golfer than golfers becoming a good basketball player anyday.

SFFL do you think that it take more mental aptitude to play basketball or golf?

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Originally posted by codeorama

Great post, Golf DOES require serious mental toughness and physical skill and stamina. It is by far the hardest sport I've played too.

U got asthma?

im so curious to know what type of condition u are in.

this is not even funny anymore.

Your post makes me sick.

seriously, mental , physical and stamina?

ok maybe mental but what sports doesnt require mental toughness?

physical and stamina? what a freakin joke.

look man. ive played golf few times before.. ive played 18 holes in a day just to try it out.

ive never felt tired once, never ran out of breath once, never exerted myself once, ive sweated but thats cause i was in the sun during a humid summer day. and guess what the humid sunny summer weather didnt even afect me what soever.

i dont know how old u are but if u think the way u do, u must be one out of shaped mofo.

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Originally posted by skinsfanforlife

different people for different skills?

dude MJ sucked at baseball because MJ never played bseball. it was a childhood dream and he used his fame to get a chance to play in the minors.

Instead of basketball, what if it was baseball that MJ fell in love with? who knows how good or great MJ couldve been in baseball.

Its about what u like and what you wanna pursue. physically gifted individuals i assume will play basketball or football. does this mean that they suck at driving a nascar , golf or any other sports out there? no. if MJ, kobe, lavar arrington wanted to play golf instead of football or basketball, they would do it at a young age. and as long as they pursue it whho knows how great these guys could be?

you just cant say MJ sucks at golf or Mj sucks at baseball becuase Mj didnt play golf or played baseball since he was 6. Mj was playing basketball since he was 6.

Ill bet my money on MJ becoming a better golfer than golfers becoming a good basketball player anyday.

Basketball has more to do with "god given" talent than any other sport. The "god given" part being how tall you are. I'm sorry, but I think I have more skills than Shawn Bradley, yet because he was over 7' tall he could play in the NBA and where I'm 6'2 I basically have no shot.

I think you also have to consider the financial aspect of golf. There aren't many urban atheletes that play golf very young due to the cost.

I't also not a glamor sport to American youth, so you won't find a lot of Amricans wanting to try out for the golf team. Come on now, in high school, how many kids on the golf team were nailing the captain of the chearleaders? That position was reserved for your more mainstream atheletes.

Now, as atheletes get older, almost all of the great ones turn to golf. I think it's because there's a copmpetitive nature born in great athletes and golf allows them to focus it during their off time. To a great athelete, competition is like a drug and golf is a great outlet. You may not thing it's a sport, but I think Jordan, Lemieux et all would tend to agree with me.

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Originally posted by skinsfanforlife

U got asthma?

im so curious to know what type of condition u are in.

this is not even funny anymore.

Your post makes me sick.

seriously, mental , physical and stamina?

ok maybe mental but what sports doesnt require mental toughness?

physical and stamina? what a freakin joke.

look man. ive played golf few times before.. ive played 18 holes in a day just to try it out.

ive never felt tired once, never ran out of breath once, never exerted myself once, ive sweated but thats cause i was in the sun during a humid summer day. and guess what the humid sunny summer weather didnt even afect me what soever.

i dont know how old u are but if u think the way u do, u must be one out of shaped mofo.

Wow... What's your problem? I don't remember attacking you.

Walking 18 may not be the hardest thing to do, but to walk 18 AND play at a high level is hard. What did you shoot, 135? If you don't know that, then you haven't played the game. Period. Golf is not easy. Golf makes many people look like idiots. I have played baseball at a high level, but golf is harder IMO. The room for error is smaller.

If you don't agree, fine, but going around flaming people shows a lack of respect for other people's opinion.

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Originally posted by codeorama

Wow... What's your problem? I don't remember attacking you.

Walking 18 may not be the hardest thing to do, but to walk 18 AND play at a high level is hard. What did you shoot, 135?

Like I said earlier Code. This is probably one of those guys that makes my Sunday rounds take six hours. :doh: :doh: :doh1:

No etiquette, no respect for the course, and generally no respect for other golfers ( or posters for that matter).

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Originally posted by rdsknbill

Like I said earlier Code. This is probably one of those guys that makes my Sunday rounds take six hours. :doh: :doh: :doh1:

No etiquette, no respect for the course, and generally no respect for other golfers ( or posters for that matter).

LOL... those guys play at your local course too!!!! :laugh:

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Originally posted by skinsfanforlife

look man. ive played golf few times before.. ive played 18 holes in a day just to try it out.

ive never felt tired once, never ran out of breath once, never exerted myself once, ive sweated but thats cause i was in the sun during a humid summer day. and guess what the humid sunny summer weather didnt even afect me what soever.

i dont know how old u are but if u think the way u do, u must be one out of shaped mofo.

looks like you might have gotten to much sun, you can't even speak anymore :laugh:

being in a cart doesn't count, or a par 3 course :D

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Originally posted by codeorama

Wow... What's your problem? I don't remember attacking you.

Walking 18 may not be the hardest thing to do, but to walk 18 AND play at a high level is hard. What did you shoot, 135? If you don't know that, then you haven't played the game. Period. Golf is not easy. Golf makes many people look like idiots. I have played baseball at a high level, but golf is harder IMO. The room for error is smaller.

If you don't agree, fine, but going around flaming people shows a lack of respect for other people's opinion.

I wasnt attacking you but if u thought i was, i apologize.

i shot 138, 160 maybe 200, i dont know and i dont care because it was my first time playing. I do however know that it doesnt take alot to play golf regardless how bad my shots were. of course with more practice it would get better wouldnt it?

you say golf is not easy and makes many people look like idiots.

nothing is easy and if u play any sports for the first time it makes u look like idiots. imagine missing a wide open lay up or not able to dribble period. now thats embarassing. not being able to catch a football when u are wide open makes u look like an idiot.

learning curve buddy learning curve. takes time. doesnt happen overnight.

about baseball, again first time playing , u look like an idiot trying to hit a fastball let alone a curve.

so u see i dont know what your point is.

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Originally posted by skinsfanforlife

i shot 138, 160 maybe 200, i dont know and i dont care because it was my first time playing. I do however know that it doesnt take alot to play golf regardless how bad my shots were. of course with more practice it would get better wouldnt it?

No wonder why you are mad, you stink :cheers:

Try to get your game to about 100 then you can comment.

This proves that it does take a lot to play at high level, it isn't that easy now is it.

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skinsfanforlife... If you were not attacking, then sorry, I misread you post.

I agree with jbooma to the extent that if you are shooting above 100, then it's hard to really comment on how hard or not hard golf is. I played golf in HS and scored an 89 in a tourney once. In general, I shoot around 100 give or take a couple of shots.

That's my point, golf is easy as hell if you aren't keeping score, but if you are, it's one of the toughest sports to master.

And I mean REALLY keeping score. Most people that are playing causually lie about what they shoot big time.

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